Texlaxed contemplating going from Affirm Mild to Silk Elements Mild...Opinions please


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I haven't been on here for a while now. My hair is still doing well and growing under my weave.

Anyway I'm near 4 months post and planning to relax in a day or so. I've contemplating for a while switching from Affirm mild to SE mild. I should first mention that I'm texlaxed about 70%. Anyway the reason I'm considering the switch (I still love affirm) is because #1 affirm is expensive. I also want a silkier texlax and from what I've been reading it seems like SE might provide me with that at a pretty nice price point.

Anyway I need opinions. I don't want my hair bone straight at all, I just want to have a less coarse texlax. I want my hair to maintain some of it's natural curl and body but not so much of the coarseness.

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or opinions on SE. If any of you are texlaxed I would definitely love to hear your opinions as well.

Thanks Ladies!
Hi Rabia :wave:

I gave you similar suggestions in the texlax support thread.

I would say the benfits of using Silk Elements is
  • Affordable
  • Accessable - You don't have to order online
  • No perm smell - Does not have a strong chemical smell:)
  • allows me to have consistency (I don't like to change relaxers back and forth)
some Drawbacks are

  • It is a lye perm so I experienced scalp burns the last time around. I think this was because I didn't base my scalp enough and I may have still had trace ammounts of Boundless tresses on my scalp.
  • Some complain that it reverts, I could almost agree but I like that it keeps texture in my hair so this is a drawback that I don't mind.
I think that is pretty much all that I can say about this relaxer. I have been using it for about a year now. I can't say that it makes my hair silky, but it serves its purpose. I relax for 12-15 minutes, I also mix olive oil into my relaxer. In the past I used regular strength, I may switch to mild or bring my time down to 10-12 minutes. I think the softness and silkiness of my hair comes from the products that I use for the 3-4 month period between relaxers. Right now Aveda Damage Remedy is one of the best products that I have found to keep my hair soft & silky.

I have never used Affirm, so I can't really compare the two.

Good Luck with your decision!!:D
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Thanks for responding trimbride!

The 2 drawback you listed are pretty much ok with me. I use Affirm lye, and I base really really well to ensure that I don't burn. In terms of reverting, I guess it will really depend on how much it reverts.

So you were using the regular to texlax...and you didn't overprocess??

I think I'm going to try it. I'm going to relax on thursday or friday I think.