

Well-Known Member
I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread of testimonies in our lives. I think we as Christians should tell our stories of what the Lord has done for us. I believe those who are not save or doubt that God exist can read this thread and start to think otherwise. This thread is meant to testify what God has done for you in your life when you thought all hope was gone.
Sometimes I get discourage when things are not going well but then I sit down and think on how far I have come in life and it was only by the grace of God I am here today. So Ladies please post your stories of miracles that the Lord has manifested in your life. I will start off with one particular situation that happened to me about 2 months ago and I was so shocked that I had to get down on my knees and say thank you God for having mercy on me.

Recently I purchased a new vehicle which was major for me cause I was driving hooptie for the longest time. I thank God everyday for blessing me with this car because you just don't know how self conscious I was going out with my other car. Anyways after a few months of driving the car I never put the car key on anything it was always by itself. One evening I came home went to bed and did not drive the car for two days. On the third day I decided I wanted to drive to work which was odd cause I usually take the bus, but I wanted to drive that day.

Well I could not find my keys that morning. I did not panick though I waited until later to look for them and I looked everywhere no keys. My mom was staying with me and she helped and she could not find them. That night I literally cried cause I called the place I brought the car and they were telling me they have to tow my car to their shop and scan it and create another key. This would cost me about 300 bucks to do so. I did not want my car towed nor did I have the money for that. I prayed to God and I said please God where ever those keys are please make me find them.

I started to feel bad cause I was like what did I do to deserve this. Well the next morning I got off the bus and a man comes up to me and ask if I drive a Toyota Camry, I am like yes. He says my friend found your keys in the parking lot of your complex. Guys I was shocked. It was like he was an angel sent to give me this message. I then had him call his friend for me and his friend said yes he found the keys in the parking lot and put them on my windshield. So technically those keys have been sitting on my windshield for 3 days and no one saw them. I told him to go get them and ring my door bell and give them to my mom. Ladies God is Good! I don't live in the best of neigborhoods, if the wrong person laid eyes on those keys I don't know what I would have done, I know I would not have my car anymore.

Even though a car is a material thing but the Lord blessed me with it, and he was not going to let the Devil take it away. I have so many other stories but I will save them for later. Please share your stories whatever it may be, it can truly change someones perspective. I look forward to hearing them.
What a great testimony! God is good...

I, too, had "lost" my car. It occurred a while back, but to this day I STILL don't know what happened nor am I worried because God brought me through. This is what happened:

One day, I went out to head to work and my car was gone from its parking space. There was no evidence of forced entry (no glass pieces on the ground) no skid marks. nothing. I was so shocked, I couldn't think. [This was before I gave my life back to God.] Anyway, I was so moved in my spirit that day, I'd cried long and hard and started yelling at the wall that my life belongs to God and was rebuking the devil. I told my mom what happened and she prayed about it.

Two days later, my car was back in its spot. It was cleaned and buffed, the gas tank was on full.. no marks no trace of anyone. I'd already reported it as stolen to the police so I called the police back to complete the report. While I was explaining myself to the officer, he looked at me, as if to say, "yeah right". But I KNEW God brought it back.
After speaking to my mom again, we tried to wrack our brains on what probably happened:

Maybe it was the work of the FBI..the car was too clean. ... but why? lol
Maybe it was repossessed by mistake... but why? I'd bought the car cash and had no car note!
Maybe it was used by criminals to cross the state line to commit a crime... it was possible. I live in Atlanta.. lol
Maybe some kids took it to joyride... but, with what key?

No one else, not even my beau at the time, had a key to my car. After I "got" it back, I took it to my mechanic to get checked. He found nothing suspicious. I did research on the most stolen cars in the state. I read up about people whose cars were stolen and all they found were charred remains or they never found them.

At mom's suggestion, for a whole month, I read Psalms 3 each morning, when I got in the car and before I started it. For a short time, I was fearful that maybe someone watching my every move; but I still had faith and lived in my apartment for six more months because I refused to move because of this incident. I knew then, like I know now, God had my back. It was always a comforting thought. No one at that apartment complex ever tried to mess with me. I came home at night, no one bothered me. Crimes occurred all around me on the complex. Peoples' apartments were broken into. I'd go away on weekends and come back to a locked up, safe apartment. People would get attacked on the complex. NO ONE messed with me. I didn't think to arm myself. People got shot/stabbed and killed.... I finally moved when I was ready to and when I looked back at the year I stayed in that unsafe place, I KNEW it was God.

