text. hair more tangly than natural hair


why why why did i texturize. my ends look like shreaded wheat. splits ant the end in the middle up the side 2inches up. my edges and kitchen have breakage and to top it off this ish is a tangly mess even with conditioner. all i have to say is if relaxing works relax if texturizing works text. but my hair cant take it I just have to learn how to work the natural. all natural not even some dye. my kinks are just to delicate.

end of rant. start yours below
I'm sorry you are going through so much drama with the chemicals. I guess not everything is for everybody. Just learn to embrace with your natural texture and you'll be happier in the long run. Also If you are interested in non-chemical coloring you should try henna, www.Mehandi.com has some of the best henna around.
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Awww...:-( I'm sorry you are going through all of this with your hair. At least now you've been through it all and you know what works and what doesn't to a certain extent.

Sooooo....come back to the other side! :)
msportugal said:
why why why did i texturize. my ends look like shreaded wheat. splits ant the end in the middle up the side 2inches up. my edges and kitchen have breakage and to top it off this ish is a tangly mess even with conditioner. all i have to say is if relaxing works relax if texturizing works text. but my hair cant take it I just have to learn how to work the natural. all natural not even some dye. my kinks are just to delicate.

end of rant. start yours below

I can relate! I texturized my hair after being natural for 18 months. I regretted it almost immediately. But oh well. What's done is done. I'm going to grow this stuff out and start over. I have a couple of inches of NG now. I'll cut the texturized part once I gain a few more inches.
i toooold you so;)

j/k i texted in december and i still cant believe how horrible it turned out. i had to cut that damaged mess off my head. the ends were different textures. Some were type straight, others were 2a, and the rest was 3a. All i wanted was some 3c action. im still tryna recover. Have you done a protein treatment yet? That helped a little bit, but what worked best was some good old fashioned scissors and mtg to speed up growth
I'm sorry you're going through this. :( I can sort of relate. Eventhough, my hair was relaxed, it is much harder to detangle the relaxed ends, than my natural hair. So far my natural hair is pretty easy to detangle, but my relaxed ends take a little more work.

Actually, my hair stopped "taking" the relaxer (Affirm-Mild Lye), so the results were more texturized, therefore, I stopped relaxing.
Sorry you're dealing with that, but I welcome you back to the natural side with wide open arms. I say learn to LOVE and work With your natural hair texture more and it will do the same in return for you. Good luck!
I can sympathize with you. I tex'd my 2 inches of new growth and 1 side of my hair was wavy and the other side was permed. And I mean bone strait! So I just went bald and started from scratch. Yeah...texing just aint for everybody.
You live and you learn. It will grow back and the next time you get the itch to texturize you will have this experience to fall back on. :)
I went through my "i want to texturize" phase recently but I had some of the women in this forum share with me their bad experiences with texturizing and how you need the worlds best stylist for that process. I quickly snapped to my senses after washing my hair later that week. Just stay natural and there are a world of great products out there that can almost every problem in the book- and if you cant fix just throw some braids in until you can find the solution!
lwill38 said:
i toooold you so;)

j/k i texted in december and i still cant believe how horrible it turned out. i had to cut that damaged mess off my head. the ends were different textures. Some were type straight, others were 2a, and the rest was 3a. All i wanted was some 3c action. im still tryna recover. Have you done a protein treatment yet? That helped a little bit, but what worked best was some good old fashioned scissors and mtg to speed up growth

hee hee yall told me so! i've done some protien but some one mentioned tigi ego boost and i have been wondering about porisity control and i copied that post so for now i am flat twisted into a mini bun and will be spraying activator and surge daily if i can get some coconut oil i will be doing the homemade mtg thing i havent been doing my vitamins so my newgrowth is off of the timeline but i'm trying to get back on schedule i promise i get so crazy and do random impulsive things. i just may need to stay in individual braids til the end of the year!!!
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Im sorry. My hair is goig thru the same thing. My last relaxer was more of a texturizer and Im glad I got it colored or else Id never be able to tell the difference between the relaxed and the natural. But all is well. It will grow out and you can look back on this as a learnign experience. Wlecome back to the nappy side :D Oh and feel free to join the Crown and Glory challenege if you do decide to braid it up :)
I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems but I feel you Ms. P!! What really gets me is how I don't have any problems detangling my natural hair, however, my relaxed ends tangled like crazy! :confused: You would think that because my ends were straight I should be able to get a comb through right?!? WRONG! My ends tangled, snapped, you name it. A texturizer is a relaxer so there's no getting around that breakage! I hope your hair snaps back in the meantime. Happy hair growing :antlers: .

Hey.Ms. P....it's all good girl...
You were the one who distracted me from texturizing last year....so ...just get back to that natural thang...
girl i am i should have taken my own advice but now i am and will stick to being natural no more selfdestructive impulsive decisions