Texturized girls - breakage


New Member
Hi ladies,

I texturized my hair about 5 months ago. When I first did it, I was able to comb through my hair while wet with conditioner with no problem. AFter a couple of weeks I started noticing breakage.
I did a corrective texturizer plus tough up two months later. I achieved the texture I want but detangling is worst now. Seems like I thought the loosening of the curl would eliminate breakage but now I have the worst tangling and breaking and shedding.
Texturizers, do you comb thru wet or dry ( when I go thru it dry, it is less damaging) and what detangling products do you use? I use Infusium and Afro sheen, but it seems not to work. I don't want to go bald I just want a head of pretty texturized hair like "model chick" and "coffyisis"!!

My tangling is not nearly as bad as it was when I was natural but it's still bad. I found that switching from a no-lye relaxer to a lye relaxer really decreased the tangling. Unfortunately I still have a lot of no-lye hair on my head. I only comb through my hair when dry. When I was natural I only combed through when my hair was soaked with conditioner but I learned the hard way (mega-breakage) that this no longer works.
I don't have a texturizer, but I am unevenly relaxed and one thing I have learned is to NEVER comb my hair wet. I would have very little hair left on my head if i did. Everyone's hair is different tho, but since it seems to be a problem for you also, I would wait until the hair is dry then gently comb thru... much less breakage and the hair doent stretch out.
I have pretty much no tangling at all - but I only comb my hair once and that's during the beginning of rinsing my conditioner/rinse and it's with a big ol' jilbere shower comb. I can only comb my hair when it's wet or damp - combing while it's dry is what leads to my problems. I did experiment with oil/grease this weekend, with some promising results for that.
I don't comb my hair wet AT ALL, unless I'm roller setting and then I'm like a surgeon the way I go through it. I usually detangle my hair in the shower--the running water takes care of that, and then when out of the shower, I add my products and let air dry...
Thanks alot ladies,
I thought I was the only one who avoids combing wet hair. I guess I am going to have to experiment with alot of products.
Yes the breakage is MUCH less than when I was natural. I guess I was expecting the comb to glide through my ringlets with no resistance. But my hair gets wrapped up and snaps!!! I hate that!
I think I m going to get braids for 3 months and give this a rest. It sure was great washing my hair every day!
Hi, I was wondering if you separate your hair when you wash it, I found that really helps me with tangling and also co-washes really help. only detangle your hair with lots of conditioner in it and GENTLY detangle with your fingers, I hope this helps.
Try sectioning your hair, then washing it that way. Or you can loosely braid it then wash it. Use a wide toothed comb and lots of conditioner and gently comb under a stream of running water. My k-cutter comb helped a lot too. These tools meant the difference between 45 minutes of detangling to 5-6 min.
When u detangle comb the tip first then slowly make yr way down to the roots of yr hair. I never comb dry hair, but I guess it's diffrent strokes for diff. folks....
I am experiencing the SAME EXACT problem. I am sooo scared to comb my hair. I even decided to press my hair to lessen the need to comb. Even when I did conditioner washes my hair still seemed to tangle. I texturized my hair back in Sept and it was wonderful. It's been only like a month and a half since I've noticed the snapping and tangling. I don't know what to do either! I've just about tried everything.
I never comb my hair dry!

I always do it right after I've conditoned and added my leave in, moisturizer, oil and gel. I do it very carefully with a wide toothed comb, and I don't experience too much hairloss if I do it very carefully. Otherwise, I fingercomb.
Hey Jerseyjill,

I didn't know they were so many texturized gals in the house:eek:.Anyway for me, I don't have much problem with detangling or shedding because my hair is very short (boy cut) :grin:. But I guess all of that will change when my hair gets long. For now, all I do is shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo, then co wash with VO5 kiwi and lime or Suave milk and honey, then use a moisturizing/protein conditioner or deep conditioner. I also do a protein treatment (Emergencee) once a month. After I apply my conditioner, I comb through with a wide teeth comb then rinse. I normally just apply my leave in conditioner, moisturizer, activator and oils (olive oil) after rinsing and just leave my hair alone and let it airdry. Sometimes I comb through my hair one more time after I apply all of my hair products and then that's it until I wash my hair again:) or if I am Surging I bother my hair again. When my hair was relaxed I used to dread combing my hair wet. It would feel so fragile and break off while I am combing my hair. I would have to dry my hair , moisturize it and then part it in small sections and then comb through. But now I am so glad to have texturized hair because my hair is so much more thicker and healthier. I love it.

I hope this helps.
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