Tell Me What You Think


New Member
Hey ladies this is my first post on the Relationship forum OK ladies I was born with Cerebral Palsy and I am in a wheelchair and have been for almost 14 years and I have only had one Boyfriend we were together for 9 years if you count the puppy love lol but I had to drop him cause he lied cheated and went to jail I have seen other guys but I soon found out that they just wanted sex and that is just not me but here is my problem if they are not trying to get me in to bed I think I got just cause I'm in a wheelchair I'm easy stamped on my forehead or something but any way like I was saying if they are not trying to get me in to bed they think just cause of my cerebral palsy and the wheelchair that I can't have sex so with that said I have guys tell me you cool to hang out with but we can't date I think most time they are scared of what their friends or who ever will say so cause of that I don't date much I don't need no one who is just with me cause they feel sorry for me so here is my point what do you ladies think I'm doing wrong if anything and here is the bad part my to best friends just got married and one is about to have a baby and yes I am a little bit jealous not that I wanna have a baby or get married it's just that I want something deeper then just sex not that I had a lot of it I wanna be in love cause the guy I was with for 9 years I was not in love with him I loved him but I was not in love with him I know you ladies know what I mean but is being in love over rated and is it evan worth it
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I understand your issues, but trust me when I say it is not just happening to you. Wheelchair or no wheelchair, finding the right person is tough... for some people. I know I am having a very hard time! Keep your head up and by optimistic about life. You deserve to be happy...relationship or not. If you think about the things in life that make you happy right now and don't focus on what you don't have, someone will come into your life. Stay busy and don't worry. You'll get what is supposed to be just cheating, lying, or whatever else you don't need. It seems easier said than done, but you are not traveling this road alone!

:cycle:I'm peddling right next to ya!
I understand your issues, but trust me when I say it is not just happening to you. Wheelchair or no wheelchair, finding the right person is tough... for some people. I know I am having a very hard time! Keep your head up and by optimistic about life. You deserve to be happy...relationship or not. If you think about the things in life that make you happy right now and don't focus on what you don't have, someone will come into your life. Stay busy and don't worry. You'll get what is supposed to be just cheating, lying, or whatever else you don't need. It seems easier said than done, but you are not traveling this road alone!

:cycle:I'm peddling right next to ya!

This post is true. I am having a hard time as well. I agree about just being happy and not focusing on what you don't have. (LOA)

A REAL guy wont care what his friends think about you and he wouldn't stamp you off because you have CP.

I know it's hard and you get disappointed, but there are good guys out there.
Ditto to everything these ladies have said.
People tell me all the time, "Meaganita, you can have any man you want."
I'm like, "Yeah right. If only it were that easy."
Men may come a dime a dozen these days,
but good men don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm not jaded
or anything and I still believe in love. It's just that it's
more like finding a diamond in the rough these days.
It's especially challenging for women who have higher standards.
It's not impossible, but Rome wasn't built overnight either.
Just love and take care of yourself, and handle your business.
God will bless you with your hearts desire in due time.
His timing is ALWAYS perfect.;)
Ditto to everything these ladies have said.
People tell me all the time, "Meaganita, you can have any man you want."
I'm like, "Yeah right. If only it were that easy."
Men may come a dime a dozen these days,
but good men don't. Don't get me wrong, I'm not jaded
or anything and I still believe in love. It's just that it's
more like finding a diamond in the rough these days.
It's especially challenging for women who have higher standards.
It's not impossible, but Rome wasn't built overnight either.
Just love and take care of yourself, and handle your business.
God will bless you with your hearts desire in due time.
His timing is ALWAYS perfect.;)

I agree with this whole post. just cause i can have any guys i want doesn't mean i want all of them. High standards are important when it comes to men so don't feel bad.
Thank You Ladies I don't focus on it I am very happy with myself and I posted that to see what other women thought about it cause me and my friend had talked about it some time ago and I said to her I would post it to see what you ladies thought
I hope you find someone. I believe in finding someone I can work with. I loved my husband when we married but wasn't in love with him. I'm now I love with him. From what I've seen the inlove thing doesn't last so you need something other than that.

I agree with what the other ladies have said. Finding a good man is hard but hang in and get yourself out there.
I understand your issues, but trust me when I say it is not just happening to you. Wheelchair or no wheelchair, finding the right person is tough... for some people. I know I am having a very hard time! Keep your head up and by optimistic about life. You deserve to be happy...relationship or not. If you think about the things in life that make you happy right now and don't focus on what you don't have, someone will come into your life. Stay busy and don't worry. You'll get what is supposed to be just cheating, lying, or whatever else you don't need. It seems easier said than done, but you are not traveling this road alone!

:cycle:I'm peddling right next to ya!

Thanks, I needed to know I'm not alone :ohwell:

And that was great advice...I've joined a gym and made it part of my routine. It helps alot. But shoot, I was there on Friday night...I must have looked really lonely.

But I agree, the RIGHT one will come your way. His concern will never be your wheelchair. His concern will be YOU.