Telling your stylist not to trim...


New Member

I'm planning on a relaxer in the next two weeks. I've got about and inch and a half of newgrowth and about a half inch of drastically underprocessed hair above (my own doing) that so I'm excited about seeing the length once everything is straightened out.

Yet, I'm on the 2007 no trim challenge, and even before the challenge I'd decided to go a year without trims and see what happenes. So yesterday I deepconditioned and my ends look really good, but my stylist always wants to shape my hair and reinforce my layers --- he's not happy with the shears, but he does like to shape it up a bit, and this will be the first time since I started using him a year ago that I tell him no trimming.

I'm afraid it won't be well recieved. How do you ladies who get salon services deal with this issue?

When I had a stylist I first I just demanded in a firm voice that I not be trimmed. When that stopped working with one stylist I left her and told her why. With the next stylist I told her I would do it myself or have my husband do it (he cuts hair) because I always left without a style after the relaxer was finished .
Just say no- it's your head and your money. You wouldn't just let someone cut your arm off, would you?
Or if you find it difficult to just say no and you don't want to cause a scene, lie.

1) You just had it trimmed last week by your sister whose in beauty school.
2) You are getting cornrows because you are running a marathon and you don't want the blunt ends sticking out.
3) You're husband gets upset when you cut your hair, and you don't want any drama at home because your marriage is on the rocks.

Just kidding, but I hope you can stick to your no-trim challenge.
CAPlush said:
Or if you find it difficult to just say no and you don't want to cause a scene, lie.

1) You just had it trimmed last week by your sister whose in beauty school.
2) You are getting cornrows because you are running a marathon and you don't want the blunt ends sticking out.
3) You're husband gets upset when you cut your hair, and you don't want any drama at home because your marriage is on the rocks.

Just kidding, but I hope you can stick to your no-trim challenge.

:lachen: Uhm...that might be a little much LOL.

The last time my stylist relaxed my hair, I just lied and said that I had already had it trimmed a few weeks ago. (bad girl for lying i know:( )
I feel your pain but as someone else posted: your hair, your money.
Let him know that you don't want a trim and that's it.
It's sad that you have to freaking lie just to keep them from chopping on your hair!! If you say no, then they should respect that!!! They may stop if you threaten to start cutting their hair when they're finished. Just get up out the chair with the crazy look and scissors and say "NOW MY TURN!!!!!!!!!!"
I had to trick my OLD stylist into NOT trimming my hair,:lachen:But seriously, you shouldn't have to go through all that, I stopped going to my stylist because he was TOO stubborn.
This is the reason I learned to trim myself. In your case I would say BEFORE I even sat in the chair that today I DO NOT want a trim. If he gives you attitude than just leave.

My philosophy is I control how much I spend and dictate what I get done. No compromise. I have gotten up out of the chair, wet hair and all and left without paying because a stylist refused to listen to what I wanted and gave me attitude. I wouldn't accept this behavior in a resturant and I will not accept it in a salon.

But that's just me. :lol:
chayil0427 said:
:lachen: Uhm...that might be a little much LOL.


Giiiirl, you say that now.... :lol: .... but if your stylist is ANYTHING like my old stylist, then you need to come prepared w/ a good, strong, FIRM argument as to why she must not trim!!! My stylist was so persistent, and would actually get an attitude when i told her no, and meant it! :confused: She seemed to take it personally, as though a rejection of her trim was a rejection of her credibility as a stylist or as a person!!!! Maaan, that crap got so old and tired, having to come in each time and fight and fuss with her!!! *smh* After i went to the Dominicans, it was like a breath of fresh air!!! THey dont ever give you a hard time, and they respect YOUR wishes as the consumer!!!!!

Good luck, sis!!!!
simplycee said:
My philosophy is I control how much I spend and dictate what I get done. No compromise. I have gotten up out of the chair, wet hair and all and left without paying because a stylist refused to listen to what I wanted and gave me attitude. I wouldn't accept this behavior in a resturant and I will not accept it in a salon.

