Texturizer - comb or not


New Member
I was at the salon a few weeks ago and this stylist was putting a "texturizer" in someones hair but she was combing it like a perm....Wouldn't that straighten the hair? I thought that you were supposed to use your hands or?!? Can someone tell me your process b/c I've done a search and I've read ALOT but I can't find the answer. Thanks! :)
This is also confusing b/c it's been said many times that a texturizer was the same as a mild perm yet I read this quote...

"Most people use regular relaxer to texlax their hair. I leave my relaxer on for 13 mins max. If you buy a (real) texturizer and use it with your relaxed hair, you will lose your hair. There are two different chemicals used in a relaxer verses a texturizer. If you want the texturized look just leave your relaxer on for a shorter amount of time."
There is a thread here that describes the difference[search] - I think they've got different chemical compositions but their aim is to do the same thing - relax your curl/kink (by breaking the bonds of the hair and as you smooth straightening them). Probably the reason people say not to mix the texturizers with relaxers is like when you're warned not to put a relaxer over a curly perm (jheri curl) they are 2 different types of chemical and so your hair would probably react badly. HTH

ETA: And yes smoothing a texturizer would straighten your hair, same as when those little rollers are put on a curly perm to reshape the bonds of the hair.
i dunno anything about chemicals or whatever, but i never had my texlaxer (read: a relaxer) combed thru at all.