THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Hello Ladies!!! I am so glad I found this hair site! I am learning so much about hair and how to take care of it correctly. I finally paid the money to post after almost a year LOL:grin: So now I want to grow my hair out. My hair has been short from birth I believe I have some bad genes, not to mention I am just learning how to treat it like gold!!!! I just wanted to introduce myself and thank all of you for being an inspiration! Black women with LONG HAIR! Who woulda thunk it????? lol lol!
Be Blessed

I love this site , as well. I had seen LHCF many times and never joined, but after a BAD hair incident in May, I joined and my hair is better in just a few months than is was before the bad hair incident.

I relaxed my hair last night and I could not believe how nice my hair has become. You will really benefit , not only the info, but from the support.
Welcome to the board!! You don't have bad genes there is no such thing. I'm sure in time your hair will reach the goals you are setting for yourself.

Happy Growing!! had took me almost a year to actually joined this site you are not the only one...but i know you'll love it here...everyone here is so friendly and the tips and advice are great...Don't it feel good to finally be able to post?...anywayz HHG
Welcome! Welcome!

I love this site. You will find all sorts of valuable info here. These ladies have put me on to a lot of new things and I am glad I stumbled across this site. Don't it feel good to FINALLY be able to aske questions and post in here?
Welcome! Don't say you have bad genes. We have a member here who has taught us here on the board to not speak defeat over our hair. Her username is Don't Speak Defeat!

Once you learn all of the different ways to pamper your hair, you'll see that you can have healthy and long hair.

Your avatar picture is cute!
MeWantLongHair said:
I am so glad I found this hair site! I am learning so much about hair and how to take care of it correctly. I finally paid the money to post after almost a year LOL Black women with LONG HAIR! Who woulda thunk it????? lol lol!
Be Blessed

Hello and Welcome,

I can totally relate b/c I was in your boat not too long ago! I love being fully apart of this community, as I know you will too. Get ready to hang tough! :trampolin

welcome!!! and dont worry, there are plenty of women here who now have long hair after not being able to grow it for the majority of their lives. i found LHCF last summer after a disastrous relaxing experience. my hair was broken off to 1 to 2 inches in some places. it would come out by the handfuls when i washed it. it had become so thin and i had thick hair all my life. trust me, it was horrible. now, one year later i love my hair again!!!! it's grown back stronger and thicker, i hardly have any breakage, and my hair is now a little past shoulder length.
u will love it here..i have been a member for quite some time here and this board has taken me thru short damaged hair to lenghthy relaxed tresses..and now to my short natural doo..there is a multitude of info here..absorb and enjoy!
welcome to all the newbies!;)
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Welcome MeWantLongHair and SweetCaramel1! :wave: I'm always saying LHCF is like a school or a university. There's a LOT of valuable information here and so many ladies to help.
Welcome:grin: This is black women helping black women, something we don't always see in our everyday lives:( I have learned a lot in the short time I've been a member, and you will too!!
Thanks ladies! Wow you all responsed quickly :) I appreciate that, this board is a lot more civilized then the one I came from LOL! Well I am snuggling in and catching up on some older threads. I want to soak up all I can and get my five dollas worth HAHA. God Bless!