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I told my mother about my plan to cut all my hair off soon after the wedding and go natural. This is what she said: "Like an afro" Me: "Yes" Mom: "That's Stupid!"

Well I'd just like to say thanks mom, you never let me down
Girl, family is the worst! I can't be around mine without somebody commenting about my "big hair," as though I asked their opinion! Just because they are related, family members feel the need to give you their unsolicited opinion. WHATEVER!!
Nay, aren't they the worst. That's okay, though because I know I'm going to have some cute natural hair & she can't do anything about that, but simmer quietly
LOL!!! You know what Ms. Kenesha, maybe your mom just feels like since you are growing your hair out, why would you cut it all off? Which makes perfectly good sense. I am transitioning and I have been for 11 months now, but about 3 1/2 years ago, I condemned afros and most natural hairstyles that were not tamed more so if you were a younger person trying to get a job in a world where you are looked at funny or not accepted if you don't conform. Well I still think to this day that my roommates at the time who argued with me on this point think I am a hypocrite when I talk about my going natural now, even though I honestly still don't plan to wear afros as a staple style. But I feel the uh hmm in their eyes when I talk about my hair and I hope that they realize that I always liked natural hair, I just didn't think that other people would understand or somewhat allow it in this "White washed world," but now I understand that natural hair can be accepted in the workplace if you make it that way and with me folks don't have a choice now, but also now that I am done with working my first job and the scruitiny of the first job jitters, I am especially not worried about what my hair looks like to anybody but me and occasionally my boyfriend (ironically my mother had had a fro a few years before, but it didn't bother me and she was retired, my roommates mom had one too and I thought that was fine, because she was an established worker). I detested Jill Scott for her huge fros, but I wasn't as hard on her as I was on these young fro wearing men. But now, as I said before, even though it is not my plan to wear fros on a daily, I don't see anything wrong with them, especially nice shapely ones and I might change my mind if I have a really cute one .

I can see what you mean about natural hair, esp. fros in the workplace, but my mom knows that when I said yes to her like a fro comment that I wasn't going to wear it in a fro all of the time. She's just very much on that "good hair" type thinking and she thinks everyone needs a perm, though I've told her time and time again that no one needs a perm, shoot what did we do before perms came out!

So, I'm taking her comment with a big grain of salt because I know what type of person she is. But in good news my future mother-in-law (whom I love to death
) is 100% behind my decision and told me that every woman should cut off their hair and go natural at least one time in their life (which she has done....she's natural now and mainly wears braids, but sometimes get's a doobie)
Natural hair does not = afro.

I don't know why, but folks still don't understand this. My hair is natural black AA hair, but wouldn't "fro up" unless I purposely styled it that way with a pick and some hair spray.
kasey said:
Natural hair does not = afro.

I don't know why, but folks still don't understand this. My hair is natural black AA hair, but wouldn't "fro up" unless I purposely styled it that way with a pick and some hair spray.

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I agree with this. I have to tease my natural hair to get a fro!

I agree and I know this and my mom is a smart enough woman to know it too, she was just being stupid. My mom had cancer a couple of years ago and her hair came out and she started out with a natural do, but HAD TO relax it even though I thought that it was a ludicrous thing to do with her health and all. So in the last year her hair had started to thin really bad so she had to get her hair cut really short and now has a texturizer and weaved pieces, yet she still thinks being natural is STUPID.
ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
kasey said:
Natural hair does not = afro.

I don't know why, but folks still don't understand this. My hair is natural black AA hair, but wouldn't "fro up" unless I purposely styled it that way with a pick and some hair spray.

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I agree with this. I have to tease my natural hair to get a fro!

