

With Love & Silk
My hair tangles very badly when I wear it down. This is another reason that protective styles are protective. Can anyone tell me how to wear my hair down and get minimal tangles???????? Or is this something that just comes with the length and has no "cure?"
something that defintiely comes with length. I remember when I was relaxed and I straightend I would just have to apply a small amount of mositurizer on the ends and run a comb through my hair three times a day. Sounds excessive but thats the only thing that really worked for me.
Supergirl said:
My hair tangles very badly when I wear it down. This is another reason that protective styles are protective. Can anyone tell me how to wear my hair down and get minimal tangles???????? Or is this something that just comes with the length and has no "cure?"

Yes, it comes with the length. Like Ayeshia mentioned, I would comb it a few times throughout the day to minimize tangles (which has worked for me).
yea i used to have that issue alot. I think what helped me is not being scared to apply oil to the end of my hair. I found that makes my hair lot smoother and the ends behave right. And if I did a moisturizing deep cond, then it will not affect my hair's body & movement.

i know this sounds weird but what i got in the habit of doing is when i go to the restroom and wash my hands, and my hands are damp, i'll run my hands thru my hair like to finger-comb. mainly the back ends which are somewhat tangled from rubbing on my clothes all day.

well i hope this helps!
Supergirl, I feel your pain, my hair has ALWAYS tangled when I wore it out. I thought I was abnormal b/c people act like their hair doesn't tangle. But to answer your question, both Ayiesha and Allandra are right, you have to come through your hair GENTLY sveral times/day to release the tangles.
I also think this is something that comes with length. I have to untagle the ends of my hair frequently through out the day when I wear it down. That is why I always keep hair pins and clips in my purse so I can pin it up when it gets out of control.
I agree that the tangles just come with the length. I am having that same problem and it's really changing the way I style my hair.
unlvgirl said:
I also think this is something that comes with length. I have to untagle the ends of my hair frequently through out the day when I wear it down. That is why I always keep hair pins and clips in my purse so I can pin it up when it gets out of control.
For me, it's the ends that I need to untangle as well (when I wear my hair down).
Long hair just tangles when worn down. :ohwell: I usually find myself unconsciously finger-combing throughout the day when my hair is down. :yep:
ITA! It does seem to be more prone to tangling as it gets longer. When I wear my hair down, I have to comb it a lot, just as the others have mentioned. That's one of the reasons why I appreciate protective styles.
Ladies, is it very windy on days when your hair is tangling? Or is your car window down very low when you are driving, or do you drive a convertible? Those are the only things I can think of. I usually wear my hair down but it does not get tangled unless I am in someone else's car and they have the windows rolled way down. Even in that case, I would say my hair gets messed up and crazy looking :lol: , but not tangled.

Here's another thought --- I have seen the term "I play in my hair a lot" used on hair boards. I've never really been sure or asked what it means but assume it means that people put their hands in their hair a lot for some reason or maybe actually change their hairstyles several times a day. :confused: Could that be a reason for tangling? It does not sound like you ladies are doing that though.

I basically only touch my hair during the day very slightly to move it out of the way when necessary (for instance, if I'm about to sit down in a chair or put my purse strap over my shoulder). Otherwise, I don't think I pay attention to it or touch it until it's time to put it up at night. At that time, I might run a comb or brush through it to get it extra smooth before putting my satin scarf on, and it is not tangled.
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Mizani_Mrs said:
I think what helped me is not being scared to apply oil to the end of my hair.

I try to apply oil to the lower portion of my hair every other night (don't always remember to, though, of course :ohwell: ) Maybe that helps keep my hair from tangling.
Mestiza said:
ITA! It does seem to be more prone to tangling as it gets longer. When I wear my hair down, I have to comb it a lot, just as the others have mentioned. That's one of the reasons why I appreciate protective styles.

What good long hair if you can't show it off.??
Keep a little leave-in conditioner on your hair ends.
Use a Ceramic iron it seals the cuticle closed.
hairmaster said:
What good long hair if you can't show it off.??
Keep a little leave-in conditioner on your hair ends.
Use a Ceramic iron it seals the cuticle closed.

LOL! That's true! That's why I wear my hair in protective styles and down, too. I love having long hair b/c of the versatility. I've never used a flat iron, but, would like to try one. Thanks for the tips! ;-)
Good tips ladies,

I will comb throughout the day and keep clips and pins on hand when I wear my hair down. Finger combing should also be helpful. Very good tips. :)


My hair tangles when I'm indoors. If I'm out and it's windy it's 80 times worse. :(
Supergirl said:

My hair tangles when I'm indoors. If I'm out and it's windy it's 80 times worse. :(

I really wish there was a way to outlaw wind! :mad: It's not fair to our hair -- makes it look all wild! :lol:
renee_n_3000 said:
Ladies, is it very windy on days when your hair is tangling? Or is your car window down very low when you are driving, or do you drive a convertible? Those are the only things I can think of. I usually wear my hair down but it does not get tangled unless I am in someone else's car and they have the windows rolled way down. Even in that case, I would say my hair gets messed up and crazy looking :lol: , but not tangled.

Well, the only time I wear my hair down is after I've gotten it done at the salon (which is VERY rare for me). My hair is usually so full of body and and bouncing and swinging everywhere....so it might as well be windy!
That's usually enough movement to tangle my strands. :lol: