THANK YOU LADIES OF LHCF! You are all a God send!


I’m sorry this is so long… but please read…

Yes I am a newbie and have been lurking for a few months… but I can’t possibly now join this site and not have my first post be a thank you and shout out to every lady of LHCF. In July of 2007 I decided that it was time to get serious about my hair. I work out 4 times a week and I noticed I take great care of my body and my skin and I was neglecting my hair. So… when I finally decided to start I asked my mom’s advice. Would you like to know the first thing she said to me? She said “Just make sure you grease your scalp regularly” Yep, that is my hair history like so many others. I won’t even tell you what my sister said, but she laughed at me. So…I felt I needed to educate myself and now I know that there isn’t a simple answer, as you all already know. I researched like crazy and read A LOT of information and of course finally came across this site. I never joined because I figured any question I would ask has already been answered and I didn’t think I had a lot of knowledge to impart. But the truth is I have learned SO much from veterans AND from newbies on this site. None of you know me but I feel as though I know all of you and it has been a pleasure sharing the successes and the setbacks of a group of women who have similar experiences, histories and hardships to me. So, I have joined because I have learned how important it is for us all to share our experiences, good or bad because there is always someone out there who can learn from them (like me!)
It is great to join a group of women that uplift, support and nurture each other through this journey and I hope that I can now be a part of the troop. I know I still have a LONG way to go, but I have listed before and after pics below (sorry for the bad lighting in the 1st pic) and I owe a piece of my success (so far) to each person on this site. THANK YOU ALL!!!!
BTW, I showed my sister my 3-month progress pictures and this is the EXACT email she sent back to me (so… THANK YOU again, to you all):

Wow! It looks SOOOOOOO good! I have never, in my entire life, seen your hair down and straight before. It looks amazing!!! And your face is all skinny and your shoulders are sexy. D*MN, girl!!!! I guess I shouldn't have laughed at you for the hair obsession. I'm ready to listen now. Send me a list of all your favourite hair products. I'll be making a trip to Sally's Beauty Supply very soon. If you can make that much of a change in 3 months then I still have time. I can't have you showing me up at the unveiling at Christmas. There is no way you will be the hot sister while I'm the fat frump with bad hair. Tell me your secrets, please. I love you .....................


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Chicibean, I just wanted to welcome you to the forum! I am also a new post-er but have been on the site daily since May because the women here are all very helpful and have helped me with my hair journey tremendously. I am also very, very thankful for the amount of support and helpful articals, and the time everyone has taken here to help our sisters out! My hair was stunted from mistreatment at a salon when I was about fourteen (Im now eighteen) and since then has not grown until I found this forum, so I also want to thank the girls here for all the encouragement! Talk to you soon, Chicibean! Thanks for friendly post! :circle:
Welcome...This made me smile...You did make a lot of progress in just three months. Sisters are great, aren't they?
:wave:WELCOME!! Thanks for sharing your story with us. I can forsee you proving many-a-hater :)lachen:) wrong with your future progress and successes. Keep up the good work and you will surely meet all of your goals. Again, welcome to the family! :yep:
Congrats girl!! Welcome! Your hair looks great and you've made tremendous progress:yep:! Good luck in achieving your goals :)!
AWWW!!That was really cute and your hair is doing really great. I can't wait until i get to the point where i can make my sister a believer also:grin:.Congrats and good luck!
Welcome! that's a great story and that's so cute that your sis wants in...sometime you have to show people..not tell them. Good luck with your hair journey!