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I agree with that natural hair not being fro'd hair whole heartedly, and that is what I wish my roommates understood about my going natural, but it doesn't matter because they will see. I usually followed my comments up with, yeah I won't wear a fro probably, mainly just a curly look (if possible). Now, with my hair being as cottony as it is, I know that a fro would appear if I didn't put something to take the frizz out of it and I wouldn't even have to pick it or blow dry it, it would just fro up. But I don't have a problem with any of it, I think hair can be beautiful natural or permed it's all in what you make it, you make the hair beautiful the hair doesn't stand a chance without you.

I really hate your mom didn't see the beauty in her natural hair, that's very unfortunate.

I glad that your mom's health is better. Maybe if you continue your decision to transition you can set a good example for her.
I am glad that she is better too. Unfortunately, my mom had began growing her fine hair out natural, it was the longest and thickest I had ever seen it, then when she was diagnosed with cancer we felt kind of bad because she might have to go into chemo and loose that hair, but I would have rather she lost her hair than her life, but she did not do chemo anyway and passed in 2001 a few months after she was diagnosed. Her hair was gorgeous, it was not dry and brittle like it normally was when relaxed, the only other hair style she could wear that would not damage her hair was a curl, but that would mess up her sinuses because of all of that wetness. She wore cornrows while in the hospital, but crochet braids for about 2 years before. At her funeral her hair was so beautiful and shiny and the brittle gray hairs that usually sat on top of her head were smooth and silky. I wish she could have seen her hair and responded. I am not sure if they relaxed or pressed (flat-ironed) her hair, but it was gorgeous.

Yes, maybe your hair can be an example to your mom, because my mom's hair was certainly a prime example to me and that is my reason for going natural.
Ignore it and do what you want to do. I wouldn't be surprised if after you did it, she commented on how nice your hair looks.
Thanks everyone for the love and support.

DDHair I am sorry to hear about your mother's passing, but I think it is beautiful that she is your inspiration for transitioning to natural.

My mom's comments just made me even more commited to being natural and showing her how gorgeous natural hair can be. And Pebbles I know that soon after I become natural she'll definitely be complimenting me and asking me what I'm doing the same way she does now because she used to scoff at the things I do to maintain my hair and now always says how pretty it is
ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
kasey said:
Natural hair does not = afro.

I don't know why, but folks still don't understand this. My hair is natural black AA hair, but wouldn't "fro up" unless I purposely styled it that way with a pick and some hair spray.

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I agree with this. I have to tease my natural hair to get a fro!

[/ QUOTE ]

This is very true im 4 a/b and my hair doesnt fro up unless it is picked out purposely and styled that way. And that goes for most of the naturals i know.
Girl, I understand exactly what you mean. My entire family freaked out when I went natural, a year ago and guess what... none of them have gotten over it sense then. If I didn't look in the mirror, I would still know exactly how my hair looks because they remind me of it every waking moment. I've just decided to live with it. I mean I love my hair and girl, I know it looks good. So, that's all that matters. They'll come around one day, but I'm not waiting for them. Keep up the healthy hair, be it natural or relaxed!
pebbles said:
Ignore it and do what you want to do. I wouldn't be surprised if after you did it, she commented on how nice your hair looks.

[/ QUOTE ]
Girl, you know you're gonna look cute when you start sporting your twa.
Hey lady I know it is hard to hear those types of remarks from family members but don't worry cause you goin be fly

When my grandmother first saw my hair after I chopped it all off she looked like she wanted to cry. Now she likes it cause it is longer - although she still asks me to stretch it out (press it) every once in a while
ms_kenesha said:
I told my mother about my plan to cut all my hair off soon after the wedding and go natural. This is what she said: "Like an afro" Me: "Yes" Mom: "That's Stupid!"

Well I'd just like to say thanks mom, you never let me down

[/ QUOTE ]

Ms. K, please forgive me for laughing, but this sounds like something my mother would say.
Everything I do to my hair is "stupid", but she's the one sitting there half bald-headed.

But anyway, don't let that stop you if you know that's what you really want to do. In fact, once you do it, I bet she'd be the first one telling you it looks cute.