Testimony.... A Keeping God


New Member
Ladies I just wanted to share a testimony with you about how God is able to keep us.
My brother and 5 month old nephew were in a car wreck yesterday. The car was completely torn to bits as you an see....




My nephew was sitting directly behind my brother. He buckled him in there because he was in a hurry. My brother never wears his seat belt. NEVER, but he was yesterday. My family is rejoicing right now. Just after the accident happened my husband and i were coming from dropping off our son at daycare. My nephew and son go to the same place and that is where my brother was headed. We pulled up right after it happened. By the time we stopped and got there. My brother was walking around, holding his son and thanking God. So many times we forget who is really keeping us and watching over us. But i just wanted to share this testimony that God is always in control. Both the baby and my brother walked away with NO scratches, NO bruises, praising God. Just some sore muscles. I tell you God is SO GOOD. He keeps us always.
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Praise Him!!! He is a keeping God that's why my testimony is Kept By Jesus; mind, body and spirit.
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I had to copy and paste the properties of the picture to see the actual wreckage footage! God is so merciful! To walk away from that accident was a blessing! The car was totaled :shocked: I am so glad that you brother and nephew made it out safe :rosebud: