texturizer, shedding, and protein treatment


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies Happy New Year :yep:,
So I have recently gotten a texturizer in August and got a touch up two weeks ago and notice later that night my hair was shedding crazy. So I went to the shop 11 days later which was yesterday and told my stylist that my hair was shedding crazy every time I combed it and put my hands in my hair. I mean every time I touched my hair it came out in my hands. I combed my hair only a few times and washed it twice. So when I went to the shop yesterday she gave me a protein treatment and a reconstructor and my hair stopped sheeding instantly. Have you ladies experienced this? Why is it that the protein treatment stopped the shedding instantly? If this has happened to you did you lose a lot of your hair thickness?

Thanks for your responsed in advance,
When I had the texturizer my hair didn't shed, however, when I started relaxing my hair it did. I was previously relaxed and my hair never shed at all - 1-2 hairs at best. Well, I was shedding 8-10 strands every time I combed my hair. It has stopped considerably, but still sheds 2-3 hairs every time I comb. It's a bit of an aggravation. From other threads I've read, shedding is normal, but I freaked out because I had never experienced it before. I too used a protein treatment at home (Aphoghee) and it lessened.

Poddlepizzared, a texturizer releases the curl pattern in your hair, without making it straight. In my photo in my signature, the pic in the middle is of my hair with the texturizer.
Hello Thebraudgroup,
Girl I mean my hair was shedding like crazy more than 10 hairs every sigle time I combed it. When I saved the hair after washing it yesteray and went in the shop my stylist informed me that I did lose a lot of hair when I showed her the hair in the sandwich bag. It was a little glob of hair. I mean when I say I lost a lot of hair everytime I put my hainds in my hair I mean I lost a lot of hair. I plan to do the Aphogee next week. BTW your hair is beautiful really good progress.
I don't know, I would research some of the threads. According to some ladies, 50-100 strands a day is normal. That's why I kinds stopped freaking out. Have you checked each one to see if their is a bulb at the end to be sure your hair isn't breaking? Sounds kinda crazy, but I check every hair in the comb, every time I comb my hair. Not too proud of that, but I just want to be sure it's shedding and not breaking. My hair hasn't thinned or anything, it's still pretty thick. Be careful with using too much protein, be sure you follow up with a moisturizer to balance it out.
thank you for your advice thebraudgroup.

Hello sunshinebeautiful,
Girl it felt like my hair was doing both and it has never done that not even when I got my first texturizer.
No problem girlie! I'd back off the texturizers until you figure out how to stop it. You don't want to make it worse by weakening your hair. Have you thought about washing it more frequently? Maybe co-washing every few days to help make it stronger?
girl I plan to do that. Before this happened two weeks ago my hair was fine. I usually co-wash and thats it. Girl right now my hair is in flat twist.
I have excessive shedding right after my relaxers as well. My hair is usually fine until about a week post then the shedding starts.

My regimen after a relaxer is washing with Queen Helene garlic shampoo followed by the Aphogee 2 minute reconstructer and protective style. I usually wash twice a week until the shedding stops. Then resume my normal regimen.