This is only one of the many "incidents" in my life that have served only to strengthen my faith and draw me closer to God. Today, I have no fear. There's no one/ no thing who can separate me from God. No one. Nothing.

God Bless you.
What a great testimony! God is good...

I, too, had "lost" my car. It occurred a while back, but to this day I STILL don't know what happened nor am I worried because God brought me through. This is what happened:

One day, I went out to head to work and my car was gone from its parking space. There was no evidence of forced entry (no glass pieces on the ground) no skid marks. nothing. I was so shocked, I couldn't think. [This was before I gave my life back to God.] Anyway, I was so moved in my spirit that day, I'd cried long and hard and started yelling at the wall that my life belongs to God and was rebuking the devil. I told my mom what happened and she prayed about it.

Two days later, my car was back in its spot. It was cleaned and buffed, the gas tank was on full.. no marks no trace of anyone. I'd already reported it as stolen to the police so I called the police back to complete the report. While I was explaining myself to the officer, he looked at me, as if to say, "yeah right". But I KNEW God brought it back.
After speaking to my mom again, we tried to wrack our brains on what probably happened:

Maybe it was the work of the FBI..the car was too clean. ... but why? lol
Maybe it was repossessed by mistake... but why? I'd bought the car cash and had no car note!
Maybe it was used by criminals to cross the state line to commit a crime... it was possible. I live in Atlanta.. lol
Maybe some kids took it to joyride... but, with what key?

No one else, not even my beau at the time, had a key to my car. After I "got" it back, I took it to my mechanic to get checked. He found nothing suspicious. I did research on the most stolen cars in the state. I read up about people whose cars were stolen and all they found were charred remains or they never found them.

At mom's suggestion, for a whole month, I read Psalms 3 each morning, when I got in the car and before I started it. For a short time, I was fearful that maybe someone watching my every move; but I still had faith and lived in my apartment for six more months because I refused to move because of this incident. I knew then, like I know now, God had my back. It was always a comforting thought. No one at that apartment complex ever tried to mess with me. I came home at night, no one bothered me. Crimes occurred all around me on the complex. Peoples' apartments were broken into. I'd go away on weekends and come back to a locked up, safe apartment. People would get attacked on the complex. NO ONE messed with me. I didn't think to arm myself. People got shot/stabbed and killed.... I finally moved when I was ready to and when I looked back at the year I stayed in that unsafe place, I KNEW it was God.

This is only one of the many "incidents" in my life that have served only to strengthen my faith and draw me closer to God. Today, I have no fear. There's no one/ no thing who can separate me from God. No one. Nothing.

God Bless you.

Wow, that is an amazing testimony. It is so true that all things are possible with God. Seriously I do not know how I could even function if he was not in my life.

I noticed so many people looked at this thread and no one is testifying. Come on ladies this thread is to encourage others and tell all what God has done for you. As Christians I know God has done great things in our lives that we should not be ashamed to share. There might be folks here needing to hear your testimony just to go on with their life, cause you may have gone through a similar situation and God saw you through. I know two of the testimonies were about material things but there are testimonies about sickness that have been cured or other life changing experiences that God has done in your life. Please share.
I am a living teestimony as the song says. I have sickle cell anemia but you would never know. There have been ppl dying from this disease around me and others i see with the disease are in bad condition. When i was younger i read in an encyclopedia that ppl with SCA dont live past 40 and i became depressed. One day at a visiting church my grandmother introduced me to a 70 year old woman who had the disease and i was delivered from the depression right then and there.

About a month ago an overwhelming fear of death came over me. Once i began to heal from that i would start to suffer irrational fears- things i knew were foolish. I then learned i was in spiritual welfare and that satan was attacking my mind. He threw everything at me. Questioning God's motives for Creation, suicide, seeing no point to life, my faith was tried, my fear of death came back and it literally felt like my mind was slipping away from me & i feared i would become insane.

