

Well-Known Member
I must admit for the past 2 months. I have been neglecting my hair, sleeping on cotton pillow cases with no scarf, about everything wrong. I am making a pact with myself to never ever ever do this again, because I have noticed breakage, and didnt realize that it was me doing the wrong.

My vent for the day. I am about to pre shampoo my hair and then I dont know what. I dont want to blow dry it but I odnt see anythign else I can really do. I am too lazy to rollerset it, plus I will wind up blow my roots out any way, dont wanna do a braidout, because I dont know how companys will look at me, so.... I dont know!

Any advice?
I would suggest you wrap you hair. After you've done your deep conditioning, apply a leave-in treatment and wrap it. Place the wrapping paper around your head and tie it up with a silk or satin head wrap. Let it air dry. It takes less time than a rollerset. Not to mention Wraps will flatten out your hair so the new growth shouldn't be as noticable.
Wash, deep condition, trim. Roller set or wrap your hair. STOP BEING LAZY AND PAMPER YOUR HAIR! Leave that blow dryer alone! Heat and relaxed hair are NOT the best of friends. Chances are that blow dryer is aiding your hair breakage. You can also try a Wash-n-go hair style.

Uhm, why do you care how others will look at you? What's REALLY important is how you will look at yourself...
I also forgot to add that you need to undo the wrap with your fingers and not a comb. B/C your hair might be a bit stiff and you're handling two different textures. Once you have your hair down, then run a large tooth comb through it. Hope that helps. God speed!
Hey girl, glad you're ready to get back on the ball.
I checked out your album and I luv the pics! Girl, if you're afraid of rolling your hair (as I would if my hair's been breaking), I'd do the braidout I saw you do on your album... if you want to style your hair that is. You seem to do it really well.

I think all of us have had a 'funky hair' stage where we're starting to do all of the right things to our hair (i.e. trying out different products, different hair styles, dealing with really short hair, breakage, etc.) ahd may have looked funny, but it doesn't last long. I don't think peole should hate on other's hair regardless...

Good luck
I just washed my hair, and soooooo much hair came out my ends look horrible, and I dont wan to cutt it myself because I dont think I am experienced enough, no money for beauty parlor. I am never my hair out for a long time, my goal has been set back even more. I only needed about 1-2.5 more inches.BUT this has been an eyeopener, because my ultimate goal is healthy hair.

Can anyone suggest sumting for my EDGES, it drys so quickly I mean like soon as I put a towl on it, i seems almost dry, and they are the worst. My EDGES make me look like I have a weave when I wear my hair down. I should have never cutt my hair into a bang, BUT o well I would and will do it again, LOL

WHAT WAS I THINKING, I meant to write, EDGES
Sounds like you REALLY need a trim. Do you have a JCPenney Salon where you live? They used to wash and trim my hair for about $17. You can get that amount by not eating out for a week easily. They were really good and they are licensed. If nothing else, call and ask about a free consultation.

As for the ends, sounds like dead hair that needs to be clipped...get some sharp shears and snip it.