Tell us your experience with silicones and hairgrowth:good or bad?


New Member
Ladies who grew their hair superlong with the use of silicones. How did it work for you?
I've been hearing a lot of bad things about them and i just can't use a silicone based product without feeling guilty..:sad:
So i am looking for the 'i had no problem with them and now my hair is growing thanx to the silicone' story :) Is it a fairytail or not?
I've been using cones since last year and still retaining as much if not more than previously. I poo and DC once a week maybe that gets rid of the build up, I use cones in conditioners, heat protectants etc no probs, I believe everything in moderation (mineral oil included) will do no harm.
I use a cone ladden conditioner and leave-in. I don't care if there are silicones in my products, silicones are great for sealing in moisture for my hair.

I use a sulfate shampoo every week and clarify/chelate once a month to help aid in getting rid of buildup.
It's been about a year since I eliminated silicones, except when I use the Maxiglide. Prior to that, most of the conditioners, leave-ins, gels, etc. that I used contained them. My hair did manage to get to waist/hip length with them, so clearly they did not affect retention. HOWEVER, with them, my hair was always super-dry, always frizzy and hard to style, and I had to use A LOT of product ... a vicious circle of dryness --> using product because the hair was SOOO dry and frizzy --> having even drier hair. My hair no longer suffers from that horrible dryness now that I have eliminated silicones. Now I can co-wash and use just a little oil/butter, and have hair that looks just fine. Or I can apply a leave-in, and have my hair stay moisturized for a few days until the next wash, no additional product needed. So while silicones did not prevent my hair from growing, eliminating them has made my hair much easier to care for. :)
I never saw anything about silicones impeding hair growth. As yamilee21 said some people experienced dryness and frizziness. From what I know some people avoided them because silicones interfered with curl formation however other curlies were using product lines like e.g. pantene for curls that have silicone ingredients and they were getting curl definition so like everything else it was probably an individual thing. As we all know different products and techniques work for different people but I've never seen it written anyplace stop using silicone or your hair won't grow. Silicone is very effective for sealing in moisture so if anything this can help you retain length - just don't be heavy handed with it.
I don't use cones at all, but I used to. I found I had a lot of buildup with them on my scalp and using any product after putting on a cone on my head was a no go, since cones block any moisture from going in the hair and they actually seal the hair strand. So after using conditioners with cones in them, other products applied afterwards such as my leave in and oil would just sit atop my head and do nothing. The buildup cones gave me were noticeable and I do believe they affected my growth, so I stopped. I pretty much stopped with all chemicals after that lol. If my health is out of whack, my hair will be too.
I use Sabino Moisture Block every day and this is nothing but a silicone. I shampoo my hair once a week and co-wash the rest of the days and haven't had any problems for the last year!!
My hair doesn't have issues with silicones. Seems to like them. Most of the products I use now don't have them but when I decided to flat iron I will definitely use a silicone product.
I don't have a problem with silicones either. I don't use much of them though. I think those with problems usually don't clarify or use sulfates. I can't understand why it would be a huge problem if they are washed out thoroughly.

But if you're against sulfates or other harsh cleansers, than you naturally have to be against silicones and other products that coat the hair a lot.
When my hair was texturized and not taken care of, keeping it coated with silicone conditioners helped me: it didn't tangle as much and it imparted shine.

When I was transitioning, I noticed that if I used products without silicones my natural part was shiny and moisturized, the texturized part was porous, didn't retain moisture and looked dull.

Silicones helped me to uniform that.

When I chopped my hair to ear length I tried both the silicone and non silicone routes. If I use no cones I feel that my hair is shinier and reacts to moisture, oils and deep conditioners better and quicker.

Silicones were, to my hair, like wearing foundation: they had a cosmetic purpose. If the foundation has nourishing ingredients in it as well, then the condition of my skin doesn't worsen or it gets repaired. Healing and covering can be done together, or separately... But for a long time I haven't known the difference.
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No issues with silicones and the more I've read up on them the more I don't mind them at all. I'm still a newbie, I use silicones in moderation and find that I have been overjoyed with my progress. Like with the heat lovers I guess you have to understand what silicones do and how to work with/around it.