Texlaxers who went from natural to texlaxed


Hi Ladies!! So after a long battle and decision with my natural hair I have decided at this point in my life I trully need the ease of texlaxing my hair.

I know it won't be 100% easier but even if it loosens my texture a little that will have to do. Ok my question is I'm about a 4a/4b in texture and I was wondering did any of you self texlaxers comb or stretch your hair out(or blow dry etc..) prior to your texlax or did you just texlax on clean hair with no product? If you did it either way what was your experience and would you do it differently.

So for my method I plan on using Mizani butter blend in fine/color treated and adding saa, Derm org argan oil and a little Lekair Cholest. I also plan on doing a little finger smoothing and cutting the time down. I will do a strand test first and modify accordingly.

One more question Should I do a light protein treatment before hand or can I skip that since its virgin hair??:spinning: I kno
I'll chime in...hopefully other texlaxers will as well.

If you're texlaxing virgin hair, make sure and use a Lye relaxer. I use Mizani as well for sensitive scalp (no mix) LYE relaxer.

Next, base your scalp the day before.

I think you'll be fine to texlax virgin natural unstretched hair. As long as you can part through it. MAKE SURE your texlaxing time is 5-7 minutes. Otherwise you will get relaxer results.


If you really want to keep some of your curl pattern. Do a strand test first. This is the only head of hair you have, so test out the relaxer first.

I do a mid rinse protein reconstructor, after rinsing with water and before neutralizing.

Deep condition after you process your hair with a conditioner specifically for chemically treated hair - with heat for the best results.

I hope this helps!
Thanks so much lana for your response lol...

I'm thinking about basing my scalp in coconut oil or vaseline and for my my mid-protein I was thinking Roux Mendex... For my deep conditioner I'm debating between KeraCare Humecto and Silicon Mix.... Still doing research on each product.... Any Sugg??
I went from Natural virgin hair to texlaxed about a month ago and things have been going pretty well.

My natural hair was 3c/4a/4b and I had it pressed and trimmed about 6 days before the relaxer process. I would do it differently if I had the chance because after 6 days my scalp was itching like crazy (it's use to shampoo every 3-4 days) but I couldn't scratch for fear of irritating my scalp before the relaxer). I'd probably shampoo 3-4 beforehand, not 6.

As for the protein ahead of time, I did a treatment that same day I shampooed so 6 days ahead. Also, the reconstructor/protein treatment I used after was very helpful. The phyto comes with this "Milky restructurer" that was good with stopping any breakage from occuring after relaxing. I actually used that about 3 times during the week following the process.

HTH a lil bit. Good luck! I'm sure you'll love it :)
I did that in April. My stylist did it with Mizani Butter Blends Sensistive Scalp. The result was a texlax simply because he ran out of time. I went to him with week old straightened hair so it would take less time to part through.

It takes a lot of time to work through my hair and he quickly realized that I was not going to be bone straight and he wasn't going to overprocess me. It's cook because a blowdry straightens me out just fine and I get to keep the volume.

He didn't do any protein treatment or whatnot until AFTER relaxer was rinsed out. My hair was a week old with the styling products from that week before on it. I don't think oil sheen is going to stop a relaxer. :giggle:

I seriously suggest you let someone else do your texlax for more consistency.
I texlaxed from virgin in April. I used ORS and olive oil on clean hair that was dried stretched. I didn't really have a method other than putting my hair in four sections and working the mixture in until my texture loosened to my satisfaction. I DC'd with a moisture/protein mix (AOHSR and Joico K-Pac) and then that's it. So far so good so I'm gonna stick with it.

ETA: I was a 4b/c, this is right after I tex laxed

Thanks for the advice ladies. I think I will let my Mother do it but just watch her close with the evil eye :look: because she loves bone straight hair....
I texlaxed from virgin in April. I used ORS and olive oil on clean hair that was dried stretched. I didn't really have a method other than putting my hair in four sections and working the mixture in until my texture loosened to my satisfaction. I DC'd with a moisture/protein mix (AOHSR and Joico K-Pac) and then that's it. So far so good so I'm gonna stick with it.

ETA: I was a 4b/c, this is right after I tex laxed


Looks nice! Is your hair dry in this picture?