

Well-Known Member
What causes tangles in relaxed hair? I'm starting to have a lot of tangles in my hair and I have no idea why, I have never had this problem before:perplexed
I had a lot of tangles when I first started my healthy hair journey. I had been using daily heat and did not want to get all the bad ends cut at once so I did it a few inches at at time. About 6 months into my HHJ I had finally cut off all the bad ends and the tangles completely resolved. Now I have no more breakage and my ends are smooth and blunt, which is something I have never had before. For some reason split ends tangle and dry ends tangle, so I had to just get rid of them to find relief.
Are you stretching?

I was in the mirror 5 minutes ago trying to untangle my hair. I have at least 10 weeks of ng and I'm getting knots.
I am stretching, I am almost 11 weeks post. I'm getting knots and tangles :nono:

Yeah that may be why. I was doing the no combing thing and I'm guessing thats making it worst. I notice the longer I stretch the more frequently I need to wash my hair. I plan on relaxing this week.
Yeah that may be why. I was doing the no combing thing and I'm guessing thats making it worst. I notice the longer I stretch the more frequently I need to wash my hair. I plan on relaxing this week.

Yea I've been doing the no combing thing also and wasn't having a problem. I wash 3 times a week, well shampoo once and co-wash the other 2 days. I think I'm going to relax on Friday.
The longer my hair gets the more I notice tangles, but I'm dealing by making sure that I thoroughly detangle my hair when it's wet and saturated with conditioner... surprisingly it's the easiest when I use my fingers.