Texturized Ladies, HELP!


I have short, texturized hair. Since my b/c and texturizing experiment, my hair has grown quickly from a TWA to a meduim fro. It is thick and wavy and still too short for a tiny pony. It used to lie flat and cute on my head, but now it is growing out of control. :eek: I don't know how to style it, nor can i braid it...too short.... what can I do to it? Can anyone tell me what style to try . I'm going nuts! I very lighty texturized it. My hair is not curlly, more wavy in texture. I hope the ravings of my lunacy can be answered. Thank u in advance!
I'm sorry for the shout of alarm. The problem was actually solved. When I applied my texturizer, I actually didn't let it process enough My friend suggested that I use Soft&Botanicals and am I glad I did! My hair now is really texturized. It is beautifully a curly wavy mix. I now truly have a wash and go style! :eek: My hair is a 4ab mix, but w/ this texturizer I say it is now 3cish mix! I am able to style it easily. all I have to do is spritz some water and style aid in my hair and go! :D I was so afraid of overprocessing my hair, that I underprocessed it. My next text will be in 2 or 3 months if I can wait that long!