When i tried to listen to gospel music my spirit had to literally push thru something heavy over me to praise God. Fast forward to today when my mind was so tired that i thought of ending it all.(u kno what i mean) I cried out to God & turned on my gospel and here i am right now sharing my testimony.

This has been a daily struggle for me but luke 10:19-20 is the truth that saves me from satan's lies. Yes satan has power but look at the God i serve! No power can match His and if i stand on Him, nothing can harm me.
Great Thread....Awesome Testimonies!!!

I wanted to share to never underestimate the power of prayer! For the past few weeks my heart has been heavy on how I should handle a particular relationship from my past. I was confused and had no peace about my decision. I was honest with God in my prayer and simply asked Jesus to help me. I told Him that I didn't trust my own heart and didn't want to be wise in my own eyes.

Well, God answered my prayers! He literally showed me why I felt the way I did and the root cause of the issues. He gave me peace and helped me make a decision that would be best and beneficial for my life. Praise God!

In a nutshell, God is faithful and He hears every word and prayer! He is willing and able to help those who sincerely seek Him.
ITA truly awesome testimonies! Reading Jenibo's testimony has made me realize that the verse no weapon formed includes satan. I work in a setting that is filled with treachery and highly political and I just automatically think of this verse when tough days come in terms of the human beings that I work with but I know now this verse covers satan as well!
I have many testimonies, but the one that is the freshest is something that I am going through right now. My husband and I have unexplained fertility issues. Our first child was conceived via IVF. She is happy, healthy and beautiful and will be three years old this summer. Recently we started IVF again and today we found out that it did not work this time. I am sad, but I have peace that I cannot explain. The truth is that God has blessed me far more than I could have ever asked. I am healthy and I have a wonderful husband and beautiful daughter and they are healthy too. We still have our jobs and we continue to do well despite the economy. My home is peaceful and I know that I am loved, if only by a few people. So, while logic tells me that I should be devastated, I’m not going to be too sad today because I am blessed. I don’t know what our next step will be. I don’t know if there is another child in our future, but I am forever grateful for our daughter. I have peace and don’t feel a need to rush because I don’t know what God is going to do between now and the end of the year. I’m not talking about another baby, I’m just talking in general. I have peace knowing that God is the same God yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever and I know that he will continue to be with me and my family and bless us.
I'm kind of new here, but I would like to give my friends testimony. She has been married for a year and a half and her and her husband have been trying to have children. She has endometriosis and only one ovary left (the right ovary) that is covered with cysts. She has had 4 operations to remove cysts and the last one resulted in them removing her left ovary. She wasn't ovulating and was barren. The doctors told her she would never have children. But they believed God and knew he would bless them with children. Her favorite scripture she spoke on a daily basis was Psalm 113:9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and be a joyful mother of children. She also spoke the confessions from the book "Supernatural Childbirth".

Well, a year later she found out she was pregnant without any fertility treatments. God heard their prayers and answered them. Her doctors said it is a miracle and said they have a lot of favor on their lives. I wanted to share this testimony because I'm dealing with the same thing and my husband and I are believing God for our miracle.
Thanks for listening!
Her favorite scripture she spoke on a daily basis was Psalm 113:9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and be a joyful mother of children. She also spoke the confessions from the book "Supernatural Childbirth".

Thank you for this scripture.
That's a very powerful testimony! Thanks for sharing....

I am a living teestimony as the song says. I have sickle cell anemia but you would never know. There have been ppl dying from this disease around me and others i see with the disease are in bad condition. When i was younger i read in an encyclopedia that ppl with SCA dont live past 40 and i became depressed. One day at a visiting church my grandmother introduced me to a 70 year old woman who had the disease and i was delivered from the depression right then and there.

About a month ago an overwhelming fear of death came over me. Once i began to heal from that i would start to suffer irrational fears- things i knew were foolish. I then learned i was in spiritual welfare and that satan was attacking my mind. He threw everything at me. Questioning God's motives for Creation, suicide, seeing no point to life, my faith was tried, my fear of death came back and it literally felt like my mind was slipping away from me & i feared i would become insane.

When i tried to listen to gospel music my spirit had to literally push thru something heavy over me to praise God. Fast forward to today when my mind was so tired that i thought of ending it all.(u kno what i mean) I cried out to God & turned on my gospel and here i am right now sharing my testimony.

