Thank you ladies!!!


New Member
Hey Ladies,
I've been looking around and reading a lot of the posts for the past week and I decided to try some of the tips that read about. I had never did a co wash without shampooing before and I decided to try it out this week. I did two co washes this week and WOW, what a difference it did make in the condition of my hair! I could've never ran a comb, let alone my fingers through my hair after going for almost three months without a perm. And after just one week!!
I also put my hair up in bantu knots last night before I went to bed and tied them up in a satin scarf and this morning I couldn't believe my eyes. My hair was absolutely georgeous!! My husband was asbsolutely elated. He told me that I've definitely found my style.
Even though I still have a long way to go and I still have a few goals to reach with my hair, I am very encouraged just by these small steps! I'm even thinking of starting my own hair album. Thank you so much ladies for all of your wonderful advice and tips on hair and hair products! I plan to definitely be a regular around here from now on!!

Welcome Chocolatai. I'm glad that you've found a style that you like. I am fairly new and I also could not finger comb my hair and I could barely use a comb when my hair was wet. But, once I started co/washing, things changed. I have definitely learned a lot in the few weeks that I've been here.

Once again, welcome aboard. Happy Hair Growing!!!
Thank you Ms. Twana,
I had the exact same problem when it came to detangling my hair wet. I almost dreaded washing my hair because I knew it was going to be such a big hassle and then I had a lot of hair that broke off. But now I feel that I am on the right track. The only thing that I need now is to break down and get a trim. I would like to do it myself instead of going to someone but I'm scared that I might mess it up. Does anyone have any suggestions on trimming split ends at home or maybe a good place to go and get your ends trimmed. Oh, I'm in Houston by the way. Thanks!

I love CO washing my hair, too! :love: HHG!