Texturized Hair Dilemmas - Need some help...


New Member
I recently realized that my texturized hair may be a little underprocessed (see the "pluses, minuses" folder in my album) - I've only posted pics of my hair wet - but when dry - the shrinkage is a bit much - small, tight little curls - and forget about straightening...

I just attempted a corrective with Arosci Mild mixed with conditioner - I'm not sure if it did anything or not since it was diluted so much. I did it in sections, trying to be careful not to further process a section in the top/front that I felt is overprocessed - straight (due to my last touchup), but curly on the ends. It is SOOOOOOOOO hard to see what my hair is doing when processing - when I rinse - it feels smooth and straight /images/graemlins/shocked.gif, even after neutralizing, it still feels this way - the curls start to bounce back after conditioning - so I always worry until after it is done.

It looks like it loosened up some, but the hair in the back/nape still coils up too much (which is odd, because that's my 3c section)... I need looser, more versatile curls (with smoother ends) but I am worried I am going to end up with a frizzy mess or more straight pieces if I keep it up (like that horrible Jazma Wash N Wear Texturizer), since relaxing goes from curly, to frizzy, to straight. Perhaps I should just leave it alone and wait until I get about 4 more inches to see what it looks like (???) - I dunno.

Those of you that are texturized, what do you think? What does your hair look and feel like wet? Is it flat and straight looking while wet? What does it look like when you let it dry without gel or curl defining products? What does it feel like? I guess I just need a basis for comparison.

Just curious.
Hey, chica--I just checked out your album. I really like the braid-out afro! /images/graemlins/up.gif

Anyway, my hair when soaking wet is almost straight--you can see small waves, though and it is pretty smooth. It starts to curl up within 10 minutes of letting it sit. If I let my hair airdry with no products--it's just bushy looking--I need products to make my curls clump together.

By looking at your hair, I think your problem may be that you're underprocessed. My hair is 4a/3c as well, and I texturize with a regular strength relaxer....I got better results as the regular strength elongated the curl more, where the mild softened the curl a bit, but didn't make the curls looser...
That's what I thought. I'm just trying to be careful since I hear that color has a tendency to soften/straighten a bit - and I know there is some truth to that because the first time, I colored it loosened my curls on my natural hair.

I'm thinking I'll go looser, do gradual corrections as my hair grows longer - it's just annoying right now, because I have a decent amount of length and it doesn't show - the back of my hair is past the bottom of my neck, but after it curls up, it is at the hairline. I'm trying to put some correction pics in my album now.
I can tell the first correction helped - my hair is soft now, not hard and dry feeling - which I hear is indicative of underprocessed texturizers. I put some curl activator, coconut oil, and NTM leave-in before drying - I can't stop touching my hair. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Good for you!

I know that it's scary because you don't want to OVERprocess...but underprocessed can be just as bad...did you post the pics?
Okay - pics are up. I think I see the problem - my last texturizer touchup got half of my hair from the root to the middle of the strand to a nice texture - but the ends are too curly. I don't like to wear my hair this curly and most people I know keep mistaking this for a jheri curl. Hair is still shrinking horribly and I have no styling versatility.
Hey V, /images/graemlins/wave.gif

I love your photo album. It's so much fun. I feel like I'm on the journey w/you /images/graemlins/wink.gif. Plus you hair looks just like mine did!!!

Those of you that are texturized, what do you think? Speaking from my share of challenges w/texturized hair, I'd say it's better to have fully functional tresses. I think it's less stressful on the hair. When my hair was more underprocessed than it is today, I still had to do braid-outs, twist-outs, etc. which means manipulation of wet hair /images/graemlins/down.gif and less frequent hydration b/c of reversion. I have a underprocessed section now that I hate b/c it feels 100x drier than the rest of my soft obedient more relaxed hair. I'd relax it more and do a time trial to see the exact time that you release the kink and see the curl.

What does your hair look and feel like wet? My hair still has a wavy pattern when wet, but it's silkier of course, it looses its bulk.

Is it flat and straight looking while wet? It's wavy, some looser, some tighter. Flat for the most part, except my underprocessed section which acts very natural (shrinks immediately).

What does it look like when you let it dry without gel or curl defining products? It's a bit bigger, not flat or straight. The curls/waves are more defined. I don't use much in terms of products, conditioner, Lacio Lacio, castor-avocado oil mix. That's it. I've never skipped it. I suspect it would be the same as anyother time since none are curl enhancers. I add more conditioner later to increase clumping, but even it isn't a dramatic change. I use World o'Curls or Stay-Sof-Fro sometimes, but again, no dramatic change, my hair dries softer and feels lightly coated.

What does it feel like? My hair is well hydrated so it feels soft. It's never dried hard. The ends may feel a little drier than the rest, but never alarmingly so.
I think your corrective work looks good! I think you just need to figure out the right products and you should be able to wear it wash-n-wear...

Oh my--I love that wig....Okay, that's it...I'm going to have to invest.... /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Thanks - try eBay for the wig - the online stores are charging too much. I think the last I checked it was $89.

As for products, I like the curl activator gel - except today - it has been pulling all the moisture from the air into my hair. I tried Curly Pudding, hated it - it makes your hair look nice, but it feels horrible - like gel mixed with powdery dirt.
Make sure in your mixture of products that you use on your hair that you use one that has some sort of moisturizing affect. I've used curl activator gel and other stuff and most of the time they may give me the hold but they are drying to the hair... I always use a dab of Elasta QP Mango Butter along with anything else that I use in my hair...it counteracts that drying effect....
Thanks Sengschick for answering my questions /images/graemlins/smile.gif

My hair hated the Elasta QP Mango Butter - but I may have had a bad batch. I use Blue Magic (or African Gold - same company, product) Curl Activator Gel - it's not drying at all, and mixed with coconut oil - it's even better. My hair was at its worst though with the Curly Pudding - ugh - and the Buttercreme didn't help. /images/graemlins/nono.gif
virtuasis--Nothing to add for your woes. But your hair is simply gorgeous, the color is very flattering too.
Hey, chica--I just checked out your album. I really like the braid-out afro! /images/graemlins/up.gif

Anyway, my hair when soaking wet is almost straight--you can see small waves, though and it is pretty smooth. It starts to curl up within 10 minutes of letting it sit. If I let my hair airdry with no products--it's just bushy looking--I need products to make my curls clump together.

By looking at your hair, I think your problem may be that you're underprocessed. My hair is 4a/3c as well, and I texturize with a regular strength relaxer....I got better results as the regular strength elongated the curl more, where the mild softened the curl a bit, but didn't make the curls looser...

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Wooo! This makes me feel better. When wet my hair is straight with the exception of my waves....now that my relazed ends are almost all gone...I don;t have much to compare it to.