This has been a daily struggle for me but luke 10:19-20 is the truth that saves me from satan's lies. Yes satan has power but look at the God i serve! No power can match His and if i stand on Him, nothing can harm me.
I actually came to this site today to view the health and fitness forum and something led me here. I realize, i have been selfish and never shared my testimony here about what God has recently done for me. I shared a bit in another thread, but I want to share one in particular.

I recently had a fire in me to buy a house with my Husband. I have always thought about it but put the idea aside because my credit is not good-period. I would dream about homes, watch HGTV like crazy and pray over it and I knew a home was coming. I went as far as to seek out mortgage brokers who would doctor up your assets for a FEE to get you qualified even though I knew this was not right. THREE times, we got pre-approved for a mortgage, signed the dotted line to buy the resale home and last minute, something would go wrong. I was even willing to buy a fixer upper that was in TERRIBLE condition just to own a home. We then stumbled across a rent to own deal which again was for a high FEE but I thought this was the way to go. Again, that fell through and I started to give up. I was starting to get depressed but there was a spirit inside of me saying to trust God and push through and that's what we did. My Husband and I decided to go looking at model homes and sites one day and came across a builder that I didn't want to go see but my Husband went in to check them out. He told me to come in and we sat and talked with the Agent while the administrator entertained my children (I was pregnant at the time). The homes they had were beautiful and fit the criteria of what we really needed but to be honest, I was doubtful. There was a Mortgage Broker there who worked for a big bank and I took his card. I called him the following day and explained to him our situation regarding the credit. He told me the bank would not even think about touching us because I still had a bankruptcy on my record that is not due to fall off until 2012. So agian, I was disappointed. Well before he hung up, he told me to go back to the site and speak to the Agent about my situation. The Agent who really took a liking to our family said he would see what he could do for us and asked us to fill out the paperwork for the home we really liked. I remember the feeling of peace we felt walking out of there. Well, approx 3 days later he called me and said, congratulations, you bought a home! I started cheering in the phone and when I calmed down I asked him what more we need to do. Do we need to give them a credit report, work documents (my Husband and I both work very good jobs), reference letters etc. and he said no, I really like your family and I pulled strings for you. That was September 08 and we close our home June 09. Praise God thru whom ALL blessings flow. Not only did he give us a home, he gave us a brand new home and all my children get their own bedroom. I have a room for an office downstairs to start my business. The house also came with a $7500 upgrade package! We went to check it out on Sunday after Church and the door was open...they normally lock it so we had to look through windows. Every obstacle that came up during our journey, either my Husband or I would tell the other to have FAITH. I hope this wasn't too long and hopefully this testimony will encourage someone to keep pressing through.

/be blessed!
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Good is good, he really is... I rejoice with your friend as she experiences this joy. That favor came from God.. I pray that you experience this same joy, too!


I'm kind of new here, but I would like to give my friends testimony. She has been married for a year and a half and her and her husband have been trying to have children. She has endometriosis and only one ovary left (the right ovary) that is covered with cysts. She has had 4 operations to remove cysts and the last one resulted in them removing her left ovary. She wasn't ovulating and was barren. The doctors told her she would never have children. But they believed God and knew he would bless them with children. Her favorite scripture she spoke on a daily basis was Psalm 113:9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and be a joyful mother of children. She also spoke the confessions from the book "Supernatural Childbirth".

Well, a year later she found out she was pregnant without any fertility treatments. God heard their prayers and answered them. Her doctors said it is a miracle and said they have a lot of favor on their lives. I wanted to share this testimony because I'm dealing with the same thing and my husband and I are believing God for our miracle.
Thanks for listening!
Yes, He is good and things will always happen the way He planned it. Thanks for sharing, I discover the power of testimony this year and I gave my life (once again), my whole life not just some here and there. What I'm experiencing is just amazing...every single day I can see His blessings and I don't just know from where to start. I recently made a thread about how I was feeling miserable, how I was far from Him but by the time I turned back, He offered me the warmest welcome and relieved me. With God, everything is possible.

