Thanking & Liking Button

where's my 25,000 thanks? hmmm? :lol: ah well.

And a "dislike" button? Lawd...I see lots of infighting and bannings in our future.
I don't think we should assume the worst about the dislike option. Who knows, people may not care about it. We're all adults...:look:
WTH!!! So we now have a "dislike this post" option. That is worst than the star ratings that they had a couple of years ago. I don't know how anyone would think that would be a good idea considering that this is LHCF. :lol:
WTH!!! So we now have a "dislike this post" option. That is worst than the star ratings that they had a couple of years ago. I don't know how anyone would think that would be a good idea considering that this is LHCF. :lol:

well, at least with the dislike button, you can SEE who disliked the post whereas with the star rating, that was anon and folks were acting UP because they were anonymous.
I like the dislike this post button; it could be a good thing. Instead of folks giving people dissertations on why their post is asinine simply dislike the post.
Im a bit perturbed about my thanks starting back at 0. I earned them! *sniffs*

I think I like the new Mentioned feature. Very interesting.
I agree with the dislike button getting out of hand. One member following you in every thread and post you make gleefully hitting dislike everytime. "I like ponies!" Dislike. "TGIF!" Dislike.
I like the dislike this post button; it could be a good thing. Instead of folks giving people dissertations on why their post is asinine simply dislike the post.

I was starting to think I was the only person who really likes "dislike" as an option. Sometimes I just want to vehemently disagree without having to respond.

As to the original question, sometimes I thank people and I don't necessarily agree with them. I thank people for responding to a question I've asked, too.
So I am going to assume that the difference between thanking and liking a post is as follows ...

Thank a post if you were thinking the same thing but don't feel like posting it.

Like a post if it something brings a new prospective to a topic

What do you ladies think?
what's the difference?

I assume if a person thanks a post they obviously liked it?

Yes...there seems to be some overlap with this one. I had a dilemma as to whether I should "like" or "thank" your post!

CharlotteYork said:
And a "dislike" button? Lawd...I see lots of infighting and bannings in our future.

As well as more fuel for the popularity contests/complaints. I guess with the dislike feature, at least people are telling you to your face...:perplexed Not very polite, imo. I think I'd prefer "agree" and "disagree."
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Unfortunately, I cannot envision a happy ending for the "Like/Dislike This Post" feature given some of the things I have witnessed during my brief tenure on the site. We, as a society, have yet to learn how to disagree without becoming violently disagreeable.

Qué sera sera...
Talk about starting a popularity contest, lol... :lol:

Get ready for the "dislike" bandit. I'm still not sure who the one star bandit was.

ETA: I guess there won't be a dislike bandit since everyone can see the member's ID. The fan part of the star rating system was anonimous.
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