
I just wanted to give my testimony for how i feel the Holy Spirit helped me out yesterday. Well when i went to lunch i was not hungry, i went out to my car i wonder what i was going to do, i had simple thought to go to Publix, so i did, when i got there i had a awareness of the atm and the people at the atm like i needed to get in line or something, but i already knew what was in my account but i already did my budget for this week, so i walked in the store, came out then when't to the atm to find my checking account was short nearly $600 dollars!!! I called by bank and tld me several purchases made this week that were made online and at a deli in Las Vegas ( i am in Florida), but the thing is the day before is when i had prayed to God to forgive me because i knew i just wasnt as close to the Lord as i should be, i prayed that he would lead me, and come to think of it in my mind i had prayed early in this week because i kept having all of these thoughts of images of bad/tragic things happening to my family ( I went to my dad and had a talk about it because i was like we go threw things but never anything so tragic like i hear about) So like even thought i didn't know that i proably even then was being made a aware i was being violated!!!

(Sorry for the length of the text)

btw the rep at the bank told me that it seems my debit card was lifted, which she said could happen anywhere you use your debit card if you have dishonest employees, but she said they were savvy because my card being used at an out to card deli makes her suspect they made a new debit card using my number?! Isn't that a trip! Well things are going to be worked and restored but i just wanted to share this experience because i know that i was tipped off by the leading of the spirit to go to the atm and look at my account at all, because i normally wouldn't do it because i am already confident of what is in there.

So i just thank God and the leading of the Holy Spirit for helping me out!
100384 said:
I just wanted to give my testimony for how i feel the Holy Spirit helped me out yesterday. Well when i went to lunch i was not hungry, i went out to my car i wonder what i was going to do, i had simple thought to go to Publix, so i did, when i got there i had a awareness of the atm and the people at the atm like i needed to get in line or something, but i already knew what was in my account but i already did my budget for this week, so i walked in the store, came out then when't to the atm to find my checking account was short nearly $600 dollars!!! I called by bank and tld me several purchases made this week that were made online and at a deli in Las Vegas ( i am in Florida), but the thing is the day before is when i had prayed to God to forgive me because i knew i just wasnt as close to the Lord as i should be, i prayed that he would lead me, and come to think of it in my mind i had prayed early in this week because i kept having all of these thoughts of images of bad/tragic things happening to my family ( I went to my dad and had a talk about it because i was like we go threw things but never anything so tragic like i hear about) So like even thought i didn't know that i proably even then was being made a aware i was being violated!!!

(Sorry for the length of the text)

btw the rep at the bank told me that it seems my debit card was lifted, which she said could happen anywhere you use your debit card if you have dishonest employees, but she said they were savvy because my card being used at an out to card deli makes her suspect they made a new debit card using my number?! Isn't that a trip! Well things are going to be worked and restored but i just wanted to share this experience because i know that i was tipped off by the leading of the spirit to go to the atm and look at my account at all, because i normally wouldn't do it because i am already confident of what is in there.

So i just thank God and the leading of the Holy Spirit for helping me out!

I have gont thru the same thing but my rent check bounced and i almost got evicted. I experience God's grace and favor on a daily basis with little things. I lost my ipod when i went to the gym and someone found it and returned it to a near by store. I have l left my car door wide open and someone came in the restaurant and let me know with out taking anything out of it. I know all these things are preventable if i just would pay attention but they are all the favor of God and him watching over me. Not to mention he blesses me daily in different areas. Ok i am off my soap box for today ttyl
100384 said:
Also sorry for all the misspells in my post i am tired ...
Your misspells are a beautiful indication of how more important it was for you to share your testimony. I 'misspell' all the time (shhhhh, it's our secret, okay? :sekret:

God did a wonderful thing for you...indeed He did. The Holy Spirit was and is with you to lead, to guide to comfort you into all truth. The light of Jesus who keeps you out of darkness.

Deuteronomy 20:4:

For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.