Ladies, please keep them coming and thanks for sharing. I'm sure I'll be back to participate. Good thread.
Hello ladies:

This is a great thread. God is truly awesome and the more I seek Him, the more I’m getting the opportunities to experience His awesome-ness.

There have been many things in my life that I could share as a testimony, but lately it seems that God has been using the vile things from my past as a means to minister to others.

God has placed a young couple next door to me and my husband. I will be honest: when they first moved in, we were not pleased because we saw them as “trouble.” They are 24 years old and they have four children. They are “rough around the edges” and their relatives are equally as rough (if not more so.) These were not the “type of people” we wanted next door. (Sidenote: God has definitely “checked us” on our attitude toward people through this experience. We have been convicted about our judgmental, self-righteous attitudes and intolerance and we have had to repent.) But God put them right next to us for His purposes and my husband and I have had to put our agendas aside to be the vessels He’s called us to be. Over the past month, we have been ministering to them concerning their marriage.

Well, just yesterday, the young lady asks to talk to me and reveals that she is pregnant with child #5. Naturally, she is distressed (for a variety of reasons). She shares that she’s considering an abortion but her husband doesn’t want her to have one.

I tend to be extremely honest and transparent (a trait I used to hate) and so I took the opportunity to share with the young lady my own experience – the experience of having not one, but two abortions by the age of 16. I shared with her that the actual process of the abortion was the easy part – it was the years of guilt and shame and personal unforgiveness that was hard. I told her that even though I asked God to forgive me and I finally came to a point of forgiving myself, I will ALWAYS live with the knowledge that I murdered two of my children and every time I look at my own children I know that they would have had two brothers or sisters.

I don’t know what impact my testimony had on her, but it is my heart’s desire that in hearing about my past, she will see the woman that God is transforming me into and in turn, draw her to Him. If I can share the horrible mistakes of my past to help someone else, I am more than willing to bare it all.

I believe, that people need to know that we (Christians) didn’t just fall out of Heaven all super-saved and living holy and righteous. I believe people need to know the muck and filth that God has brought us from so that they can see that there is hope for them, too.
It's time for me to say it. Thanks to Chicanella's post when she said this:

When I was in church two weeks ago, Jesus came up and asked me, "What do you want from me?"

So I give her the credit for that. I literally believe her because.....about 4 years ago.......

I was in doubt about my choice, off and on. There are so many people who mean well but will try and sway you either side. I sometimes just need the space to hear my OWN head think, despite either their belief or disbelief...and I'm not judging them for I've been there and am the kind of person who needs to know people from all walks of life. But here I was, in the Church, at the altar. I walked up to the edge because I was thinking about the time in the end that I'll stand, just me, before G-d .....and before I was totally there, I saw in my mind's eye, a man walk right up to me and got there first, like he met me before I could get there. His feet were bare, he was wearing a long white garment to his ankles with a large, long and wide purple stole handing down to about his knees. I saw it. What was this man saying to me? I believe it was that, for how many times I need to confess, this man will meet me before I'm even there, if my heart returns. This is why I'm where I am, in the journey, this walk. I think that I needed concrete evidence and have gotten many spiritual experiences of this nature all throughout my life.
I would like to share one of my testimonies.

My pastor declared that this was the year of the Lord's favor and one of the things I sought during our ten day Daniel fast was a permanent position with great benefits, room for advancement, flexible schedule, and great pay.

I am in the financial industry and the recent events have wreaked havoc in that sector. I began working for the company in October 2007 with the promise of temp to hire. Well after 7 months and 1 day, they decided to hire another instead of me and not tell me. I show up for work with the story that I was let go due to budget reasons. When I asked to retrieve my belongings, I was told no I couldn't go back into the area. Not because I was a threat, they just didn't know how I would react in finding out they hired the temp that came after me after months of promising me I would get hired. But God....

So I was out of work for 3 months last year and the enemy had a field day. Talk about a wilderness experience. My life flipped over so quick it scared me. Almost everything that could go wrong, did...

Three months after I was let go, I was called back by another department in the same company. They felt I was a godsend, so much so, that managers were literally meeting to persuade each other to let me be on their team. This continued about 3 or 4 months after I actually started. Anyway, the person whose desk I trained on was going to college and decided to work part time. They didn't know this when they hired me that he would do that. So after training me on high profile accounts and seeing that I could manage the workload, they were (the managers) praying I could get hired. After all that went down with the market, they knew I was slated to be there until this June.

