Tell me my God ain't real!


Think Slim
I have been really going through some stuff at work.
I've been there for a few years, despite being a contracted employee (I work at the state). In those three years, I have watched coworkers come and go. Just recently two of my good friends were told that at the end of the month, they would be let go.

I project that I just worked on for the state, which had absolutely nothing to do with my contract, just went live on Wed. I was supposed to be invited to the unveiling, but wasn't. Everyone kept running over to tell me how "impressed everyone was with my work...wondered where I was." Now mind you, these are people, who did not have ANYTHING to do with the project. They were invited, yet I wasn't. I was really hurt, but prayed.

In fact, I have been trying to pray for several months, because the job that I used to LOVE and enjoy going to, has turned into a den of despair. I go there every day and put forth less effort, because I am so disgusted by things.

At any rate, there was a huge meeting yesterday, that revealed that almost everyone from my company will be terminated, effective July 1st :shocked: I am one of only three people, who were requested to stay on for at least another year. :cry: I am crying tears of joy, because despite the fact that I absolutely loathe most of the managers, I feel blessed that during this time of economic lows, I'm STILL employed, should I choose to stay on.

DH and I have been just trying to hold on for a year, to decide whether or not we want to set roots here, or relocate. We just discussed me staying at home with my son, but I thought that it would be better for me to continue working for at least a year and THEN decide.

I just wanted to share that I have been distraught for several months may have even showed in some of my posts. I just have not been my usual self. Jesus heard my prayers; He did not respond when I expected, but He heard me. In the last hour, HE stepped right in and showed Himself and I cannot help, but cry, because I have so many friends who will be out of work, yet I continue to remain employed. This really is a bitter-sweet blessing. I'm happy for me, but very sad and concerned for my coworkers, my friends.
I'm happy for you... and happy that you've taken a positive attitude about it all. These trials build character, and what you have been through will serve you well in the future! God bless!
You know I understood about going through things and people not know it from your posting...

I'm glad that things worked out in your favor and it's understandable to feel that way about your colleagues...

I only pray that things get better from this point onward for you. :kiss:
Aww webby I'm so happy to hear that you weren't terminated babe! Remember hon, He may not come when we want him to, but He's always right on time :notworthy:
Thank you ladies. Please, do keep me in your prayers. I know that He does things in His own time, but I need to keep my eye on HIM at ALL times.
What an awesome God we have yes He covered you with the blood of Jesus. I love to hear testimonies such as this. :)
oh webby, I am sorry that this happened. maybe this is a sign that you do need to start thinking about what to do as far as relocating or searching for another job close by, especially since they are so shady around there, its no telling what could happen to you next year. Working in an environment that is not supportive can not be any good for you in the long run . You have skills so you can find another job..
I think he is preparing you for the next stage in your life. Maybe working this next year will help you continue to build a nest egg for the family. If you move down south than you maybe to spend time at home with the baby. Keeping fingers crossed that you move down to DC area. :grin:
Congrats Webby that is a reason to praise his name. I'm crying wit ya on to post my testimony.
Amen! Isnt he wonderful!

Webby, I am so happy to hear your good news. I know that, that must have been very stressful. God is always there in our final hour. Although there are people at your job, that get on your last nerve put your best foot foward...I know how hard that is...I have a couple of folks here at my gig, that I have to pray about...daily lol. Don't let them steal your joy.

Be blessed.
Hey ladies :wave:
Thank you all for your tremendous support.
Funny thing is I don't even know my fate after July 1st, workwise. But I don't care, because I'm leaning on Him and I'm keeping my wit and sense of humor.

I won't let ANY MAN put doubt or fear in my heart again! If I have a job, great, if not, great. God is ALWAYS good, regardless to the budget deficits ;)