Tell me it's possible


New Member
To learn to style your hair without damaging it.

I really want to be able to style my hair in something other than a bun or pony but I am terrified I'm going to damage the hell out of my hair.

So far I can do an ok flexirod set (wet or dry), a cute fluffy braid out, and a bantu knot curly set thing.

Other ideas for right above SL length hair that doesn't involve heat?

I'm still stupid with roller setting but after I get the Braids by Breslin DVD I'll be getting Macherieamour's dvd.

Show me pictures or give me links. Or tell me to shut up and just do it.

Thanks ladies.
can't say much besides rollersetting, if you give a good set, you can airdry it and it will still be bangin'! But I usually have to flat iron the hair closest to my scalp.