Well, as God would have it, the desk I originally trained on was about to become vacant. He had to do an internship for school and they couldn't work out anything for him to stay. But they weren't sure that HR would let them hire because the bank was laying off.

But God...looked past my faults and met my needs. 7 months and 1 day after I started that position, HR called with a job offer. I became permanent during one of the worst economic times for banking in recent years.

God is good and I am so grateful He gave me the chance to work there. The growth potential is tremendous and the benefits are phenomenal.

To God be the glory....
I actually came to this site today to view the health and fitness forum and something led me here. I realize, i have been selfish and never shared my testimony here about what God has recently done for me. I shared a bit in another thread, but I want to share one in particular.

I recently had a fire in me to buy a house with my Husband. I have always thought about it but put the idea aside because my credit is not good-period. I would dream about homes, watch HGTV like crazy and pray over it and I knew a home was coming. I went as far as to seek out mortgage brokers who would doctor up your assets for a FEE to get you qualified even though I knew this was not right. THREE times, we got pre-approved for a mortgage, signed the dotted line to buy the resale home and last minute, something would go wrong. I was even willing to buy a fixer upper that was in TERRIBLE condition just to own a home. We then stumbled across a rent to own deal which again was for a high FEE but I thought this was the way to go. Again, that fell through and I started to give up. I was starting to get depressed but there was a spirit inside of me saying to trust God and push through and that's what we did. My Husband and I decided to go looking at model homes and sites one day and came across a builder that I didn't want to go see but my Husband went in to check them out. He told me to come in and we sat and talked with the Agent while the administrator entertained my children (I was pregnant at the time). The homes they had were beautiful and fit the criteria of what we really needed but to be honest, I was doubtful. There was a Mortgage Broker there who worked for a big bank and I took his card. I called him the following day and explained to him our situation regarding the credit. He told me the bank would not even think about touching us because I still had a bankruptcy on my record that is not due to fall off until 2012. So agian, I was disappointed. Well before he hung up, he told me to go back to the site and speak to the Agent about my situation. The Agent who really took a liking to our family said he would see what he could do for us and asked us to fill out the paperwork for the home we really liked. I remember the feeling of peace we felt walking out of there. Well, approx 3 days later he called me and said, congratulations, you bought a home! I started cheering in the phone and when I calmed down I asked him what more we need to do. Do we need to give them a credit report, work documents (my Husband and I both work very good jobs), reference letters etc. and he said no, I really like your family and I pulled strings for you. That was September 08 and we close our home June 09. Praise God thru whom ALL blessings flow. Not only did he give us a home, he gave us a brand new home and all my children get their own bedroom. I have a room for an office downstairs to start my business. The house also came with a $7500 upgrade package! We went to check it out on Sunday after Church and the door was open...they normally lock it so we had to look through windows. Every obstacle that came up during our journey, either my Husband or I would tell the other to have FAITH. I hope this wasn't too long and hopefully this testimony will encourage someone to keep pressing through.

/be blessed!

Girl, I'm in tears. I need to be in bed but this thread is what I NEED!!!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Ladies, I forgot about this thread because when I had posted no one was posting so I thought it fell down the list. Today I was just scrolling through and noticed many of you had posted. I praise God for that because reading these testimonies was very moving. To see the miricles God can perform in our lives is amazing. Please keep them coming because I truly believe this thread along with many others will change the lives of many just by changing their spiritual thinking. I have tons of testimonies but I would like to add another.

Back in January I slipped and fell on black ice and injured my wrist. Well at the time when I went to the hospital I was seen by a physician assistant, big mistake. He told me I had a bad sprain and put me in a splint. I visited him every 2 weeks and still my wrist was not getting better, my x rays looked fine to him supposedly so he continued to have me wear the splint.

6 weeks later when he notices I am still in pain he sent me to do an MRI, after the MRI he calls me in and tells me my wrist is broken and he is referring me to another division in the hospital. I was still ok at that point because they put me in a cast so I was like no biggie I will wear this for a few weeks and I will be fine. When I went to the other division I then saw another Physician Assistant and he brought me to tears, he told me I had a Capitate Fracture which is rear and the only way to fix it is by surgery. He told me if I did not have surgery I would lose all motion in my hand and arm. I was crying because I did not want anyone to cut into my wrist.

