Temptation - This is Good!!!

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Lysa TerKeurst

"The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just. The law of God is on his heart; his feet do not slip." Psalm 37:30-31 (NIV)

I think I've discovered one of the biggest tricks Satan plays on us girls to get us to give into temptation.

"It's not fair." It's not fair that others seem permitted to have this, do this, act this way.

It's not fair that God won't let us eat of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden... one little bite wouldn't be so bad, right?

It's not fair I can't buy that new thing I really want... just a little debt wouldn't be so bad, right?

It's not fair that I have this body that I have to watch everything I eat when that girl eats junk and stays a size 4... one piece of cheesecake wouldn't be so bad, right?

It's not fair that we can't have sex before we're married when we're so in love... experimenting one time wouldn't be so bad, right?

Our flesh buys right into Satan's lie that it's not fair for things to be withheld from us. So we bite into the forbidden fruit and allow Satan to write 'shame' across our heart. Once you taste the forbidden fruit, you will crave it worse than you craved it before, giving temptation more and more power. And given enough power, temptation will start to consume our thoughts, redirect our actions, and demand our worship. Temptation doesn't take kindly to be starved.

I don't know what tempts you today. But, I do personally know this vicious cycle and I'm here to give you hope it is possible to get past it. Just typing that sentence gives me chills. Just a couple of months ago, I wondered if that would ever be true for me.

I've been on a very strict eating plan since April. Part of this plan is no sugar. Which doesn't sound so bad until you realize sugar is in just about everything we enjoy eating. Breads, pasta, potatoes, rice and not to mention all things bakery-licious.

It has been challenging at times that's for sure. But while I was on vacation recently and watching others enjoys an abundance of treats, I started to have a little pity party and those words crept into my brain: "It's not fair." In that instant, I squirmed in my chair and thought, "I'll just take one little bite... maybe two... I've been so good... this is vacation... everyone else is indulging ... OH MY STARS WHAT ARE YOU DOING LYSA!"

In that moment of extreme temptation, I realized me having a pity party was a clue I was relying on my own strength... a strength that has failed me before and would fail me again. I had to grab hold of God's strength and the only way to do that was to invite His power into my situation. I mentally gave God control of the situation by reciting truths I'd been banking up in my heart. "I'm more than a conqueror." "Lead us not into temptation but DELIVER us from the evil one." "The law of God is in his heart; his feet do not slip."

Soon, it was time to get up from the dinner table and walk back to our room. And I've never felt so empowered in my life. Had I said yes that first night of our vacation, there would have been more compromises in future meals. Compromise built upon compromise equals failure. Instead, resisting temptation allowed promise upon promise to be built up in my heart, which equals Holy Spirit empowerment!

Like I said, I don't know what you might be struggling with today but I can assure you God is fair and just. There is a reason we must face this. The struggle may be painful in the moment but it is working out something magnificent within us. As James 1 promises, "This testing of your faith develops perseverance and perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature, complete, not lacking anything."

Oh sweet sister, that is the cry of my soul. My taste buds lie as they make empty claims to satisfy me. Only persevering with God will make me truly full, complete, not lacking anything. Press on sister. Press on.
Ok. I am just going to say God is so so good! I was just having a similar conversation with a friend of mine on the way home from work about overcoming temptations. Thank you N&W for posting this. It is right on time!
Ummmm, so why is this 'calling me out'.... :giveup: I surrender.

Excellent as always and a word which has spoken to my heart.

:thankyou: :love3: :thankyou: Pastor Wavy....
I just believe you were led by The Holy Spirit to post this. God is doing something mighty in His people who have humbled themselved right now!
This is so beautiful...thanks for sharing!

A couple of days ago I was feeling a little down because things didn't go quite my way. Later on I realized that God protected me and made a way of escape for me....I need to rejoice and give God Praise!
Our flesh buys right into Satan's lie that it's not fair for things to be withheld from us. Once you taste the forbidden fruit, you will crave it worse than you craved it before, giving temptation more and more power. And given enough power, temptation will start to consume our thoughts, redirect our actions, and demand our worship. Temptation doesn't take kindly to be starved.

In that moment of extreme temptation, I realized me having a pity party was a clue I was relying on my own strength... a strength that has failed me before and would fail me again. I had to grab hold of God's strength and the only way to do that was to invite His power into my situation. I mentally gave God control of the situation by reciting truths I'd been banking up in my heart. "I'm more than a conqueror." "Lead us not into temptation but DELIVER us from the evil one." "The law of God is in his heart; his feet do not slip."

Thanks for sharing this precious truth with us. This part is what stood out most to me.
Thanks for that. I just got out of a conversation with a co-worker who was insisting that I needed to "live a little," "experiment" :rolleyes:, that everyone needs to try x,y,z, etc. I literally plugged my ears with my fingers and said "I'm not listening to you!" :laugh: I'm sure that looked crazy, but sometimes we have to be fools for Christ.

The devil is a liar and temptation always involves deception. We might feel like we're missing out, but just remember that the consequences of sin and going against God's ways always manifest themselves one way or another down the line.
I need this right now. Lord I need help to stop smoking.

As the beautiful woman that you are, I am grateful that you have already expressed the desire to stop smoking. I stand with you in agreement touching that very thing (your deliverance from smoking) and it shall be done on Earth as it was already done in Heaven.
I can't wait for your victory report in Jesus' Name-
Love you Sister in Jesus' Name!