Way to stand up for yourself, girl!!!!!!!!!!! :) That's whats up!
I ran into this situation about 7 1/2 weeks ago with my former stylist. She took one look at my ends and said, "They're split and need to be cut." However, I had already decided before stepping foot in the door that I would NOT allow her to trim my ends. We honestly went back and forth about this for 30 minutes. I almost caved into letting her trim until she held up my hair and said, "You have about 4-5 inches that need to be cut." She then proceeded to hand me a stack of hair magazines and told me to turn to the short style sections in each one to choose which one I wanted her to cut for me. :eek: Keep in mind, that my hair was a little past shoulder length. Right then I knew there was NO WAY this woman would cut my hair that day...or even so much as touch it ever again! So I politely told her, "I know that you not cutting my hair today is a conflict of interest and goes against your 'professional' opinion, but I'll take a bump and wrap, please." She flat ironed it albeit reluctantly, I thanked her, paid :mad: , and left. That's when I found balisi on LHCF! :D Now I have a stylist who cares about my opinions, my desires, my goals, and she LISTENS to me. She and I talk about what I want and what I need and we go from there.

Point of this story is...stick to your guns. And if your stylist can't listen to you and respect your wishes, he doesn't have the honor and privilege of being your stylist anymore.
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You need to repeat "no cut" at the beginning, middle, and end of the service! My last stylist actually got angry and rough after I refused a trim. The ends she called dry are fluffy and NO splits!!!

Do not let her cut your hair until YOU are ready!!!!!
Bring your hubby or SO in there with you. And have HIM tell her that you don't want a trim.

As stupid as this sounds, it actually works. Women get intimidated by men. I have seen husbands come in there in SIT in there and watch the stylist like a hawk.
simplycee said:
This is the reason I learned to trim myself. In your case I would say BEFORE I even sat in the chair that today I DO NOT want a trim. If he gives you attitude than just leave.

My philosophy is I control how much I spend and dictate what I get done. No compromise. I have gotten up out of the chair, wet hair and all and left without paying because a stylist refused to listen to what I wanted and gave me attitude. I wouldn't accept this behavior in a resturant and I will not accept it in a salon.

But that's just me. :lol:

Thank you! Ain't nobody got time for that mess.:mad:
simplycee said:
This is the reason I learned to trim myself. In your case I would say BEFORE I even sat in the chair that today I DO NOT want a trim. If he gives you attitude than just leave.

My philosophy is I control how much I spend and dictate what I get done. No compromise. I have gotten up out of the chair, wet hair and all and left without paying because a stylist refused to listen to what I wanted and gave me attitude. I wouldn't accept this behavior in a resturant and I will not accept it in a salon.

But that's just me. :lol:

MAJOR Co-sign!

Girl, get up and LEAVE if he insists on doing anything you've asked him not to do. It's really that simple. There's a new thread here almost every week where somebody let a stylist do something awful (processing too long, trimming, wrong products, etc) and then they're upset. Why? Seriously, a stylist will only do what you ALLOW them to do. Nobody died and left any stylist Hair god or goddess so YOU, the customer, are really in control, and you have to exert that control when necessary.

Simply say no. If he insists, leave and don't go back. He's an adult, and you should simply be able to say what you do and don't want.

Plenty of ladies on the board do self-trimming. Maybe that's something you could consider. Run a search or PM somebody or start a thread (if you don't mind the eye-rolling and sighs repetitive topics get :look: ) and teach yourself how to do it.


Stylists can be very pushy. I wonder why that is? In any event if I don't want a trim I make sure to tell them that and I don't get one. Nuff said. :lol:
It's sad that you have to freaking lie just to keep them from chopping on your hair!! If you say no, then they should respect that!!! They may stop if you threaten to start cutting their hair when they're finished. [B]Just get up out the chair with the crazy look and scissors and say "NOW MY TURN this is funny...might work too
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No means no.

It's not a debate

It's not a discussion.

I have made a decision.

Let's move on.

If you can't move on, I can.

I ran into this situation when I found LHCF and decided not to have my touch up done every 5 wks. At first my stylist was telling me that my hair was going to come out yada, yada,yada. I stuck to my guns and stretched for 10 wks the first time. When I went it for my touch up she was really rough with my hair. We almost came to blows and I told her to stop combing my hair so rough :mad: . I now stretched for 16 wks and after my hair surpassed hers she started stretching too.:lol: Just say no.
CAPlush said:
Or if you find it difficult to just say no and you don't want to cause a scene, lie.

