Thank You Everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
:newbie:I updated my pics. It's not a dramatic growth or transformation but I'm very proud of every follicle on my head right now because I did it all by myself and with a plan and focus in mind. In the past years, I would waste hundreds of dollars glueing weave after weave on my head because I would see myself as just another "bald-headed chick with damaged hair". Now I embrace the challenge and take pride in what's mine, "a short-haired hottie with potential for healthier and longer hair!!!" :lachen: With a little TLC, knowledge and dedication, I'm no longer afraid of what's been mine all this time.

Back in 2007, I was a lurker on this site, popping in every few months or so; But now, in just three months of joining membership and commiting to the resources and support that LHCF offers, I have learned a wealth of information, and I've even put together a regimen that seems to be working so far. I don't know much about the founders of LHCF or anything...but whoever you are, if you're reading this, you're doing a real good thing with this site. And as for the members, I thank all of you sooooo much for the support, generosity and overall positivity on the subject of haircare and beauty. (And your patience answering my millions of questions) I love it here and I really look forward to even greater progress in the future as I perfect and simplify my regimen and explore even better ways to take care of my hair. Thanks y'all!!!!:grouphug3:Happy Follicles for '09!!!
(I'm getting a sew-in soon, so I'll post another update in another three months!)
Wonderful progress its getting thicker and longer keep up the great work.
Thanks in advance for all the comments and love!!! :) Ooh, D, Looking at your signature reminds me that I should post up all the challenges that I joined too. Jan 1st is right aroudn the corner!
Smiley79;6568621]Now I embrace the challenge and take pride in what's mine, "a short-haired hottie with potential for healthier and longer hair!!!" :lachen: With a little TLC, knowledge and dedication, I'm no longer afraid of what's been mine all this time.

you go girl with your HOT self!!!!! i like the sound of that kind of talk!!!
an uuuuum if i am seeing those dates correctly - 3mths! that looks damn dramatic to me! you thickened and evened your hair out in 3mths and then added an inch or so if not more!!!
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You've made excellent progress!! Congratulations and keep up the good work-it's not always easy but you are proof that being consistent works! :yep:
you go girl with your HOT self!!!!! i like the sound of that kind of talk!!!
an uuuuum if i am seeing those dates correctly - 3mths! that looks damn dramatic to me! you thickened and evened your hair out in 3mths and then added an inch or so if not more!!!
Okayyyy girl!!! Well when you put it that way I feel even betta!!!! Thanks for the luv :lachen:
Sashaa08 I want to accencuate the "not always easy" part. lol. I had a couple of times I wanted to throw in the towel. But you're right consistency is key. It's worth it!
:newbie:I updated my pics. It's not a dramatic growth or transformation but I'm very proud of every follicle on my head right now because I did it all by myself and with a plan and focus in mind. In the past years, I would waste hundreds of dollars glueing weave after weave on my head because I would see myself as just another "bald-headed chick with damaged hair". Now I embrace the challenge and take pride in what's mine, "a short-haired hottie with potential for healthier and longer hair!!!" :lachen: With a little TLC, knowledge and dedication, I'm no longer afraid of what's been mine all this time.

Back in 2007, I was a lurker on this site, popping in every few months or so; But now, in just three months of joining membership and commiting to the resources and support that LHCF offers, I have learned a wealth of information, and I've even put together a regimen that seems to be working so far. I don't know much about the founders of LHCF or anything...but whoever you are, if you're reading this, you're doing a real good thing with this site. And as for the members, I thank all of you sooooo much for the support, generosity and overall positivity on the subject of haircare and beauty. (And your patience answering my millions of questions) I love it here and I really look forward to even greater progress in the future as I perfect and simplify my regimen and explore even better ways to take care of my hair. Thanks y'all!!!!:grouphug3:Happy Follicles for '09!!!
(I'm getting a sew-in soon, so I'll post another update in another three months!)

Great progress!!!
I would say that that's splendid progress! You should be proud of your work! This site is a true godsend for all of us seeking health for our hair, minds and bodies to boot! Grow on girl! :grin: