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I tried doing a black tea rinse after my normal dc and it seems to have rinse away the softness. Even after rinsing the tea out further, it left my hair almost feeling stripped. So I towel dried it, added my leave-in and once it air dried completely it was still feeling dry:wallbash: Am i doing something wrong????:perplexed

The tea I used was English Breakfast, which is a VERY strong black tea. i have since order nettle, but won't be expecting that for a few days from now. Please help:nono:
I usually do the black tea rinse before I dc to combat dryness. It does leave your hair dry, but you have to dc afterward. After I do the rinse, I dc and my hair is very soft and easy to detangle.
Yea I used to rinse and leave in at the end of my wash and dc and my hair became very dry. So now I do it before and I have less dryness. I only started doing that last week so I'll see how it goes.
The way i do mine which i guess isnt really a rinse is pour the tea in a spray bottle; I mix peppermint with green tea and spray on my scalp after washing and dc'ing before i apply my leave-in. i benefit more when i apply it just to my scalp and leaving it in and i get no shedding when im rollersetting and i use a small tooth comb...so my hair doesn't feel dry and my scalp tingles

Hey OP! I started a thread about this very thing weeks ago! I was so shocked after my first tea rinse how my hair felt as though I had gotten a protein treatment! I too used black tea however I have since used less tea bags and my results were less hard, but still won't make my hair very soft. I get stronger hair with less shedding. My hair also appears thicker. But I must ALWAYS follow up with a nice moisturizing DC to soften post rinse. HTH. :)
I'm wondering now if I can get the same effects doing a tea rinse (with ONE tea bag instead of two - thanks Lava27) and a co-wash to follow. I really want to incorporate this into my weekly reggie at least 2x per week. Has anyone ever tried this?

I've also recently ordered some nettle tea that I believe isn't as harsh as the black tea. So perhaps that could be used in between my weekly poos/dc.
I usually do the black tea rinse before I dc to combat dryness. It does leave your hair dry, but you have to dc afterward. After I do the rinse, I dc and my hair is very soft and easy to detangle.
:perplexed Yea, what she said.
I do my rinses with green tea or white tea. I noticed that before I started adding honey to my tea rinses they tended to be slightly drying. Now I brew a cup of tea and mix it with about a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice, dilute that and use it as my final rinse and my hair always feels soft and fluffy afterward :yep:.

I tried doing a black tea rinse after my normal dc and it seems to have rinse away the softness. Even after rinsing the tea out further, it left my hair almost feeling stripped. So I towel dried it, added my leave-in and once it air dried completely it was still feeling dry:wallbash: Am i doing something wrong????:perplexed

The tea I used was English Breakfast, which is a VERY strong black tea. i have since order nettle, but won't be expecting that for a few days from now. Please help:nono:

BEFORE YOU DO ANY TEA RINSES, you have to bath your hair and scalp in oil, I prefer Avocado oil, but olive oil or jojoba are just fine. This is a critical step that many people forget. Leave the oil in for at least 45 minutes you will find that the condition of you scalp and hair shaft will thank you. Your hair feels stripped because it is and oil makes the saponins in the teas work better.
BEFORE YOU DO ANY TEA RINSES, you have to bath your hair and scalp in oil, I prefer Avocado oil, but olive oil or jojoba are just fine. This is a critical step that many people forget. Leave the oil in for at least 45 minutes you will find that the condition of you scalp and hair shaft will thank you. Your hair feels stripped because it is and oil makes the saponins in the teas work better.

So is this all before washing?
I did my first one today and had the same feeling! It was weird and hard like i'd done a protein treatment.

I prepooed, shampooed etc and then I did the tea rinse. I left the rinse in whilst I showered etc, did my DC, leave ins, sealed etc...WOW my hair is so soft and shiny, I can't believe it! :grin:

It feels strong and thick and it was a really nice colour in the sun! Definite staple for me! :yep:

I used regular black teabags. Just one brewed for about 10 mins
Is it considered a protein treatment or does it just have a strengthening effect? is it safe to do weekly?
Hey guys!! I'm bumping this thread because I'm thinking I might want to start doing tea rinses and would like more info about it. As another poster mentioned, I will probably saturate my hair with coconut oil before I do the rinse. That way I can do a hot oil treatment and a tea rinse at the same time, while hopefully avoiding dryness!

I don't have a problem with breaking or shedding at the moment but I don't see anything wrong with stopping it before it can start! ;)
If I remember correctly black tea contains tannins. The effect of tannins on hair is protein-like, which probably exaplains the drying/hard feeling.
When I 1st did the tea rinse after my DC I had the same feeling. Now spray my rinse on right before I apply my dc and once I rinse my hair is soft, shiny and strong. Then a couple weeks later I saw that Traycee does something very similar with her Black Tea rinse:)
The way i do mine which i guess isnt really a rinse is pour the tea in a spray bottle; I mix peppermint with green tea and spray on my scalp after washing and dc'ing before i apply my leave-in. i benefit more when i apply it just to my scalp and leaving it in and i get no shedding when im rollersetting and i use a small tooth comb...so my hair doesn't feel dry and my scalp tingles

are you using grean tea that's packaged in the plastic bottles (think it's lipton's) or are you personally brewing your green tea?
About 2 months ago I started doing black tea rinses every wash day. I rinse w the tea, let is sit in my head for 20 min then I apply my DC on top.
Okay it was mentioned that the black tea can have a similar affect as protein in drying the hair, but does it have the same strengthening affect?

Protein doesn't dry my hair BTW so I'm not TOO concerned about the tea drying my hair out. Again I'll saturate it with a light oil first and then DC afterwards. :yep:
Okay it was mentioned that the black tea can have a similar affect as protein in drying the hair, but does it have the same strengthening affect?

Protein doesn't dry my hair BTW so I'm not TOO concerned about the tea drying my hair out. Again I'll saturate it with a light oil first and then DC afterwards. :yep:

I'd say so. One of the main characteristics of tannins is that they like to bind to proteins. I think on hair hair, tannins would bind keratin, making the hair fibre stronger. There a really good site that explains how tannins in henna bind and strengthen hair, I'll come back and post it if I find it. I assume that tannins in tea act the same way.
Hmmm, I think I will be mixing my henna with black tea the next time around and see what happens:scratchch:.
I just did a black tea rinse and I must say that so far I like the strength of my hair. I will have to use it a few more times to see if it stops shedding like others have stated. I did still have a few shed hairs in the comb but that might be because I hadn't combed my hair in a few days. I'll see what happens after my next washing session with it.
When I drink black tea it leaves my tongue dry so I can see how that happens with the hair. What is is supposed to do? I am very curious.