Texturized ladies.....your experiences thus far

I'm considering growing out my relaxer and getting a texturizer. Can you post any pros and cons of doing so. If you have an album, can you please post that also. Thanks so much!

P.S. Can you please include your experience transitioning if you can.
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Also for those that have texturizers did you start from natural or did you transition from relaxer?
Hi Mermaid,

I'm texturized for about 2 years. I transition to natural from relaxed and then texturized.
The cons are:
1. I have so many different textures on my head because of switching stylists and then turning to myself that my hair often looks quite strange. However many people on the board have avoided this by being extra careful.
2. My texturized hair is much weaker and prone to breakage than my natural hair.
The pros are:
1. Length is much more easily shown.
2. It's much easier to detangle.
3. I don't have to worry about styling like I did when I was relaxed (no more curlers for me).
4. It is stronger than relaxed hair.
5. Easier to blend with new growth than relaxed hair.

I had relaxed hair before I texturized my hair but my relaxed hair was badly damaged so I had to do the BC to get rid of all the relaxed hair which was most of my hair:eek: . Here are my pros and cons:


My hair is much healthier. I have less breakage and my hair is much thicker.
My hair grows faster.
The appearance of your new growth looks much better than when I had relaxed hair.
I can wear my hair both straight and curly.
I don't have to rollerset and use a curling iron.
I can just wash and go.


It's less manageable because it has got so thick.
You need more moisture because your hair is curly and your hair tends to get dry because the oil or moisturizer is harder to distirbute evenly to the ends.
It's harder to see the length of your hair because it is curly.

I can't think of anything else right now. So far I prefer and I love my texturized hair than my relaxed hair.