Testimony!!!!(College Students will understand the most)


Well-Known Member
Backstory:I'm a Biology major just wrapping up my junior year of undergrad, I am taking four classes this semester Molecular Cell Biology, Biochemistry 2, Microbial Ecology and Princples of Ecology.

This semester has been a very tough semester for me not just in the course load but issues in my personal life as well. In January I got a speeding ticket (I was going 10 over) , February I got in to my first car accident on the highway (me, nissan and 18 wheeler) as I was on the way to class , March another freaking car accident not too far from my house I was turning and the car in front of me made an abrupt stop (CRAZY TEEN RAN IN FRONT OF HIM) so I rear ended him, April my mom collapsed at work , blood rushed straight to her head and she blacked out(stress). Mind you I'm still managing the strength to go to class, study and do what I have to do.

Testimony: In my Principles of Ecology class there's these assignments we have to submit through SafeAssign, we work in groups and have to submit them before the due date. The last assignment , I was just too through with school so I called my friend up who took the class already and asked her if I can use her assignment. Fast forward I was too lazy to change the words and I dont know what I was thinking but in my brain I'm thinking since its a group assignment and my other members did their portion my plagarized :blush: :nono:portion should be fine since I didnt copy the whole assignment. So this is how I found out that there MAY be a problem. Last tuesday I was sitting in my professor's office going through the old exams and this girl comes in talking about how she didnt know her assignment(one of the first assignments, not the last one I submitted) would be considered plagarism blah blah blah, this is her second time taking the course and its her work so she didnt think there would be a problem. I am sitting there the whole time listening and my heart sank so fast. I immediately realized what a stupid move I made and how I am in the same exact predicament as this girl , my professor and the university has no tolerance for cheating or plagiarism.The teacher's aid who grades the assignments hadn't gotten to grading the last assignments yet, so I immediately began praying to God for mercy and forgiveness. I have been fasting and praying that God performs a miracle and makes the assignment invisble when the T.A. grades it through SafeAssign(system that checks the database for similar documents). I couldnt even focus on my studying , I have been worried all week, I have cried , been depressed and have just been plain out mad at myself for being so stupid!! If plagiarism gets on my transcript , I can kiss medical school good-bye and just apply for McDonald's because no grad school would ever want me. So this morning I went on Blackboard to check if the T.A. posted the grade or emailed me and I ended up getting a 40 out of 40, Jesus answered my prayers!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so grateful this could have ended a very different way, I am forever thankful for God's grace and mercy .:yep:
Yes, God's grace and His mercy is AWESOME. I am glad this turned out another way! Praise God! Oh In college I remember the days of turnitindotcom:yep:.
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