
Hello to anyone who reads this thread. :wave:

I'm not used to doing this but I just had to post a testimonial. I had to go to court yesterday to dispute a ticket. To make a long story short, the ticket was dismissed. I had prayed and prayed for this before going, and I really could not afford to pay that ticket! :nono: It was a lot of money and I'm sooo glad I don't have to pay it. :yay:
I know it probably seems like a small thing to some, but it was huge to me. God is good!!!!
chocolatesis said:
Hello to anyone who reads this thread. :wave:

I'm not used to doing this but I just had to post a testimonial. I had to go to court yesterday to dispute a ticket. To make a long story short, the ticket was dismissed. I had prayed and prayed for this before going, and I really could not afford to pay that ticket! :nono: It was a lot of money and I'm sooo glad I don't have to pay it. :yay:
I know it probably seems like a small thing to some, but it was huge to me. God is good!!!!

:yay: REJOICING :yay: right 'there' and here with you. A wonderful testimony to share. Who said that is no God on our side...only a fool! Only a fool!

He did as He promised in His word: "He brought forth your judgement as the noon day." "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." Every word that comes against you in judgement is proven wrong." Also, He saw your need and refused to give heed to the court system's greed.

Is He not our Father in Heaven watching over us or what? Amen! He truly is. Can't nothing or no one stop or top our Father God. None!

God bless you. I wonder if it's because God was giving you a Chocolate Kiss? :lol: I think He was...a whole bag full at that. He's truly our loving Father. Amen.

Don't forget to give Him the 'tithe' (10%) of what He saved you. It's only to say an extra thanks unto Him. Seed it where it's needed, in the Church or to someone else you may know who is having a struggle in your family or in your church. Bless your Pastor with a note of your testimony; seed it to your Pastors. (Just an idea of where).

God will lead you. It's just a way of keeping the blessing He gave you flowing, that's all.
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chocolatesis said:
Hello to anyone who reads this thread. :wave:

I'm not used to doing this but I just had to post a testimonial. I had to go to court yesterday to dispute a ticket. To make a long story short, the ticket was dismissed. I had prayed and prayed for this before going, and I really could not afford to pay that ticket! :nono: It was a lot of money and I'm sooo glad I don't have to pay it. :yay:
I know it probably seems like a small thing to some, but it was huge to me. God is good!!!!

:yay::yay::yay: I hear ya!!!

Been there done that! What you talking about "a small thing"??!!!!

Girl , I was in the wrong. Not on purpose. Next thing I know a cop was doing a U turn. I instanlty pulled over and waited for him. I was so upset that I was crying. The cop kept saying to me, "I AM NOT A BAD PERSON, I AM NOT A BAD PERSON". I paid the ticket but I went to court any way.

The cop did not show up so I got my 180.00 back. This happened last year but it still stands strong that God is good. I literally said Thank you and was waving my hands while I was standing in front of the judge. I did a little jig when I got out of the court room. Is anything too hard for my God?
Shimmie said:
:yay: REJOICING :yay: right 'there' and here with you. A wonderful testimony to share. Who said that is no God on our side...only a fool! Only a fool!

He did as He promised in His word: "He brought forth your judgement as the noon day." "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." Every word that comes against you in judgement is proven wrong." Also, He saw your need and refused to give heed to the court system's greed.

Is He not our Father in Heaven watching over us or what? Amen! He truly is. Can't nothing or no one stop or top our Father God. None!

God bless you. I wonder if it's because God was giving you a Chocolate Kiss? :lol: I think He was...a whole bag full at that. He's truly our loving Father. Amen.

Don't forget to give Him the 'tithe' (10%) of what He saved you. It's only to say an extra thanks unto Him. Seed it where it's needed, in the Church or to someone else you may know who is having a struggle in your family or in your church. Bless your Pastor with a note of your testimony; seed it to your Pastors. (Just an idea of where).

God will lead you. It's just a way of keeping the blessing He gave you flowing, that's all.

So true! I'm always amazed when I hear of people who don't believe in God. I feel sorry for them. I feel like they're living their lives in "black & white" instead of in living "color" with God; like they're living their lives in black & white and they don't even know how much better their lives would be in color!
Zeal said:
:yay::yay::yay: I hear ya!!!

Been there done that! What you talking about "a small thing"??!!!!

Girl , I was in the wrong. Not on purpose. Next thing I know a cop was doing a U turn. I instanlty pulled over and waited for him. I was so upset that I was crying. The cop kept saying to me, "I AM NOT A BAD PERSON, I AM NOT A BAD PERSON". I paid the ticket but I went to court any way.

The cop did not show up so I got my 180.00 back. This happened last year but it still stands strong that God is good. I literally said Thank you and was waving my hands while I was standing in front of the judge. I did a little jig when I got out of the court room. Is anything too hard for my God?

Me too! I was wrong, but not on purpose.

:lachen: :lachen: That is so funny. He kept saying he wasn't a bad person? He probably felt sorry for you.

My ticket was for $150.00. I'm glad I got it dismissed without lying. I admitted to my fault, but I pleaded with them that I had such a good driving record up until that point. I'm just glad it worked out.
chocolatesis said:
Me too! I was wrong, but not on purpose.

:lachen: :lachen: That is so funny. He kept saying he wasn't a bad person? He probably felt sorry for you.

My ticket was for $150.00. I'm glad I got it dismissed without lying. I admitted to my fault, but I pleaded with them that I had such a good driving record up until that point. I'm just glad it worked out.

His mercies endure forever. Now don't forget that tithe, pretty lady. ;)

$15 is nothing compared to what He just saved you from having to spend.

God is so merciful to us.

Especially when we don't deserve it. I reap His mercies daily...Cause' I'm a piece of work, to say the least. I know I keep God busy saving me from all kinds of mess, that I created. Can't help but love Him, can we?
Shimmie said:
His mercies endure forever. Now don't forget that tithe, pretty lady. ;)

$15 is nothing compared to what He just saved you from having to spend.

God is so merciful to us.

Especially when we don't deserve it. I reap His mercies daily...Cause' I'm a piece of work, to say the least. I know I keep God busy saving me from all kinds of mess, that I created. Can't help but love Him, can we?

I won't. I already sponsor a child in Senegal, and donate to other charities. I just need to keep up the church donations.
chocolatesis said:
I won't. I already sponsor a child in Senegal, and donate to other charities. I just need to keep up the church donations.

It never ends... :lol: But it's all good. I'm sorry if I seemed forceful. I feel some more blessings coming your way that the enemy has been trying to hold back. But your gift will release it.

And you truly ARE faithful. Just wanted you to know that I can feel that about you very strongly. You are very faithful; another reason why He took up for you; He knows your faithful heart. ;)
Shimmie said:
It never ends... :lol: But it's all good. I'm sorry if I seemed forceful. I feel some more blessings coming your way that the enemy has been trying to hold back. But your gift will release it.

And you truly ARE faithful. Just wanted you to know that I can feel that about you very strongly. You are very faithful; another reason why He took up for you; He knows your faithful heart. ;)

Don't be sorry. We all need a reminder or a nudge now and then. ;)
Thank you for you encouraging words. Eventhough I know he has plans for me, it's encouraging to hear someone say that.:)
chocolatesis said:
Don't be sorry. We all need a reminder or a nudge now and then. ;)
Thank you for you encouraging words. Eventhough I know he has plans for me, it's encouraging to hear someone say that.:)

For you... a very special chocolate :kiss:
Thank all of you ladies for reading and replying to my testimonial. It's very encouraging and heart warming to know there are people out there like you guys.:yep:

And I love this site. We can discuss God and hair.....what more can a girl ask for? :lol: