Thank you LHCF!!!!


New Member
I discovered this board about two weeks ago. I have since started pre-pooing and have gone back to DC'ing for 30mins after shampoo. I have learned how to cowash and my hair thanks all of you. Each of you are so positive and inspiring! I love to visit the board and read how you encourage one another to achieve your goals. My hair is APL, but had been very dry and brittle. Now it is soft and managable, in just two weeks!!! I can't wait to see how it grows if I applly the tips and product suggestions posted here. I hope to post pics very soon. I teach and it's very busy at the end of the year. But this summer I plan to jump in full speed.

Girl I feel you, my hair has been in better since this site and I'm relaxed, I have started dcing and I was pre-pooing, but I stopped cuz I dc on dry hair before I shampoo.....I know the growth aid bangwagon has helped me a lot and dusting have too, so now I just have to wait for my waist length hair.........but this is a good site, I was going to leave because of the cattiness and hair drama with natural and relaxed, but I think this is worth the stay....and the money......Happy Hair Growing......