Tentative product review: Aveda pre-'poo treatment


Tentative product review: Aveda pre-\'poo treatment

Hey, all

IslandGirl's posts prompted me to try this last night after I got in from work. I had my hair touched up recently and had been experiencing some breakage. An aside: Another reason I love this board is for the information I've gotten. I had no idea that sensitive scalp relaxers were typically no-lye relaxers! My scalp and hair have been dry as a bone for a week and now I think I know why!

Anyway, the product, which I got at an Aveda concept salon, is $17 plus tax for 4.2 ounces. It contains, along with the sap moss, avocado oil, wheat protein and honey. It smells a lot like the sap moss shampoo and conditioner . . . very woodsy, I'd call it, and it has the consistency of honey almost, but is less sticky.

I used it in the shower after wetting my hair and wringing out (gently) excess water. Directions say to use "liberally," and I did cover my hair with it, concentrating mainly on the ends. It went on smoothly, almost like a glaze. If anyone uses Sebastian's colorshines, especially the clear one, this had almost the same consistency and color. Directions say leave on 1-2 minutes and then shampoo. I left it on for close to 10 minutes, again because of the post-touchup dryness I had.

When I rinsed it out, my hair did feel smoother
and - and this is the weird part - it seemed to take on a wave pattern. Not an underprocessed hair wave, but a 3c-ish curl. I followed up with my tried and true Giovanni's magnetic shampoo, then hopped out of the shower and noticed that even through the shampoo, the waves remained.

Now, the reason that this is a tentative product review is because I did use a protein treatment (Uans Crema Plus, which is a lot like Terax Crema. In fact, they smell exactly the same. I don't know what the dif is, except maybe Uans is a little cheaper) and a moisturizing conditioner (Suave knockoff of Humectress mixed with Giovanni's 50-50 Hair Remoisturizer), so I don't know if I can attribute the thickness, less feeling of dryness and less breakage I have today to the Aveda per se. BUT, now my hair is dry, and I still have those waves! They are the kind I tried and failed to get with the John Frieda Ripple Effect and the Frederic Fekkai wave spray. I LOVE this, and again, maybe my hair is "weird," but upon rinsing out the Aveda, the first thing I noticed was the wave pattern. My previously-relaxed hair hung straight before this last touchup, not the hint of a curl, so I can only attribute it to the Aveda, unless my shower water suddenly is able to change my wave pattern

I am going to try the treatment again with a "regular" wash (no protein treatment, etc.) to get a better gauge of how it works, but for the wave factor alone (for me, anyway), I say it's a keeper. Plus, the ingredients - the honey, the avocado, the sap moss, the wheat protein - oh, and there's aloe, too - are beneficial to dry hair normally, so I think we have a winner! I'll check in, though, after my second wash with an update.



Thanks to all who responded to my lowlights q. No ****** way I'm getting permanent color in my hair if I've got dryness from the no lye. Uh-uh. And thanks again, Tracy, for the PM!
Re: Tentative product review: Aveda pre-\'poo treatment

hmm i have had my eye on aveda products since i see the aveda store everytime i pass by rickys. i have seen the hair of the people who use the products and it looks lovely. of course i am not dillusional to believe if something works for one person it will work the same way for me but i will never know unless i try. hey i like to spend money on hair products. i dont go hungry because of it my bills still get paid, my work still gets done. so really no harm is being done buying hair products. my hair is what will thrive because i am devising a regime that i know that works for my hair and with millions of products out there there may be that right product that will transform my hair that i am not even aware of. so when i get the chance i will check out this aveda preshampoo treatment. it sounds good. thanks for the review.
God bless you all.
Re: Tentative product review: Aveda pre-\'poo treatment

Yeah OnlyErin, thanksfor that review. Just when I was comfortable with my haircare regime and haven't purchsed anything new since I discovered my beloved Tropical Avocado, here you are talking about waves
. I would love to get that effect in my hair. Especially for the summer girl. Oh please be sure to come back here and post the final results after trying this again. Cause if it does it again, I'm definitley going to get some.
Thanks again.
Re: Tentative product review: Aveda pre-\'poo treatment

thanks for your review, please do update when you try it without the protein treatment.
Re: Tentative product review: Aveda pre-\'poo treatment

OK, I have now tried the treatment two more times since my first post, both w/out heavy duty protein conditioners. The second time I used it, I spritzed some Paul Mitchell Awapui moisture mist on my hair, smoothed in some of the Aveda, put on a plastic cap, then a scarf, and went to the gym for an hour. Because my gym is in my building, I was able to shampoo in my own home right after my workout. I thought the product "penetrated" more. Whether that was because I put it on damp hair instead of soaking wet hair, thus allowing more of the product to be absorbed, or because of the heat I generated from my workout, or because I left it in for 45 mins instead of the 1-2 mins it suggests on the bottle, or a combo of the three, I can't say. My hair felt smooth after rinsing out, with - again! - a very pronounced wave pattern, but after I put in my Giovanni's moisturizing shampoo, conditioner and leave in, my hair was flat as a pancake
No waves at all!

Then last night, I used it - this time while in the shower - and left it in about 5 mins. Again, upon wash-out, my hair felt smooth, and the wave thing was happening, but when I shampooed with my moisturizing shampoo and followed with my Giovanni Magnetic conditioner (cannot . . . CANNOT live without that stuff) and my new favorite product, the Pantene light conditioner and detangler (LOVE that), the waves were gone. So apparently, the difference so far as the wave effect (at least for me) is the protein conditioner. I don't understand that because I use a very, very emollient moisturizing conditioner after protein treatments, but that really was the only thing I did different. Strange.

Anyway, I like the product. My hair has seemed more "moist" since using it, and breakage has been minimal. I am an Aveda lover, so maybe I'm biased, but if you have the time and inclination, give it a whirl - if only to see if you get the "wave" effect. Since this seemed to absorb into my hair more when I exercised, I'm going to use this when I get my hair steamer to try to duplicate that effect without the sweat . . . though I will still be working it at the gym

Re: Tentative product review: Aveda pre-\'poo treatment

thanks for the update, i think i am going to try this product!