Texturized <-------------------------------------


New Member
Yes, I did it, I'll admit. I feel like a cheat, a fraud, and a liar
. I went natural, now I'm texturized. My hair looks GREAT
, but at first I cried, perhaps because I feel the decision was not my own. My *uppity* mom kept naggin' about "why don't I do something with that hair?" I had colored my hair, but never wore it out because I wore a cute cap/net weave and kept my hair cornrowed underneath to protect it - it grew and thrived that way, from 2 inches at the BC in February to 4 in April.

She doesn't like weaves, so I started wearing my own 4a/3c edges hair back in a little 'fro with a band, and she was annoyed (I hate being so easily influenced and manipulated at 23
) . So I texturized once (small sections at a time while my hair was in an uncombed curly state, 6 minutes, rinse, neutralize, on to the next) with Textures and Tones Mild mixed with oil and conditioner to dilute it - perhaps I didn't want it to work, because it didn't do much except remove some frizz and define my curls a little. My front hairline had no curl and was frizzy. I had lots of tight spiky ringlets a little bigger than a pen spring. It was very dry and yucky feeling, also kind of dull, no shine - but suprisingly NO BREAKAGE or damage.

I started wearing the band with the spiky ringlets, and again - she was annoyed, but this time, so was I. My hair was looking like a 4b mess (no offense anyone). So I broke out my huge tub of Arosci texturizer that I got for $10 off of eBay and texturized again. This time I just did a front and back section, combed each section out and applied some cholesterol conditioner before texturizing. Did each section at a time, slathered the relaxer on, tried not to pull it and manipulate it too much, basically piled it up on my head for 7 minutes, rinsed, neutralized. While rinsing I was really worried because my hair felt STRAIGHT and my fingers glided through it, I thought I had gone to the point of no return. But after conditioning - my curl came back - and WOW, it was perfect! My frizzy hairline had curl definition, and I had nice loose curls all over, my ends are curly but smooth, so now I can probably rollerset for a straight look. My 3c edges are a little looser than I'd like but there is still definition, except for one tiny tiny piece that has a straight end. The majority of my hair looks like a Curve Salon Silkener, but the 3c edges look like a Jazma Wash N' Wear if this makes any sense. Hair is still suprisingly strong, despite color and lye, though I know I'll have to be gentle with it - I only intend to do this stuff once or twice a year so I should be okay. I just put in a little Salerm 21, and some NTM Serum, my hair is soft, defined, and shiny, feels so much better! Nice to have Wash N' Go hair, esp. since I'm heading back to college this summer. I'm very happy with the result, but there is a part of me that is still wondering what could have been...
dont beat yourself up. you live..you learn. if down the road, you want to return to wearing your hair in its natural state..by all means..DO SO! but whether you decide to stay texturized, relaxed, or go back to being natural...make sure its a decision that YOU made and one that you would be happy with.

Good for you

"I hate being so easily influenced and manipulated at 23" Hopefully this will change as you mature
Besides you can always revisit your natural journey.
Thanks Gabrielle, I see I'm not alone here in GA. I just moved from Stone Mountain to Midtown Atlanta.

As for the pics, I'm working on' em...
I'm glad that you're happy with your hair! I'm currently working to get that wash and go hair my self. Look girl, as long as you are happy that's all that matters. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for texturizing your hair. I was persuaded to go natural when I found hair forums and they spoke badly about relaxed and texurized ladies. I loved my natural hair but it was hard to manage and it took up to much of my time for the look that I wanted out of it. I say if you don't have the time then do something else. For the ladies that have natural hair, more power to ya and I'm really glad that it worked for you. But going natural is not for everyone. You have to find your own path in life and it looks like you found yours. Good for you!
Don't feel bad for texturizing. I was natural for awhile but returned to the chemicals because I couldn't deal with the thickness. You can always go natural again if you decide to do so.

Where did you get your Arosci texturizer?
don't let anyone pressure you into wearing your hair a certain. You do what's right for your hair.When I got my first texturizer years ago, I felt the same way you did. But I think it's because the hairdresser didn't know what the heck she was doing and my hair became straight and I had burns. I'm glad that you like your texturized hair now. Remember, you can always go back to natural and the transitioning period won't be so bad.
I got my Arosci Texturizer from a seller named E Based Bargains on eBay, it was like $25 buy it now, but I bid $9.99 on it and won. I haven't seen her list anymore tubs, but perhaps you should ask, she may have more. The tubs are a bit old, manufactured in 2000, but they are real - I called Revlon/Colomer to verify that's it's a real product, the year manufactured, and if it was okay to use- they said yes. They look and smell very fresh, they are also safety sealed, so it's all good.
Re: Texturized <----------------------------------


You should be proud that you are managing your own hair in a variety of styles with expert product choices and no salon or stylist. You'll save SO MUCH time and money doing it yourself.

