Texlaxed again!!!


Well-Known Member
Y'all...... I have inadvertently texlaxed again and I am a little irritated. I relaxed with ORS lye mild and I still have soft ng ripples! This is my second time using a lye relaxer, both mild. I know my hair is not thick enough for super. I don't understand what the problem is?:perplexed
It is my personal belief that lye relaxers are not always good for the ladies who want bone strait hair. Each lye relaxer I've tried never got my hair strait, no matter how much I smoothed or, in my desperate state, combed my hair to get it strait.:blush: Can you deal with the texlaxed texture you have? Your hair may be more healthy the way you have it.
It is my personal belief that lye relaxers are not always good for the ladies who want bone strait hair. Each lye relaxer I've tried never got my hair strait, no matter how much I smoothed or, in my desperate state, combed my hair to get it strait.:blush: Can you deal with the texlaxed texture you have? Your hair may be more healthy the way you have it.

I think it's a matter of hair type and possibly porosity, density, etc. I use lye relaxers and my hair always relaxes bone straight. However, my hair is fine. It also may be the type of relaxer being used. Even though my hair is fine, Mizani BB Mild only texlaxed me. I had to upgrade to the regular strength and now I'm good.

OP - maybe you need to try a different brand of relaxer or shift from mild to regular.
Yeah, my natural hair is super thick and maybe that's why my hair laughs at lye relaxers. Sorry I couldn't be more help.:ohwell:
You can still use lye, and get straight hair by changing the relaxers. Maybe silk elements, or ORS olive oil. You should move from mild to regular and see if that works. Whether you want straight or not, try not to make it bone straight because once you do, there's no turning back.
I've tried SE and ORS Lye and both telaxed me. I know this is better for my hair but.. wont I have some issues with reversion?
Maybe try a different brand or move up to regular. I never mix any oils or anything into my relaxer, if you did that may be the culprit. Maybe you didn't leave it on long enough, I relax for 22 minutes. One trick I've learned is to really goop it on to my hair. I used to be kind of stingy with it, but I read a tip here about using a lot, I tried it and my hair came out even better. That's all I can think of, hopefully you'll get better results next time. :)
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