** Terrible product build up on the scalp! **

CharUK girl, I tried to tell you to use some glover's mange. I think I am one of the only ones on this board that successfully fights scalp issues. I have psoriasis, and excema under control.

People are talking about hair, and you are dealing with skin/fungus issues. Your daughter doesn't stink, her body is just fighting off a large onslaught of bugs, and using the scalp skin/oil to push them out. It takes grease to loosen up fungus. Glover's mange is a medicated grease with sulfur, and iron. It was originally developed to remove crust also known as mange from farm animals. Black people started using it back in the day because it grew hair, just like people on the boards use MN today.

The coconut or olive oil is a good thing too. Many people with excema/rosicia/auto-immune/allergies use it all over the body, they have anti-fungal properties.

Medicated grease (white country folk call it ointment) before using a dandruff shampoo, is the only way I know to remove a combination of fungus, bacterial and dead skin cells and keep some hair. Black soap is anti fungal too, so it will work like a dandruff shampoo. Warm olive oil can sometimes remove excema/psoriasis crust from scalp and skin.

I can't speak for doctors there, but here, they gave medical strength dandruff shampoo, and steroids(It dried my hair out something awful). Please get some grease to protect your child's hair from the medicine, if they give you nizoral it is strong, and we black folks have to base our hair to keep it manageable on that medicine. I can use any conditioner on my scalp, excema psoriasis is not a build up of oils. Clarifying shampoo might remove some weak stuff, but I must have either a medicated product or something like black soap/herbal remedies to get rid of the scales.

Sorry for the long post, but you sound a little frightened and I am trying to calm you down with information. Hope I didn't confuse you, if I did sorry, I was trying to help.
Hey Seamonster No, I really appreciate it! We both suffer with Eczema, so I shouldn't be surprised she is dealing with this, initially it just really looked like build up. No flakes per se, just creamy white stuff. I have taken what you've said on board, there is so much information to take in and recommended products that it is hard to filter down. I have purchased black soap for her, I just haven't used it yet. Glovers mange sounds a little like Sulphur 8, which I also have, but I will try and locate some GM for her.

I will see what the doctor says and at least get a proper diagnosis. I was just so happy when her scalp was clear and she didn't itch and now it's just the complete opposite, except there is no build up just thick flaky crustations and itches her like crazy!

Thanks for sharing.
Hey Seamonster No, I really appreciate it! We both suffer with Eczema, so I shouldn't be surprised she is dealing with this, initially it just really looked like build up. No flakes per se, just creamy white stuff. I have taken what you've said on board, there is so much information to take in and recommended products that it is hard to filter down. I have purchased black soap for her, I just haven't used it yet. Glovers mange sounds a little like Sulphur 8, which I also have, but I will try and locate some GM for her.

I will see what the doctor says and at least get a proper diagnosis. I was just so happy when her scalp was clear and she didn't itch and now it's just the complete opposite, except there is no build up just thick flaky crustations and itches her like crazy!

Thanks for sharing.


I am cutting and pasting the same thing I said in another thread on a similar topic.


I suggest Neutrogena T/Sal if they have it over there.

Don't use the t-gel. Use the t-sal. The t-gel has coal tar which is outlawed in Cali anyway but it's just not good for you. It's on the carcinogen list. That should help topically. Just follow it up with a good conditioner.

Also, she likely has a candida albicans overgrowth (yeast). Put her on a probiotic....acidophilus or lactobacillus. Does she also have a white coating on her tongue?

Google "dandruff and probiotic" and "dandruff and candida albicans"

Most "skin" problems that we try to treat from without can be cured from within.

Walgreens and CVS carry it I think. My little cousin's mom left it on her son's head for about 10 minutes and then would rinse. After about two weeks it was all cleared up.

You could do amazon...there are reviews as well. They reviews may be helpful in determining if you want to try it.


The reason I suggested the TSAL is because it treats the three major conditions: dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis. This is what my lil cousin's barber suggested when he had scalp issues (I usually take him to the barber shop with my son) and it did work for him. :yep:
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CharUK Use the sulfur 8 every country has some slightly different products. Glover's manage medicated ointment is stronger, than sulfur 8 hair creme. But sulfur 8 works for most people. Sulfur 8 is 2% sulfur, glover's ointment is 5-7% sulfur, plus iron oxide.

letskeepntouch gave great information

Hot olive oil treatment will usually lift heavy scales overnight. Just put it on a heavy layer, go to bed, and in the morning the flakes are up, and the itch is gone. Use a comb to remove the flakes, then wash the hair, put a little olive oil on the hair and scalp, and then apply your leave in.

Still make sure you take your baby to the doctor too, you are a good mom.
letskeepntouch Thank you for all of that information!! Much appreciated! They don't seem to stock it over here but I can get it shipped in. I'll also google for Probiotics, she doesn't have a coated tongue from memory, but i'll check again tonight.

The rest of her eczema only flares up in the summer thankfully and we keep it under control with simple emollients

Seamonster Thanks again, what I'll do is a hot oil treatment Friday night, Saturday morning I'll wash with the black soap and see how we get on. In the meantime I'll source the T/Sal and contact my doctors for an appointment!

MixedGirl - I doubt it's dandruff judging by the pictures I compared it too. Thanks.

Thanks all.
Hey Seamonster No, I really appreciate it! We both suffer with Eczema, so I shouldn't be surprised she is dealing with this, initially it just really looked like build up. No flakes per se, just creamy white stuff. I have taken what you've said on board, there is so much information to take in and recommended products that it is hard to filter down. I have purchased black soap for her, I just haven't used it yet. Glovers mange sounds a little like Sulphur 8, which I also have, but I will try and locate some GM for her.

I will see what the doctor says and at least get a proper diagnosis. I was just so happy when her scalp was clear and she didn't itch and now it's just the complete opposite, except there is no build up just thick flaky crustations and itches her like crazy!

Thanks for sharing.

make sure you take her to the doctor asap! if it is a skin disorder and not treated properly, she could develop a secondary infection on top of the rash. especially dealing with the hair and scalp. should could get a fugal infection, lose patches of hair, it could spread to the rest of her face and body, etc....