
Well-Known Member
I was asked to teach. Me.:yep: I am so so excited and shocked and nervous and all of that I knew I wanted to teach but felt It would be later. No its now. I was asked to teach today. I was in totally shock. I only been a member for what a few months.

I talk a lot I wanted to encourage the entire church to drink green smoothies this past summer and so I made some and gave it out to anyone that wanted to try it, so they can see its not really pretty but it taste really good and they loved it. So I was asked to teach about the benefits of a green smoothy and demonstrate how to prepare it thats tomorrow.

today I was asked to teach bible study classes. I am so excited and everything in between. I am also on the book ministry and other things. God is so amazing 10 months ago I was sitting home watching TV wondering what direction my life is going to go in and then a few months later sitting again at home. No friends, no where to go and nothing to do. Until a program opened my eyes and made me want to start studying the bible. This site has encourage me to start seeking God but the program gave me direction. Which eventually lead me to the faith I now serve. i been in church my entire life. My entire life and I have gained nothing from it. Nothing until now. until I learned to seek out the truths that others said were clouded with mystery. which it is not.

Yesterday I went out to the truck to get breakfast. I love this truck they serve everything I like. So I was happy I had four dollars and a quarter enough for a sandwhich and juice. I asked for my sandwhich to be made a certain way and he agreed and a man came up to me and another woman who was at the cart and asked for a sandwhich he explained his story but I wasnt' listening. I was thinking I don't have anything but a quarter. So i gave it to him and he looked at me funny and so I started looking at him he was a bum, but not like any other bum he looked so intelligent and his face was cleaned, I felt something as if he knew I wasn't broke and so in my mind I said I don't have anything but this but I got a mac card I can get more money and so I said to the person making my sandwhich to give it to the stranger and I asked the stranger if he wanted juice and he said yes and I got the juice for him and payed for the food and I walked away i was ashamed of myself. I do not know why I just was feeling bad that I didn't think of it quick enough. so I prayed and asked God to forgive me and to bless the man and went back to my desk and got my mac card I got money out the machine and then went back outside and I saw that he was walking down the street and I just watched him. I said to the cart owner did you give him the food he said yes and said I gave it to him in a long roll so it will be filling. But I didn't see anything in the mans hands. The man (as God is my witness) disappeared as I was watching him. I could not see him anymore. later I realize that it wasn't a bum it was an angel. It just had to be. I been kinda of like in a daze since that happen. not wanting to tell anyone but if there is a blessing anywhere in your life it is for your to share with someone. I feel that was a blessing for me not to hold back in my given. There is so much I can do for others and I need to be more open minded in my giving. This is my testamony I hope its a blessing to someone who reads it.
Thank you for sharing!

My heart rejoices with you! I am so happy that you are finding such joy in the Lord. Your excitement and zeal is so inspiring. The church needs people like you to keep people on fire for the Lord. Today, one of our elders preach about possessing what God has given us, particularly clear access to the Promised Land. You are clearly living that! You will be an excellent teacher!

Wow@ the story about the angel! We truly never know who is next to us, watching us. Aren't you glad you gave him something to eat? And the Lord allowed you see that you were in the presence of an angel. Isn't it amazing? What a privilege! :yep:
This is wonderful! I am so happy for you! I love the way that God shows us that there are transactions taking place between Heaven and Earth all the time. Angels are all around us. We don't usually see them or recognise them I should say but they are there. You were shown this one to be able to be a blessing to others! And people have the nerve to say being a Christian is boring...:drunk:. They have no idea what they are missing!
This is wonderful! I am so happy for you! I love the way that God shows us that there are transactions taking place between Heaven and Earth all the time. Angels are all around us. We don't usually see them or recognise them I should say but they are there. You were shown this one to be able to be a blessing to others! And people have the nerve to say being a Christian is boring...:drunk:. They have no idea what they are missing!
You are so right and I was hoping that some how something about my life would be a blessing to some one. I hoped in some way I could help others and bless them. Now I learning that God's plan is always the best plan even when your not expecting it. YOU CAN BE A BLESSING TO SOMEONE. Thanks
Thank you for sharing!

My heart rejoices with you! I am so happy that you are finding such joy in the Lord. Your excitement and zeal is so inspiring. The church needs people like you to keep people on fire for the Lord. Today, one of our elders preach about possessing what God has given us, particularly clear access to the Promised Land. You are clearly living that! You will be an excellent teacher!

Wow@ the story about the angel! We truly never know who is next to us, watching us. Aren't you glad you gave him something to eat? And the Lord allowed you see that you were in the presence of an angel. Isn't it amazing? What a privilege! :yep:
THank you so much Divya you are my sister in more ways then one. I hope to know the word as strongly as you one day and be able to always give an account for why I believe what I believe. I am so fired up for God and I hope it never dies. You are so right the elderly in my church are so dear to me. So dear and I love them so much even the rude ones and there are plenty and they have no problem saying what a blessing me and my girls are to them and that is what gives me hope. I see more and more people willing to step up. So God is moving in our church and building people up and I am excited about teaching. Scared to death but so excited.