Thank you, Sareca!


New Member
I just had to send some love to Sareca for her great tips. Initially, I was going for the Cathy Howse method of washing hair 2x a week, with limited heat. I knew her regime included protein and moisturizing conditioners. Well, before I purchased her products, I perused LHCF. Sareca suggested that I "don't sleep on oil rinses." I didn't and each time I washed my hair, I experienced less shedding (I haven't had a relaxer since June, so that's almost 12 weeks post). When Sareca warned me not to sleep on DC with heat, my hair did a complete 180! I no longer stop up the tub with all the shedding hair and I can comb through my hair after my wash and not end up with fists full.

Thank you, Sareca.

BTW, I can't just stop at Sareca. I have gained so much valuable information on this board in regards to my hair care, finances, education, and health. LHCF IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO BELONG!
Yeah, Sareca is good people. She has put me right on quite a few things. Some of my favorites are Silk Amino Acids, Silk Peptide Powder, Oat and Wheat Proteins, and Marine Collagen (thnx HoneyDew, too). Gotta love Sareca and the rest of the LHCF family. Always willing to help a sista out!:yep:
:yep: I am cosigning on the thanks. I did my last deep condition on dry hair 4 days ago and sat under the dryer for 45 minutes and my hair still feels great. That didn't happen when I did a wet hair condition. I also used the 15/15/15 method that Southern Tease mentioned. The combination was wonderful.
Yeah, Sareca is good people. She has put me right on quite a few things. Some of my favorites are Silk Amino Acids, Silk Peptide Powder, Oat and Wheat Proteins, and Marine Collagen (thnx HoneyDew, too). Gotta love Sareca and the rest of the LHCF family. Always willing to help a sista out!:yep:

What does the marine collagen do for you? I know there was a rave on here a while ago about a conditioner that contained marine protein. Is this the same thing?

Also what does the Silk peptide powder do that the SAA doesn't?
:yep: I am cosigning on the thanks. I did my last deep condition on dry hair 4 days ago and sat under the dryer for 45 minutes and my hair still feels great. That didn't happen when I did a wet hair condition. I also used the 15/15/15 method that Southern Tease mentioned. The combination was wonderful.

I'm gonna have to try the x/x/x method. I think I'll do it to night with Silicon Mix. :yep:
Yeah, Sareca is good people. She has put me right on quite a few things. Some of my favorites are Silk Amino Acids, Silk Peptide Powder, Oat and Wheat Proteins, and Marine Collagen (thnx HoneyDew, too). Gotta love Sareca and the rest of the LHCF family. Always willing to help a sista out!:yep:

I wish I could take credit for that stuff, but I'm just the loudest one (or maybe the lastest one) to rave about 'em. :)

SAA I got from Supergirl. :yep: :love2:
*Oh by the way, if you're not putting SAA in your mascara you gotta try it.*
Marine Collagen was all Honeydew ... thanks HD my hair loves you! :yep:
Dry hair conditioning ... that came from here I just can't remember who.
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What does the marine collagen do for you? I know there was a rave on here a while ago about a conditioner that contained marine protein. Is this the same thing?
Marine collagen adds elasticity to the hair. Supergirl started an awesome protein thread. It breaks down which proteins do what. I refer back to it often.
Also what does the Silk peptide powder do that the SAA doesn't?

I can't remember what size molecules the powder has, but the SAA from has small ones. Small enough to penetrate the shaft. The larger ones have a place too. They are useful for coating and protecting the hair. I use them the night before relaxing.
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I just had to send some love to Sareca for her great tips. Initially, I was going for the Cathy Howse method of washing hair 2x a week, with limited heat. I knew her regime included protein and moisturizing conditioners. Well, before I purchased her products, I perused LHCF. Sareca suggested that I "don't sleep on oil rinses." I didn't and each time I washed my hair, I experienced less shedding (I haven't had a relaxer since June, so that's almost 12 weeks post). When Sareca warned me not to sleep on DC with heat, my hair did a complete 180! I no longer stop up the tub with all the shedding hair and I can comb through my hair after my wash and not end up with fists full.

