Tap water...dry hair?


New Member
Do any of you ladies have trouble with the water you wash your hair with?

I know that hard or chlorine treated water can attribute to some hair problems.

I think my apartment complex, or the water facilities in my area may use a little to much chlorine (that I can sometimes smell) which could also be adding to the dry feeling my hair has sometimes.
Is there anyway to combat this from the source?
I know they make water filters for the sink, but is there a way to connect one to the shower as well?

I don't know about the filters but I know that my hair does fine when I use my tap water and then follow up with a AVC rinse and do a FINAL cold rinse in distilled water. Also, when I spray my hair with water or use water in my homemade moisturizer mixture, it's distilled. It softens my hair and I havn't found a need to have a filter or use ALL distilled water which would be VERY pricey.
Tap water= dry hair for me. My water is very hard. I've had much better results since I started using a shower filter. I had a Culligan SR-115, but replacing the cartridge was a b
h! The Aquasana AQ-4100 cost more but is drama free.

If you don't want to buy a shower filter you could probably do your final rinse with warmed up distilled water.
I've never had a problem with my water...I'm sure it's hard... but anyway, lately I've been misting with distilled... WHOA, WHAT A HUUUUGE DIFFERENCE
I agree with all the above. I have a shower filter(my skin loves this also). I do my rinses with distilled water...sometimes my entire shampoo(if it's a quick light one). I use distilled water whenever I mist my hair or when I want my hair drenched but don't feel like pouring it over my hair. Ever since I stopped using tap water totally my hair has made a dramatic change from dry and hard to soft and moisturized.
Is distilled water like spring water or mineral water? I don't have access to distilled here on the base, but they do have spring and distilled. Can I get the same results from either of these?
Is distilled water like spring water or mineral water? I don't have access to distilled here on the base, but they do have spring and distilled. Can I get the same results from either of these?

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You could use the spring water. I use it when I'm out of distilled water. I would stay away from the mineral water..since one of the benefits of distilled water is it doesn't contain any minerals.

the filter by Culligan is it something that is connected to the shower head or did someone actually have to go in to the pipes?

If you don't mind my asking how much is the filter cartridge?

Thanks ladies...
distilled water

I think I will start using distilled water for final rinses until I can get a filter for my shower...

Thanks again ladies
Re: distilled water

I rinse my hair with bottled water, which I get from the local supermarket and it has made a hugh difference to my hair. It feels a lot softer and when it airdries, it does not feel sort of dryish.
Re: Sassygirl

the filter by Culligan is it something that is connected to the shower head or did someone actually have to go in to the pipes?

If you don't mind my asking how much is the filter cartridge?

[/ QUOTE ]

Both the Culligan and Aquasana attach to the showerhead like the filters for the sink. I got the Culligan from Lowe's for about $20. The cartridges have to be replaced every two or three months. They cost around $12. This one has plastic piece that attaches to the pipe that comes out of the wall. And a little bitty hole for the water to flow through. If it isn't perfectly attached, water will spray out all over the place. The installation kit didn't even come with washers--I had to run out and buy some. None of which fit in the damn thing because of that tiny hole!
I was almost in tears trying to install this thing by myself. After I broke the Culligan trying to change the cartridge
I ordered the Aquasana online. I installed it in about 3 minutes. I got it from waterfilteroutlet.com. It was on sale for $49.95. It comes with a decent shower head, too. You can enroll in a program where replacement cartridges are auto-shipped twice a year for $29.95. I sent them one check for $29.95. (Just in case I don't get my stuff-- I didn't want them billing my credit card twice a year for products I never receive!)
Re: Crysdon

I almost bought the Paragon filter because it lasts so much longer than the others. But it looks too much like the Culligan for me... My shower pipe is so close to the wall that I can't get it tight enough. That big piece that the filter fits into will only go around so far in my scrawny apartment shower.
With the Aquasana I just tighten the screw and I'm good.
Re: Crysdon

You're right Sassygirl, my pipe is short too and I think I have about less than an inch before that thing touches the wall.
Re: kasey

Okay...too many to choose from, I do however like the fact that there is a sprite version in chrome and HAND HELD.

Thanks for that info kasey

decisions, decisions, decisions
Re: kasey


I read this post yesteday and It was like a light bulb turned on in my head! No matter what I do to my hair it still would get so hard. I can't smell the chlorine in our water, but I figured getting a filter would not hurt. So I went to Lowes and purchase a shower filter for $18.95 and It was the best investment I ever did! My hair is so soft even b-4 I put conditioner in it. I can't keep my hands out of it today. Thanks for all of the wonderful advice..
This board is wonderful!!!
Re: kasey

I bought the Culligan filter which reminds me - I need to change the filter. I'll just have my hubby do it.