TESTIMONY: God's Glory and Power Changing Young People


Well-Known Member
I had to share this with my Christian family here on this board.

I went to a Worship Service last night with the focus being on reaching the young generation (21 and under). They had Minister Tye Tribbett preach last night. His message was on staying in the presence of God (“I ain’t goin’ nowhere!”) with the Word coming from Ruth 1:1-16 and Luke 15:11-32.

He talked about how death and life are in the power of our own tongue. He talked about praising not just by clapping your hands but by shouting unto God and how God inhabits and lives in our praise.

Min. Tribbett really focused on the young people and was encouraging them to study the Word, to become more like God, and to not conform to this world's value system. To make a point, he mentioned Chris Brown and a young girl actually squealed! A similar thing happened when he mentioned Soulja Boy. He was saying that the names of these music stars affect our kids but when they hear the name of Jesus, many of those same kids are hardly affected.

To say the least, the message was powerful and Spirit-filled. Min. Tribbett asked all the young people 21 and under to come up to the altar for the opportunity for them to get connected with Jesus Christ. He declared that ungodly spirits that were in many of those kids would be bound and all yokes would be broken that night because of the Anointing.

I believed that what he declared would happen that night would come to pass that night. However, many of the kids were still up there with their arms crossed and with no outward indication of wanting to get closer to God.

This one woman who was next to me had tears in her eyes and was frustrated because despite the Word, many of the kids still didn't seem to be affected. But I just prayed for the Holy Spirit to continue to lovingly touch those young hearts and for Min. Tribbett to continue despite it not looking good.

And then suddenly, those SAME kids with their arms crossed and previously displaying no indication of wanting to get closer to God began CRYING. They were lifting up their hands to God and clapping their hands! It was absolutely beautiful!

Words cannot adequately describe how the Holy Spirit moved in that place last night. He touched every young person. Shackles were loosed, chains were on the floor broken, and spirits were bound! The Shekinah Glory of the Lord was there! The Power of the Lord was there!

After seeing with my own eyes what God had just done, I just began shouting praises unto God and crying! I told the Holy Spirit not too long ago that I wanted to experience His glory like never before and He gave me what I asked!

Still in the spirit, I began to dance, not just in praise for the shackles that were loosed off of me but in praise for how God changed those kids.

Min. Tribbett was just shouting praises!

A lady minister then came up to the stage and asked the parents to come to their kid(s) at the altar and to hug them. Kids were breaking down in their parent's arms. For the kids that didn't have their parents there, we adults were asked to go and hug them. I went up there and I didn't even have to reach for any children. They reached for me and hugged me so tightly. I hugged them right on back and spoke a Word over each of them.

Last night's worship service was amazing! God is still the King of Glory! He can still do anything but fail!

These young kids do not belong to the Devil. They are God's babies and He knows exactly what to do to soften their hearts! God is going to lead them and guide them! God is still in control! Hallelujah! Glory to God! All Hail King Jesus!

I feel like shouting right now just writing this!

I hope this blessed your hearts! Saints, God is still moving!

God bless you all! No matter what you're going through right now, shout your victory, continue to pray, and continue to praise! Your breakthrough is coming in Jesus' name! Hallelujah! It is so!

"He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and the righteousness from the God of his salvation.

This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle."
-Psalm 24:5-8
Amen! In spite of what people may say of Tye Tribbett, I know that the Lord is using him in the lives of the youth of this generation. He may be a little over the top, but like the word says good fruit cannot come from a bad tree and bad fruit cannot come from a good tree. God is surely working through him. I have yet to see him comprise the word of God to appease the youth or win them over. His trust is in God!
Wonderful, beautiful, awesome post. Thank you. God is so great! My church has a youth conference coming up with a well known gospel artist and I pray for the very same anointing to fall. In these days and times, our children need it and they so desperately need Him.