Thank you, Sareca.

BTW, I can't just stop at Sareca. I have gained so much valuable information on this board in regards to my hair care, finances, education, and health. LHCF IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO BELONG!

First of all, congrats on your success!! It's always wonderful to hear success stories. That shedding is something serious and it's always interesting to find new ways to help combat shedding. Thanks for posting!!


Sacera is a sweetheart and loves sharing knowledge:grin:

I know, she's such a wonderful person:yep:. I love her reviews and tips, especially that one about the mascara!! Thanks again Sareca!!

Sacera is a sweetheart and loves sharing knowledge:grin:

ITA! :yep:
Sareca rocks!!!
Yes, Sareca has been instrumental in my hair journey:yep:. There are others too. Boy, I owe a lot of people some pm's for their help.
Sareca's on it right!!!Many big ups for sharing your red palm cream recipe with me!I use it for practically everything!
:yep: I am cosigning on the thanks. I did my last deep condition on dry hair 4 days ago and sat under the dryer for 45 minutes and my hair still feels great. That didn't happen when I did a wet hair condition. I also used the 15/15/15 method that Southern Tease mentioned. The combination was wonderful.

:yep:Same lightbulb moment combination happened to me. I read tips from southern tease's blog on the apply/heat/reapply/heat/reappy/heat combo and read Sareca's tips on doing a dry dc w/heat on dry hair and have been happily impressed with how soft and full my hair is. I didn't know which new step to "blame" it on-LOL.
Yes sareca you are awesome... So helpful and full of hair tips!! Thanks for always sharing your new finds!!!!
I am fairly new to Sareca's tips and advice so the only two which I got was the oil rinse and DC on dry hair and my hair does feel great it is soft my ends are no longer dry and frizzy and I dont have to let my hairdresser cut the ends at least not yet for now. Plus i dont have to get in and out of the bathroom.

Thanks a lot sareca I think you gave me the answer I was looking for to keep my hair moisturized especially since it will get cold soon, therefore less breakage.

I want to share with you and other LHCFers (if you or others dont know, which I doubt) about African Angel Coconut oil, which is working well with your methods. I use it for DC with a conditioner and I use it to seal. The results are awesome I have not felt my hair so soft since I know myself. Especially my roots.
Yes, Sareca has helped to change the hair care game for many of us. She got me wanting to try a few things. Shoot she convinced me to try out the red palm butter. I'm patiently waiting for it to arrive...
yes Sareca gets :Copy of 2cool::lots:

Shes the reason I don't want to retwist my hair lol can't wait to try a oil rinse and Dcing or dry hair.

She's very informative
I also realized something else about oil rinses. I usually have an itchy scalp,one or two days after I wash. I don't know if it's the DCs on dry hair or the oil rinses, but one of them stops the itches. Thanks again, Sareca.

BTW, I can't remember who posted about her "Ashanti sideburns," using Vatika Oil but I want to try that one too.

This bored it it!
:yep:Same lightbulb moment combination happened to me. I read tips from southern tease's blog on the apply/heat/reapply/heat/reappy/heat combo and read Sareca's tips on doing a dry dc w/heat on dry hair and have been happily impressed with how soft and full my hair is. I didn't know which new step to "blame" it on-LOL.

This is a great method that I got from Lisa Akbari's book.
If you haven't tried it... you need to... your hair will
love you for it.
I tried x/x/x and I love it! I take my time and massage it in well (a tip from a couple folks here) and reapply once or twice as it dries. It has become part of my reggie. I learn something new everyday here. That's why I love LHCF! :yay:
Yes, Sareca has helped to change the hair care game for many of us. She got me wanting to try a few things. Shoot she convinced me to try out the red palm butter. I'm patiently waiting for it to arrive...

*I'll be oil rinsing this weekend :grin:*

Mocha, I'll be waiting to hear your feedback on the red palm butter..:yep: