Texlaxers and texturizer(ers) come in!


Well-Known Member
Ok so my mom has decided that she doesn't want perms anymore but she doesnt want to go natural. I mentioned the option of texlaxing or doing a texturizer because she suggested a wave nouvea :spinning: ..... yall i can't let my mama go out like that...

Well she said she liked the sound of that option. She hasn't had a perm for sometime now so she's growing her hair out. Anyway, i need like AS MUCH information about it as possible. Application time, the difference between texlaxing and texturizing, which is less harsh on the hair, regimens for both, and anything else you ladies can thank of! This is so appreciated
I'm a texlaxer. My application time is the same that's on the tub, but I use Mizani for fine color treated hair (of which my hair is neither). I texlax every 5-6 months and I always coat my ends in shea butter, then vaseline or grease before starting (some use conditioner).

As a regular regimen, I wash every 3 weeks, DC overnight, air dry, flat iron at 390 degrees with one pass over length and 2-3 passes over NG (only when I'm at about 10 weeks post do I do the 2-3 passes). I use Shea Moisture shea butter DC as a "heat protectant." Serums don't help keep my hair straight anymore since I started relaxing every 4-6 months instead of every 10 weeks. I use sulfate free shampoo, and DC with Redken Butter Treat. I use Smooth N Shine Silk Fusion as a leave in on my wet hair (it's really a blow drying product, but it leaves my hair sooooo soft after airdrying). I'm trying out giving my hair a break from the straightening every other wash (so trying to straighten every 5-6 weeks instead)

Since I started this regimen last year, I have finally started retaining length for the first time in years on LHCF and passed APL for the first time.

I can't think of anything else! HTH :)