He then referred me to the surgeon and mind you this is like 8 weeks with a broken wrist. I prayed hard that night and days after and I told God he is my Doctor and I know he will heal my wrist on his own. I saw the surgeon anyways and she was optimistic and she said although these fractures are hard to heal she feels that mine may heal and she wants to give it a few more weeks and then she will do another MRI. Well I did give it a few more weeks while praying for God to have mercy on me and heal it. It was now 4 months with the cast and I went in had it taken off did the MRI and guess what it was healed 100%. Praise God! I am currently doing hand therapy to get my motion and strength back but I am improving day by day. Having faith is the key I believe. I prayed to God and in my heart I knew he was going to come through for me. As I type this I am able to type with both hands as this was quite difficult a few weeks ago.

Ladies keep coming with the testimonies, I look forward to reading them and seeing this thread grow. God Bless
I am so thankful to God for His Grace and Mercy.

On Tuesday, 5.5.09, while I sat in my driveway before leaving to drive 2 hrs. to work, God spoke to my heart and I felt the need to push my steering wheel in (creating more space between myself and the wheel). Not knowing why, but feeling that I *had* to do this, I listened and did. I turned on my gospel CD and started driving...

30 minutes later, the metal bucket of a tractor trailor doing construction swung out too far and struck my (moving) car and tore the entire roof off (making it a convertible). This sent the car down a revine (very deep ditch)... the car then accelerated and hit a tree. The paramedic who arrived on scene told me that had it not been for the Grace of God... he was expecting to pull out a body-- not a living and breathing (albeit badly hurt) woman. The paramedic marveled at the fact that had there not been so much SPACE between me and the wheel.. the contusion on my head would have surely been brain damage or worse...

My car is gone but my faith in God, in Jesus Christ... has NEVER been stronger.

kayte, ultrasuede and all others who have sent such uplifting and encouraging words, thank you and God bless you :kiss:
Hi everyone on Friday May 29, 2009, I had to go to my local bank and make an intrest payment on my constrution loan on my new home. Well, I received a bill the day before and it read that I had to pay for both May/June of 2009, So, I kept on saying the devil is a liar.
Before I walked into that bank I stopped and paused to say

"Lord Please Help me."

I went to the bank in question and explained to the agent that I always pay a month in advance on this constrution loan. I was very pleasant, but upset b/c I was trying to say to the lady in the bank that "I pay my payments on time and most times I pay more than enough which means I combine 2 months at a time. So, I explained to the lady that back in Jan.09 I made a double payment for Dec.&Jan.09 and then made Feb.09 payment a month in advance and so forth until June of 09. Let me tell you this lady was giving me attitude all the way.

Lady-"Where is your receipt's b/c we the bank is going to need to see them".
Me- In my mind I say "the devil is a lie" then I tell her " Oh I can go home and get them", mind you this is about a 10 min. travel time to and fro.

So, the lady is in the bank and she is on the phone with the customer service.

I am explaining to her that the "last teller entered my payment for May 2009 wrong" I showed her on her computer the error of the banks ways and she was like shissh! So, I said " I am not/ I refuse to make a double payment on this constrution loan".

So after I made that statement my final statement! Then I just sat quiet closed my eyes and meditated on God's Goodness, Mercy, Wisdom. So then she decides to make small talk with me and I was like still quiet and I tuned her out.

The next thing I knew the lady was on the phone and showed the customer service the error of the banks ways and she apologized and wished me luck on my new home and told me I was only to pay my regular amount and wrote the confrimation number on the back of it.


B/f I walked into my bank

I prayed "Lord Please Help me."

He did

God made a way that I did not have to return home to proved to the bank that I paid my statements on time b/c the bank had a payment history all set up in the computer and the evidence was in their face.

God turned it around for me so that I can make the one payment.

Late in my midnight hour God turned my situation around!

All b/c I took a deep breathe b/f I walked into the bank and said

"Lord Please Help me".

God did it like He said He would!

Praise the Lord! :yep: