Teaching on Marriage/Relationships


New Member
Ok, ladies… I need your opinions.

I’ve been serving as sort of a mentor/mother/sister figure to a young lady at my church. She was recently divorced and really struggling in the area of relationships. Through my time of mentoring/mothering, she has told me that I have helped her significantly in her thinking and understanding concerning her attitudes toward men and marriage and has become adamant that there are singles/couples who need to hear the message of healthy relationships from me and my husband.

While I know that there are lots of marriages failing at an alarming rate, do you think people are really wanting/ teaching on this subject. My husband and I are more than willing to share how God has been teaching us and blessing our marriage, but thus far (at least at our church), there doesn’t seem to be much interest. I don’t want to force something if people aren’t interested.

What are you thoughts? Do you think there's interest?
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Ok, ladies… I need your opinions.

I’ve been serving as sort of a mentor/mother/sister figure to a young lady at my church. She was recently divorced and really struggling in the area of relationships. Through my time of mentoring/mothering, she has told me that I have helped her significantly in her thinking and understanding concerning her attitudes toward men and marriage and has become adamant that there are singles/couples who need to hear the message of healthy relationships from me and my husband.

While I know that there are lots of marriages failing at an alarming rate, do you think people are really wanting/ teaching on this subject. My husband and I are more than willing to share how God has been teaching us and blessing our marriage, but thus far (at least at our church), there doesn’t seem to be much interest. I don’t want to force something if people aren’t interested.

What are you thoughts? Do you think there's interest?
Go for it and with full force with God beside you.

Your Marriage Ministry is the answer to help put a halt to the increasing and senselessness of divorce. Stand up and stand out with the alarming difference, that Marriages do succeed and with Love and the Power of God; the living witness is you and your husband.

I also know of a wonderfully annointed Husband and Wife, Pastors who are Ministers of Marriage here in this forum. If you like, I'll share with you via PM. You'll be blessed by their testimony of Marriage Ministry and the many miracles that God has brought forth in many married lives that they have touched.
Ok, ladies… I need your opinions.

there doesn’t seem to be much interest. I don’t want to force something if people aren’t interested.

What are you thoughts? Do you think there's interest?

Girl, please, YES. My girlfriend and her husband (newly retired) are preparing to be Christian Marriage Counselors together. I am so excited for them. When she retires soon she is going to go to school for the field.

If you would like me to put you four in contact with one another, please let me know at: [email protected].

Thanks hon and keep on keeping on. As a newly engaged woman who's been married *(^&#_DLP times, again I say, YES!!!!!!


I say go for it. I think there is a lot more interest than people let on. In my experience, when it comes to getting relationship or marital advice or counseling, people tend to be very secretive about it in the church. Sometimes, they won't even ask for help until the relationship is in really deep trouble. But if you open it up as a ministry and make it available you will probably get more responses than you think. I think this is a case of "if you build it, they will come." (Sorry for the Field of Dreams reference. lol)
I think singles would be interested in this.

I agree with Hairlove. I used to think that singles ministries should be taught by fellow singles who are going through what I'm going through but as I get older I now prefer advice from someone who is happily married but very much enjoyed single life while she was waiting for God to send her husband. I want to hear advice from someone who has seen the "complete" blessing fulfilled, meaning the waiting, the courting and then the marriage. A single woman can only tell me about the waiting. She can't tell me how to get to the next step. JMHO.
Tit 2:3-5
(3) The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
(4) That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
(5) To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.