Teens Hah

Op, you know some outrageous folks. I would look at the whole situation suspiciously. There is not enough information from that scenario to jump to a conclusion. I would talk to the daughter privately and try to figure out her reasoning. I would take her to a therapist and keep them two away from each other for the time being. I would also think about the man's past actions, to see if there are red flags.
She should be glad he called her in the first place. Now she needs to put on her Sherlock Holmes cap and get to investigating and responding appropriately to what she finds out.

I can't believe I'm about to say this but some of these teens nowadays due to being over sexualized by media, Internet and peers, think that they are grown. Most of the time, men are foul but there are a few instances where they are not the culprits.

Mom really needs to tread carefully to get to the root of the matter and report and boot the husband if he's guilty of misconduct. If it's her kid being fresh then she'll have to figure out some counseling/ outside help situation. 16 is old enough to know better than be naked infront of a parent figure. Way too old not to be already disciplined.
I hope the family seeks professional intervention immediately. The mother should not be the one trying to figure out the root cause of this behavior. An objective, trained professional should be the only one investigating. Regardless of why the child is displaying this behavior, the girl should be removed from the home, immediately. It is clear that she needs treatment and I believe she should seek that treatment at an in-care facility.
Idk what to make of this but it could be the opposite of what we're thinking. Maybe she hates him and is trying to get him to do something inappropriate so that mom will give him the boot.

I doubt it. She is always hugging him and putting her head on his shoulders. One time soneone told me she was sitting in his lap when she was 15.

I hope the family seeks professional intervention immediately. The mother should not be the one trying to figure out the root cause of this behavior. An objective, trained professional should be the only one investigating. Regardless of why the child is displaying this behavior, the girl should be removed from the home, immediately. It is clear that she needs treatment and I believe she should seek that treatment at an in-care facility.

The mother tried to get her help. The psych told her the girl is only telling her what she thinks the psych wants to hear. The girl is a regular runaway and thief.
How long has he been in the girl's life? Was she molested by a father figure in the past? Maybe she thinks this is the only way to demonstrate affection.

Not trying to let the guy off the hook. He may have done something to her but I need more info before going there.
I doubt it. She is always hugging him and putting her head on his shoulders. One time soneone told me she was sitting in his lap when she was 15.

The mother tried to get her help. The psych told her the girl is only telling her what she thinks the psych wants to hear. The girl is a regular runaway and thief.
I would encourage the mom to continue to seek professional help for her child, someone who can breakthrough to the child. I typically don't like sharing personal info, but in this case, I think it is necessarily. My grandfather suffered from severe schizophrenia. At the same time, he was very intelligent, he likely had a genius level IQ. My family would get him committed to mental institutions on a regular basis, however, due to his high IQ, he would routinely get released after the 72 hour hold. My grandfather literally memorized every bit of medical literature he got his hands on, and was always able to work the system. I say this all to say, we as a family knew that he needed help, so we exhausted every psychologist and treatment facility we had access to. There is something/someone who will breakthrough to the child. Again, she needs to be removed from the home immediately! Whether her behavior is due to sexual abuse or something else, her behavior has reached a critical level where she should be removed from the environment so that an evaluation can be performed and a recovery plan put into place. Now, with my grandfather, we had to compile our own evidence of behavior to take to the professionals. That is something else that can be considered. I can't stress enough that the girl should be removed immediately.
She is highly intelligent. Speaks a few languages fluently. Way more intelligent than her mother and her mother has multiple university degrees.
She is highly intelligent. Speaks a few languages fluently. Way more intelligent than her mother and her mother has multiple university degrees.
Something told me that was probably the case, which is why I shared the story of my grandfather. I know it is easier to give hypothetical advice than something actionable, so here are some actionable steps the mother could take. The mother needs to call the local police department and the girl's psychiatrist/psychologist. I'm unsure if there is anything the justice system can do, but perhaps they can guide the mom in the right direction since clearly the girl is displaying signs of some mental disturbance. Same thing with the therapist. The mom needs to find out how the network of professionals interact and express the dire circumstances.
Involve the professionals...continuously.
If she has other issues (runaway and thief) then this is not as surprising. I would say that her display is typical of someone who has been sexually abused (though it doesn't mean it was the husband).
She is highly intelligent. Speaks a few languages fluently. Way more intelligent than her mother and her mother has multiple university degrees.
She sounds like a psycopath/sociopath.
glibness and superficial charm, grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, cunning/manipulative, lack of remorse, emotional shallowness, callousness and lack of empathy, unwillingness to accept responsibility for actions, a tendency to boredom, a parasitic lifestyle, a lack of realistic long-term goals, impulsivity, irresponsibility, lack of behavioural control, behavioural problems in early life, juvenile delinquency, criminal versatility, a history of “revocation of conditional release” (ie broken parole), multiple marriages, and promiscuous sexual behaviour.
Update. Mom had another baby for the stepfather. They are breaking up.

The girl who was a runaway for 2 years and missed most of that 2 years of high school straightened up in the last 18 months of high school and stopped running away.

She just got into the top university of her country (doing a science degree -planning to do medicine) and got into another one where she got a scholarship.

As I am writing this I just realized she started running away after the mother started getting pregnant for dude.

For anyone who is curious the step-daddy complained that she was spread eagled in her bedroom naked with the door open while they were home alone when she was 16 and she was a regular run away for 2 years. Don't quote.

I am really proud of her and will try my best to mentor her as much as possible.