Teach me how to LOSE MY HAIR!


New Member
:D Ok. I am using reverse psychology right now. Of course I dont want to lose my hair. However, what if I were practicing something that could be causing my hair to fall out or break off? So...knowing that the opposite is true...

If a person wanted to lose all their hair or have it break off, what should they do?

I number one 5 things that a person should do to lose their hair:

Braid too tight.
Sleep with your hair uncovered.
Comb natural hair dry.
Drink NO water.
Wear my hair against wool and other materials that break it off.

What tips do you have?
From first hand experience, these are sure-fired ways to lose your hair:
1. Relax every 3-4 weeks
2. Use a blow dryer and curling iron EVERY DAY
3. Think that a little Infusium as a leave-in and a dab of Pink Oil was enough moisture.
Use hairspray with a curling iron. Every day. (Doesn't the can say 'do not use near heat or flame' ? I'm surprised I didn't set myself on fire...)

Never moisturize your relaxed hair because it interferes with the "blowing in the wind" effect.

Shampoo natural hair, let it air dry and then attempt to style it.

Save your deep conditioner for "special occasions".
Well speaking from firsthand experience I can say:

Blowdry already dry hair EVERY NIGHT.
Sleep on sponge rollers EVERY NIGHT.
Use harsh shampoos and inadequate conditioners
Press relaxed hair (yeah I did that)
Rake combs or brushes through your hair
Use curling iron every day
Use as many heat tools as possible every day (blow dry, curlers, flat irons- and for good measure throw in some crimpers).

Be sure to use a drying alcohol spritz to fry your hair as you use your heat tools.

Slick hair back with the cheapest brown protein gel you can find- don't be shy with the gel either use as many handfuls as possible.

Pack hair with heavy grease, mineral oil and petrolatum- don't wash for weeks at a time.

Use the shampoo/conditioner in 1 for your hair to simplify your hair breakage routine

Pull your hair back in too tight ponytails and buns- make sure to use regular noncoated rubber bands and damaging scrunchies

Self relax hair without paying any attention to new growth- go ahead and apply it to the entire length of your hair shaft.

I'm pretty good at making hair break off- its a skill that took years to master :grin:
this thread is hilarious.

--eat poorly, do not take vitamins
--sleep on a cotton pillowcase & twist around alot in your sleep
Use too much heat

No conditioner after each wash

Laying around without a silky headwrap (on the sofa, floor, or bed)

Poor diet/not enough water

Combing or brushing harshly
avoid trims and moisture (not oil, moisture).
wear puffs too much.
let naps tangle and mat up.
run hands through hair.
use intense protein on a regular basis.
jetcitygirl said:
Well speaking from firsthand experience I can say:

Sleep on sponge rollers EVERY NIGHT.
Use curling iron every day

you forgot my favorite which was to sleep on the rollers every night but when you get up in the morning and one has fallen out. Spritz ALL the hair with hard core alcohol based product and recurl every piece.
Using heat appliances on a daily basis.
Using grease
Not washing the hair that often. (Believe dirty hair grows)
Handling the hair too harshly
Using no moisturizers
Leave super relaxer on too long
Ignoring signs of breakage
Product build up
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calbear said:
you forgot my favorite which was to sleep on the rollers every night but when you get up in the morning and one has fallen out. Spritz ALL the hair with hard core alcohol based product and recurl every piece.

I used to do that in my relaxed hair days :lol:
Might I add:

1. Blow drying after EVERY wash under the mistaken belief that natural hair has to be treated that way (esp strange as I never had my hair blow dried as a child!).

2. Using combs with narrow teeth on natural hair - ouch!

3. Using a harsh nylon brush - EVERY DAY.

4. Using alcohol-laden hair gels and spritzes on the daily.

5. Say nothing when your hair is braided/cornrowed too tight cos your hair looks fly.

6. Comb hair out from the root to ends and treat it really roughly like you're gonna beat it into submission.
Hair Routine
Relax every month
Blowdry you already dry relaxed hair every morning
After hair is fully burned spritz liberally with pm freeze and shine
Proceed to hot curl your hair (on the highest setting of course)
Dont forget your moisture (yep that can of 99% mineral oil oil sheen is great for your hair it has minerals)
Don't forget to vigorously brush your crunchy hair before bed (100 strokes)
Go to sleep on that nice cotton pillowcase ( the look the feel of cotton the fabric of our lives)
using this technique you should be bald 1n 30 days or less
You had me nervous for a minute with the lose my hair thing.

Things you should do if you want to lose your hair are:

Doing your own touch ups.
Not using a silk scarf.
Buying products that is not designed for you. :)
I had to add two experiences from ladies who got GREAT results.

One lost a two inch wide strip of hair going accross the back of her hair from her glue in fall that she put in once every 2 or 3 weeks. It looked lovely and added just the length she wanted. Eventually the constant pulling and tugging on her hair in that area gave her the desired affect...TRACTION ALOPECIA!!!! Yayyyyyyy! :D

Similar experience with sponge rollers that my mom had in the 60's. She didnt realize that the temple area hair was especially delicate and constantly rolling that hair on sponge rollers would eventally give her the "in" look...BALD SIDEBURNS! :eek:

Personal experience:

I wanted the "thin hair at 30 look" :eek: so I followed this regimine to the letter:

Relaxed my hair every 8 weeks.
When I saw it getting thinner and breaking off, I continued to relax and got deep conditioning treatments thinking that would stop it.
I did that for another 10 years, all the while using curling irons, flat irons, blow dryers and sitting under hood dryers every two weeks!