1) You just had it trimmed last week by your sister whose in beauty school.
2) You are getting cornrows because you are running a marathon and you don't want the blunt ends sticking out.
3) You're husband gets upset when you cut your hair, and you don't want any drama at home because your marriage is on the rocks.

Just kidding, but I hope you can stick to your no-trim challenge.

:lachen: DANG!
angellazette said:
It's sad that you have to freaking lie just to keep them from chopping on your hair!! If you say no, then they should respect that!!! They may stop if you threaten to start cutting their hair when they're finished. Just get up out the chair with the crazy look and scissors and say "NOW MY TURN!!!!!!!!!!"

Supported...Spot on girl!!
I would call the stylist in advance to express my not wanting trimming under no circumstances. You should be able to tell by his response on the phone what your experience will be like.

If he gives you a hard time while just discussing it, then cancel the appointment. It's better to get everything straight before going to the appointment. That way you won't be pressure while sitting in his might even cave in, once he starts preaching about how your hair needs to be trimmed.

I hate that speech. They (the stylist) think they own your hair. They are just providing a service for us, they should do what "we" want them to do, not what they want to do to our hair...that's actually very "bad" business.
chayil0427 said:

I'm planning on a relaxer in the next two weeks. I've got about and inch and a half of newgrowth and about a half inch of drastically underprocessed hair above (my own doing) that so I'm excited about seeing the length once everything is straightened out.

Yet, I'm on the 2007 no trim challenge, and even before the challenge I'd decided to go a year without trims and see what happenes. So yesterday I deepconditioned and my ends look really good, but my stylist always wants to shape my hair and reinforce my layers --- he's not happy with the shears, but he does like to shape it up a bit, and this will be the first time since I started using him a year ago that I tell him no trimming.

I'm afraid it won't be well recieved. How do you ladies who get salon services deal with this issue?


I've only recently started stating EXACTLY what I want and I just kindly tell her that I don't want a trim and that my mom is dusting my ends for me. I'm just really up front with her. My stylist is great and understands that it's my hair. Bottom line, she and I discussed my goals and I told her that I'll be ready for a full trim when I'm close to my first hair length goal, but will be dusting at home until then.

Good luck!
MizaniMami said:
Bring your hubby or SO in there with you. And have HIM tell her that you don't want a trim.

As stupid as this sounds, it actually works. Women get intimidated by men. I have seen husbands come in there in SIT in there and watch the stylist like a hawk.

I don't have a hubby or SO :cry3: . Can I borrow your man :lachen: .

simplycee said:
This is the reason I learned to trim myself. In your case I would say BEFORE I even sat in the chair that today I DO NOT want a trim. If he gives you attitude than just leave.

My philosophy is I control how much I spend and dictate what I get done. No compromise. I have gotten up out of the chair, wet hair and all and left without paying because a stylist refused to listen to what I wanted and gave me attitude. I wouldn't accept this behavior in a resturant and I will not accept it in a salon.

But that's just me. :lol:

I hear ya, I have caused a scene before in a braid shop because the lady washed my hair and was using a thin comb to untangle my hair, she was pulling, yanking, and tugging on my hair why it was wet..I told her to use a wider comb and she tried to just ignore me..sooooo....I repeated myself and then she ga try to put me under the dryer without even combing....sooooooo then I snapped dear style.....I said real loud how the hell you ga put me under the dryer without detangling my hair first all I asked your *** to do was use a bigger're pulling my damn hair out...then I said F it I'll go down the damn street....and the girl who was orginally supposed to do my hair was doing someone else when I came she stopped me and asked what's wrong...I told her...then she and the stupid lady started talking jamaican and the one who was trying to F my hair up was talking loud and I told her *** to speak english cuz I don't understand her ***...anywho...the girl who originally was supposed to do my hair ended up doing it and the stupid girl finished the other girls head...I was mad and burning dear style.....the lady who did my braids said to the other girl "that's not right, she is a customer and paying your bills" the stupid girl just kept talking in her foreign language...she can speak perfect english...she just wanted to nut in her native tongue...she betta be glad I didn't understand her ***....sorry...wheew....I had to vent...sorry..:lachen: brought back memories...and this happened a couple of years ago before even joining LHCF....
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