I'm not there yet.
SIGH..... I can truly empathize with you on this matter, virtuasis. I too am currently debating the texturizer and I'm kinda' scared.

In 2001 when I decided to stop relaxing my hair, my stylist at the time said she couldn't do my hair if I didn't get touch ups because I just have too much thick hair. As a matter of fact, every stylist that I've visited has suggested some sort of relaxer or texturizer. The only one who hasn't suggested it is the one who can press my hair and have me looking like wonder woman... but I can't allow myself to overdo it on such hard pressing.

I personally love my natural hair, and I get so many compliments on it, but I have to admit it gets to be a bit much at times. My hair is super-absorbent and dryness and frizziness is always an issue now. I've never had a texturizer before but I know for a fact that I do not want to get a full relaxer. When I had one, my hair was lifeless and had no mojo. It was just long and boring. I want to be able continue to rock my long pony tail fro, but I think the dryness and frizziness are becoming bigger issues than before. I may have to take the plunge but I'm afraid I'll regret it.
Hi Browndilocks,

Are there any Natural Hair Salons in your area? I'm sure a stylist versed in natural haircare can give you good advice as far as styles and products.

I agree natural hair can be a bit much, when I get overwhelmed or just lazy I'll put my hair in twists or braids for a week or 2 just to give myself a break. I've done the natural - then texturized route and though my experience wasn't bad, ultimately I just prefer natural hair.

Try some different styling options or products before you take the plunge. In the end texturizing is your decision but it sounds like you have some reservations.

Good luck with your decision!
Thickness was an issue for me too - I have very very very thick hair, and I knew that the longer it gets, the bigger the challenge. The texturized definitely calmed it down, there is less, bulk, but now that takes some getting used to. If you're doing well natural, perhaps you should stay that way. I was having some issues, so I had to pick a middle ground.

And as for the do-it-yourself hair, that's a good point, but now with my texturized hair I'll end up betraying my product line I created (an all purpose leave-in spray and a pomade/hairdress), because now I need salon-quality, mainstream stuff. Back to the lab (read: kitchen)...
virtuasis said:
Thanks Gabrielle, I see I'm not alone here in GA. I just moved from Stone Mountain to Midtown Atlanta.

As for the pics, I'm working on' em...

[/ QUOTE ]

hey ya!!! u headed out to the caribbean and jazz festivals next weekend?
I wish I could make it out somewhere, but now that my rent has practically doubled since my move, I'll probably have to stay in and work.
Don't feel bad...after 2 years I texturized...and I felt so baaad! But I am now transitioning again... for how long I don't know. I basically do what I want with MY hair...after all it is MY decision in the long run.
Whatever makes ME happy...
virtuasis said:
I wish I could make it out somewhere, but now that my rent has practically doubled since my move, I'll probably have to stay in and work.

[/ QUOTE ]
i do understand...but if you arent working the entire time..pm me..i have a couple of friends coming to town to enjoy the festivities..and we are ALL BROKE! so trust me..lol..this isnt a thing to get out and spend $$$ except for friday night..dinner at PF CHANGS
Well don't feel bad, you did what you felt you had to do.

I used to feel the same about my mom (not uppity but Nags a lot) The solution to that is to MOVE. I'm telling you it was great when my mom would start nagging (with concern of course
)and I would be like "Oh look at the time, I gotta get home and feed the fish!(ain't got no fish)"

It's good your hair turned out so well, so like everyones been saying, you can always do it again if you feel

I love you MAMA!
Re: Texturized &lt;-------------------------------------

girl. the way i see it is that hair grows. u can go natural again. relax, texturize, cut, color, it's gonna grow back. You haven't betrayed anyone. It's what makes you happy
sweetcocoa said:
Don't feel bad...after 2 years I texturized...and I felt so baaad! But I am now transitioning again... for how long I don't know. I basically do what I want with MY hair...after all it is MY decision in the long run.
Whatever makes ME happy...

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with sweetcocoa completely. I felt so bad when I texturized my hair after being natural for 2 years. But I know there are options besides relaxed bonestraight hair. If I don't want to stay on that road, I can go natural again. People didn't make me feel bad, I got a lot of compliments on my natural hair, and that in itself makes it sooooooo much easier for me to not even ponder about going natural.

That's the great thing about our hair, the relaxer isn't permanent in that once it's on your hair is destined to be straight. You ALWAYS have newgrowth, and your natural hair is always there under the surface waiting to come out.

I'm glad you like your results, and remember being natural is nothing but a transition or chop away.
Re: Texturized <----------------------------------

Girl, unless you are bald, go rock whatever style you wish. No need to feel bad about anything, this is YOUR hair! Enjoy it and take care of it! Have fun at college!