Texturizers for healthier hair?


New Member
At my visit to A Dominican salon today, the stylist asked me if I was going to stop getting a relaxer. I really wish I could do so and maintain my same style. But I live too far away from the salon to transition and rely on blowouts. She suggested I texturize instead. My hair is thin anyway, even though my regular styist says it's not. Relaxers always cause my scalp to get "angry" and I expereince a lot of shedding as a result. I usually don't shed when I'm in the 12th week of stretching out my relaxers. But I do shed (I'm talking from the root) alot. I'm not ready for a big chop at this time, but I would like to take a little bit healthier approach. Would it help anything to get a texturizer or a milder application? Do you think the regular relaxer process thins out the hair? If it will help out my hair, I'll try to convince my stylist to do it. But she is of the frame of mind that realxers are for My hair type and texturizers are for my sis's (type 3). Whatcha think?
I don't know if they are healthier. But Lonnice Brittenum Bonner (the author of "Good Hair"-- ISBN: 0517881519) had every hair tragedy you can imagine and her hair really thrived with a texturizer.
melodee said:
If it will help out my hair, I'll try to convince my stylist to do it. But she is of the frame of mind that realxers are for My hair type and texturizers are for my sis's (type 3). Whatcha think?

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What is your hair type?
Rushgirl, I don't even know. I've been relaxed for as long as I remember my hair. My mom was quick to put something in my hair b/c she isn't good at caring for hair. And she worked alot and didn't have time. My baby sis's hair is corkscrew curlie naturally but bone straight with a texturizer. Mine is very tightly curled in the back and crown, and kinky on the sides/edges. But this is judging from the new growth the spurts out between relaxers. It I transitioned, I might be surprised.

Sassy, I need to check out the book, thanks.
I have no idea what type I am either.. my mom relaxed my hair too.. she wasn't good back then at caring for hair and I'm sure she just thought it would be easier to take care of if it was.. she's more of an uppitty snob.. I know that's bad to say..but I speak the truth..LOL My hair get bone straight with a relaxer.. but from being on this board..I have figured out that i should be using the mild instead of the regular. My hair is kinda kinky on the sides but that is where I've had alot of breakage for years.. till now.. but my hair isn't like that on the rest of my head.. I wish I had a friend who knew about this stuff who could tell me what type I was. From looking at your hair, I assumed that you were like 3 something.. don't you think or no? Those letters after the numbers totally throw me off..lol
I think texturizer is just a mild form of a relaxer. I would do my research on the products' ingredients. From what I understand, you can texturize using a relaxer and not leaving it on for the required period of time. The texturizers are available, but again, I think that they're just a milder form of a relaxer...
I think a mild strength relaxer would be o.k. (it would probably texturize your hair) you could try to apply the relaxer 1/3" away from your scalp. my sis did that to me the last time and it didn´t even tingle. although the roots are a bit bushy now to me it is worth saving my scalp!
LOn, Love your avatar.
Yeah, guys I know that texturizers can be relaxers left on for shorter period of time. But my lil sis gets some different type of product, it isn't the regular stuff my stylist uses on just about everyone else. I really have to have a chat with my stylist, she's good but she assumes she knows what's best for my head.
Thanks, Mel! I wish you much luck with your research. I'd be interested in hearing what you come up with. Also, do you frequent the Dominican salon in Silver Spring?
Rush, those number classifications are amstery to me,always have been. I really don't know, it's hard to base mine off everyone else's b/c everyone has their own interpretation. IE, Caramelhonnee says hers is a 2, but she says her Mom thinks otherwise. It really depends on who is the judge. I just know my sis's is more slippery than mine. My daughter's is even more slippery and waves rather than curls. Mine would make a decent fro, just not a supertight one.
LON, this was my first visit. See my post on the Salon board, My Jaselvis Experience. You'll see I travelled a distance for that blowout.
melodee, I texturize my hair. I use a kiddie perm "just for me" its either mild or regular, i forget. I apply and leave on for 3 minutes and wash out.