Tedasshi's 1 year old son passed away :(


Well-Known Member
My bro just told me this devestating news. I'm not sure if all of you know who Tedasshi is, but he's a Christian rapper part of 116 Clique. I've seen him perform a couple of times and he is a really awesome guy. You can tell he just loves God and he has a passion for reaching others.

I hope that you all would lift up in prayer our brother in the faith and his family. I can't even imagine how devestating this is. If you can give they're asking for donations.

from His Global voices


As an organization we get to partner with some very incredible people. People who mobilize, inspire, vision cast, create, preach, teach, people who are used by the Holy Sprit to bless, encourage, convict, and reform. One of these people who has been a tremendous advocate for us is Tedashii. He has walked beside us in Sudan hearing the stories of our orphans.
Upon his return, he was a part of a group of people who wrote a song and created a video to help tell the world of the need there. He has been a tremendous blessing to us and now it is time to walk with him in a great time of need.

Tedashii’s family has suffered a terrible tragedy this month. His one year old boy passed away. As we grieve with him and his family we also want to bless them.
As you know, Tedashii’s job takes him from city to city where he performs and blesses thousands of people with his art. In this time, we want to offer him the opportunity to stay home with his family, grieve, begin to heal, seek the Lord, be comforted and to comfort. The perception is that if one is a traveling musician, they have more money than they know what to do with. The fact is, that is just not true. We want to bless him with the gift of not having to worry about being on the road to make ends meet.
Our goal: To provide for our brother and his family for 6 months. This means raising enough money to cover all of the family’s expenses.

Join us in caring for our dear friends. Click here to donate now, designate “Tedashii” in the memo.

Thank you so much for supporting a dear brother and his family in the midst of unspeakable grief.
Love Truth,
This is so sad to hear but I know that child is in a better place. My prayers with his father and the rest of his family...that God comforts their hearts