Testimony 1 Day of Favor and equal 10 years of labor


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Testimony 1 Day of Favor can equal 10 years of labor

Title should read:
Testimony 1 Day of Favor can equal 10 years of labor

Some time in the past I requested some help in getting up for 5:00am prayer will after going back forth with some people it ended up with me praying by myself because it is not easy to get up for some of us and for me it has always been a struggle.

God would get me up over the years at 2:00am, 3:30am and alot times 4:18am on the nose but I never knew fully understood why and of course I went back to sleep until it was time to go to work. To make a long story short, I was getting alot better getting up but I really believe in corporate prayer because in unity there is strength. I do believe you must have your own one-on-one with God first then mix in that formula corporate prayer. None the less God had is so I flipped the TV on and saw
Apostle Kimberly Daniels and she talked about the becoming the commander of your morning prayer. She explained that the 4th quarter of day 3:00am-6:00am or even a football is the most crucial time and in this quarter victory is won. She expains this further on her site when you sign up for praying.

My testimony is my prayer morning team has turn from 1 just me to 2000 and growing all in a day. As I pray the prayer Apostle Daniels recommends I am on one accord with everyone else who is praying during that time. Powerful, powerful, poweful.

After I read her prayer which I absolutely love because I know God wrote since it is fully scriptual based I then go into my own private prayer time fired up. My life in last couple days since I have been doing this went to a whole new level. The moral to this story is that God can change anything in you life all in a day. 1 day of favor with God can equal 10 years of labor. See the pray I posted below from Apostle Daniels and enjoy there should be two seperate post I could not help myself.

6:00pm-9:00pm is 1s quarter
9:00pm-12:00am is 2nd quarter
12:00am-3:00am is 3rd quarter
3:00am-6:00am is 4th quarter

3rd and 4th quarter God has talked to me over the years mostly and of course He talks all the other times and I have prayed other times but most signifcant times have been in the 3rd and 4th quarter. I think God had to get me up in the 3rd quarter to double prepare me for something and have a sure when in the 4th quarter over the enemy.

http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?p=1499167&posted=1#post1499167 (Has Prayer but does not have scipture references)

(Has Prayer and scipture references)
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Amen and Amen. I know about the 3rd and 4th quarter.

I think God deals with us at those times because that's when we are quiet. In the 1st two quarters sometimes even if we're praying we're asking for stuff and telling him about stuff and then there's the kids and life but in the 3rd and 4th quarter it's normally quiet and he can speak and be heard and he can instruct and he can arrest your spirit and give you a word that will bring life. Because all we need is just 1 word from the Lord just one word.

My, MY, We don't just serve a God we serve an awesome, all knowing, powerful mighty, organized, well thought out God.

Thank you so much for posting

Be blessed.
dreamer26 said:

Amen and Amen. I know about the 3rd and 4th quarter.

I think God deals with us at those times because that's when we are quiet. In the 1st two quarters sometimes even if we're praying we're asking for stuff and telling him about stuff and then there's the kids and life but in the 3rd and 4th quarter it's normally quiet and he can speak and be heard and he can instruct and he can arrest your spirit and give you a word that will bring life. Because all we need is just 1 word from the Lord just one word.

My, MY, We don't just serve a God we serve an awesome, all knowing, powerful mighty, organized, well thought out God.

Thank you so much for posting

Be blessed.
You so, so right He is very detailed and knew ahead of time how to plan our day. Wonderful, great and awesom God.