Thank You DSD!!!!


New Member
I just wanted to say thank you for introducing me to the rolling method for trimming my hair. My hair has been breaking off so bad lately, therefore there are many different layers to the damage, and I was in the bathroom about to just start hacking my hair off, then I remembered seeing this method in your fotki album and I just started doing it. It worked out sooooo well,(no more massive amounts of broken hair on my bathroom floor) and I just wanted to say thanxs!
Could someone describe this method?
Wow! I am so glad that you used it and it worked for you. This will save you from having to trim your length for now.

I am so glad you found a way to trim your damaged hair without chopping it completely off. I am so glad my trimming how to help you when you were in need. That's a wonderful feeling for me.

Thanks, 'cause you have made a sistah's day!!!

Take care