Teen Fall Challenge Update


Active Member
I haven't heard from anyone lately about this challenge. I just wanted to know how everyone is doing. I've gained some new growth and I have more than an inch of new growth. I have been thinking about stretching my relaxer out until January. I need a trim though, because my ends are becoming split and damaged and uneven. So how is everyone else doing with this challenge?
I took my braids out about a month ago and got 1 1/2 inches of new growth. I'm using surge hair revitalizer plus 14 so hoping I'll see some great results. I'll probably get a relaxer for Christmas.
maybe you should try the V challenge before you tirm and to help with the breakage....or some profectiv with a GOOD deep conditioner and a protein treatment
well i took my weave out and i'd gained a lil length, i was suprised that my hair didnt look too bad and will postpone the trim i was goin to get a lil longer . I got twists done 2weeks ago and will keep them in hopefully till christmas by which time i hope to have about 6inches thruout
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well i had start over on nov 14 cause i am no starting to go to salon for wahs sets w/ deep conditioner so we'll see how fats i;ll grow hope to get atleast an inch for new years
Well about six weeks ago I took out my braids as well and got a pretty good amount of growth. Once I took out my braids, I touched-up my hair with a relaxer. I've seen anywhere between .5 and an inch of hair in some places within the past 6 weeks! I wear my hair in a ponytail with the ends tucked away on the days I'm not in class and wear my hair out one the days i go to class. I wash my hair twice a week using products from pantene.
my hair is hot mess. i have decide not to put ne heat in my hair for the next month. durrin this time i pla to do an aphogee protein treatment. maybe that at will end some of the madness. then in in december i will get my ends cliped
i gained about 3/4 of an inch since i started in sept.(i know that my hair grows kind of slow)i was hoping 2 have 1 and a half inches by now but it's ok. as long as my hair is healthy i'm fine.
Bein away at schoolalmost ruined my hair sonce I don't have much tyme for it or the board. In august I put in a sew-in weave for about three weeks, then I wore it in a fonytail prtective style. Around September 20th or so i put extensions in and took them out this past monday. I'm 19 weeks post relaxer and have so much new growth, but i'm worried about how much of my processed hair i will maintain after i get it done. I plan on getting my touchup this weekdn so i'll keep everyone posted.