Eventually my hairline was thin and sparse enough to read a news paper through it and my ends were wispy like a matchstick broom!!! I was THRILLED!!! :confused:

I dont know why I stopped that regimine. I really need to get back on it too cause this thick, nappy stuff is OUT OF CONTROL! :D
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:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
You guys have me cracking up over here.

Only do your hair when you're in a rush and don't have time to detangle properly.

Get your touch ups from root to tip.
Princess4real said:
Doing your own touch ups.
To tell you the truth, it was a "professional" that put me on the 4 week relaxer schedule, using Dudley's super strength. When I told her I couldn't afford to keep getting my hair done (broke college student), she told me to use no-lye Fabulaxer and not to worry but just "slap it on all over." Fortunately, I read the directions and just put it on the new growth, but I still relaxed every 3 weeks.

I went to that woman for 10 years and my hair never grew; she just made it feel so soft and shiny, but short. If I ever see her again, I plan on slapping her.
Yall are hilarious!

1 Use heat as frequently as possible. Don't wait for a special occasion. Just sitting around the house watching t.v. is a good reason to make your hair look fly.

2 Although the directions on the Aphogee treatment tell you NOT to manipulate the hair. Go ahead, manipulate it. As a matter of fact don't use water to rinse it, just take a small tooth comb and comb out the treatment. As you are combing, you will see a ton of hair being combed out in the process. If your desire is to be bald, this would certainly help you along in obtaining that goal.

3 Water is a natural resource that we do not have a lot of. Why don't you save the earth and ONLY wash your hair 1 time a month. Your hair will crumble but the environmentalist will thank you!

4 If you want to transition from relaxed to natural, why don't you press your hair, particularly the edges EVERYDAY. Afterall, that smooth look is what you desire. If you do that on a daily basis. Your edges will be really smooth. So very smooth, because there won't be any hair there, just nice smooth scalp.

If you follow the tips I have recommended, then you are going to be on the path to baldness. Happy hairloss!

apply relaxer to relaxed hair from root to ends and leave on as long as possible...

comb natural hair with a fine tooth comb...

when hair is wet, rub towel vigorously on hair, then attempt to detangle without sectioning hair...

cut all your hair off...

take high doses of Accutane! :shocked:
Maintain pressed hair by re-pressing every day. Don't worry about the scalp sweat from working out, just get over it and press over it!

Grease your scalp every day...with heavy, solid greases. This will help clog your follicles and ensure a shiny face all day, every day. :weird:

Brush your hair back into a tight, tight pony. Remember ladies, it's not tight enough if your eyes aren't squinted and you don't get a headache. Disappearing edges are the hallmark of a pony done well! :cool:

Do not sleep with your hair wrapped in silk or satin! NO NO NO! :spank: Cotton is king! :yep:

Stay away from seamless combs! :look: Seamed combs are necessary for thinning the individual strands of hair. I thought y'all knew? :whyme:
SVT said:
Maintain pressed hair by re-pressing every day. Don't worry about the scalp sweat from working out, just get over it and press over it!

Grease your scalp every day...with heavy, solid greases. This will help clog your follicles and ensure a shiny face all day, every day. :weird:

Brush your hair back into a tight, tight pony. Remember ladies, it's not tight enough if your eyes aren't squinted and you don't get a headache. Disappearing edges are the hallmark of a pony done well! :cool:

Do not sleep with your hair wrapped in silk or satin! NO NO NO! :spank: Cotton is king! :yep:

Stay away from seamless combs! :look: Seamed combs are necessary for thinning the individual strands of hair. I thought y'all knew? :whyme:

SVT you are truly crazy. I love the comment about the disappearing edges being a hallmark of a ponytail done well! :D:D
Wearing microbraids. (I've never done these but I have seen the damage)

Using too much protein.

Straightening NG and relaxed ends with a hot comb or some Gold n' Hot
HOT curlers after using grease.

Not trimming trying to save length. (Yeah, I'm guilty of this one right now. I dust away though)

Never use a leave-in after washing.
pookeylou said:
:D Ok. I am using reverse psychology right now. Of course I dont want to lose my hair. However, what if I were practicing something that could be causing my hair to fall out or break off? So...knowing that the opposite is true...

If a person wanted to lose all their hair or have it break off, what should they do?

I number one 5 things that a person should do to lose their hair:

Braid too tight.
Sleep with your hair uncovered.
Comb natural hair dry.
Drink NO water.
Wear my hair against wool and other materials that break it off.

What tips do you have?

I am so busted. Walking slowly out of the thread after taking good notes. I have been so guilty of combing natural hair after it was dry.
sbaker said:
I am so busted. Walking slowly out of the thread after taking good notes. I have been so guilty of combing natural hair after it was dry.

Come back her Miss 7,000 somethin post!!!! You know better Miss Hair down past your shoulder even in a BRAID OUT lady! :spank: Where is my wide toothed comb! :lachen: