Texlaxers, what do you use when rollersetting?


Well-Known Member
Hello All,
I have a texturizer and plan to give myself a rollerset this weekend and would like to know what you use to roller set your hair. I tried it last week by just using the Keracare foam wrap and my hair looked dry. I recently purcased some aloe vera juice and glycerin. I also have some serum. Please give me some advice on what to use so that my rollerset come out shiny, bouncy, and soft.

Thank you for your time in advance,
Hello All,
I have a texturizer and plan to give myself a rollerset this weekend and would like to know what you use to roller set your hair. I tried it last week by just using the Keracare foam wrap and my hair looked dry. I recently purcased some aloe vera juice and glycerin. I also have some serum. Please give me some advice on what to use so that my rollerset come out shiny, bouncy, and soft.

Thank you for your time in advance,

On clean, damp hair, I apply a nickle-sized amount of Giovanni Direct Leave-in throughout my hair and seal with a few drops of Proclaim (Sally's brand) serum. Then I rollerset while spraying each section with plain water. I never use any setting lotions or wrap foams; they make my hair feel hard and dry. Using minimal products on my hair, my rollersets always turn out like you described....shiny, bouncy, and soft!
Do you roll all of your rollers under (ear to ear) or long ways (top to bottom)? Also about how many rollers do you use? I dont want to use too many.
Hello Prosperr4,
I had a looksie at your fotki and saw how you do your rollersets. I plan to try this weekend. I hope my hair turns out like yours :yep:.
Thank you soooooooooo very much. your rollerset came out pretty in the picture.

You're welcome..and thank you for the nice compliment!

Do you roll all of your rollers under (ear to ear) or long ways (top to bottom)? Also about how many rollers do you use? I dont want to use too many.

I roll differently depending on the style I'm shooting for:
To straighten, I roll under using about 14 gray (2") rollers and 3 purple or black snap-on (1-3/4") sizes around front hairline. If I'm doing a spiral set (like in siggy), I roll long ways, use about 22, 1" rollers and 13, 3/4" rollers around front hairline and crown.

Hello Prosperr4,
I had a looksie at your fotki and saw how you do your rollersets. I plan to try this weekend. I hope my hair turns out like yours :yep:.

I'm sure your hair will be beautiful...thanks again.
Used just water left my hair a bit dry, so next time when hair was soaking wet applied Giovanni leave-in and a bit of lacio lacio then rolled using the ponytail method, it was much better:yep: (I re-wet with a spray of water + SAA)