Tangles, Knots and Dreads. Help!! Is there an Easier Way???

Girl, that's nothing. Is that what people talk about when they talk about tangled hair?
Don't bother with those tangles, just detangle/fingercomb a couple of times a week and don't think about it :D

That's what I do.

My hair will never, ever be tangle free - the hairs will always stick together. That's what curly and coily hair does... :grin:

Your hair is beautiful as always!

ETA. After watching the video and not just the picture, I want to ask - why do you need to detangle like that every day? Are you preparing it for an updo? I always thought my hair didn't tangle so much because it tangles like yours. I thought serious tangles were real locks sort of...
My hair is always tangled like that. Maybe because I'm a "lifelong" natural I don't bother as much? Could that be it :scratchch
Because I am completely at peace with my hair being tangled all the time. No one sees it since it's curly and clumped together anyway. Only if I need to style it in a braid or such...no I don't even detangle for that anymore. A messy braid is enough LOL
Just random thoughts :D ..while ripping out a few knots here and there LOL

U may be in the minority:yep:. some people get damage from not combing and keeping it detangled. I know I do. My hair and ends started behaving better when I combed my hair more often. I also shed a lot....but I still have tons of hair. My hair laughs at finger combing:drunk:
Just to clarify, I meant letting my hair go from wet to dry without detangling is what will make it loc up. so if I don't want to detangle every day, i just can't wash every day. i have yet to see a bsl+ 4b natural wash and detangle her hair every day. your texlaxed hair is the closests i've seen to it. your hair is beautiful, though, that's definitely true.

ah, i see. and I frequently co-wash and throw into a ponytail with very little detangling. :/

thanks and I think your hair is beautiful too :)

Looking at your video and your hair even though it is texturized it reminds me of mine.

I cannot go without something in it. I always have a leave in of some sort in my hair.

I even created a daily spritz and I use these things religiously.

I do have a question though. Is your water hard in your area?

I know I was having a lot more tangles before I got a water softner system for my home. It does help quite a bit.

I still can't go without a product in my hair once I cowash, but it isn't as hard and tangly as before the water softner. I notices sometimes when I travel that if I don't use product after cowashing my hair is something to deal with.

I don't know if this will work but just to test the theory, get you one of those gallon containers of water like evian or arrowhead try rinsing one day with it and the next day, place like a little conditioner or something in it then rinse your hair again that day and see if that helps.

I have to admit you where handling those jokers (knots/tangles) without a pained look on your face. I on the other hand would have made such nasty looks to the point of tears I probably could not have posted the video. :perplexed I had to straighten my face up as I was wathcing your video. Here I am watching it and wincing in pain. :blush:

So use product after your cowash and try some of the water that is in containers for your last rinse.

DSylla, thanks for posting this thread. My hair looks just like that after every wash. I normally have to pull the "dreads" apart and then detangle w/ a comb....only to have to detangle again within minutes:wallbash:. Thats mainly why I stopped rollersetting. I will subscribe to this thread :yep:
mscocoface, my scalp is on fire today. lol:mwahahafire: I'm not sure if the water is hard, or not... I'll do a google search as i'm not sure if there is a way for me to tell. Maybe I can ask the landlord?
What's in your spritz?

qtslim83 -- yeah, there are some good pointers here :)
my hair gets those all the time since i never comb. dont even finger comb. i just leave it until wash day and tackle it then with lots of water & conditioner.
I've been experiencing the exact same thing and what helps me is to make sure my hair is tangle and knot-free prior to washing make two braids and wash like this and afterwards I let my hair dry half way while still braided before taking it down and adding my products then I end up with way less tangles and knots if any.
mscocoface, my scalp is on fire today. lol:mwahahafire: I'm not sure if the water is hard, or not... I'll do a google search as i'm not sure if there is a way for me to tell. Maybe I can ask the landlord?
What's in your spritz?

qtslim83 -- yeah, there are some good pointers here :)

Girl, I am feeling for ya on that scalp situation, I think if I had to do that I would need a nerve pill and a vicodin with an ibuprofen chaser! :lachen:

Well try the water experiment anyway. It may help you determine you need a water filter, no matter what your water type is in the apartment.

I would also suggest once you finish cowashing and rinse you hair to place some cheapie conditioner in your hair while it is wet. Wring it out then spritz on the homemade hair softener. Your hair will let you know what is enough as far as leave in.

As for my ingredients in my spritz, it depends on what is in my cabinet when I make it but for the most part this is what I use.

SCurl or Hawaiian Silky 2 oz
Conditioner 2 oz
Jojoba 1/2 oz
Amla (you can use evoo or any other) 1/2 oz
Aloe Vera juice 2 oz
Some distilled water 1 oz

Mix it in a spray bottle shake it together and use it all over. You can make a bigger batch keep it in a larger bottle and then just pour what you need in the spray bottle.

Here are some that I have kept in my diary also and used when I did not have what I needed for my receipe, they are all similar:
MotownGirl’s Homemade Spritz

  • 1 – 8oz spray bottle
  • 3oz. Distilled water
  • 1oz of conditioner
  • ½ oz oil (olive oil, avocado, grapeseed or sweet almond)
Simply pour ingredients into spray bottle and shake well (be sure to leave some room to be able to shake). This mixture can be used for twists, braids and for freshening up puffs and “out styles”. It gives the perfect mixture of moisture, softness and sheen (This is a watery mixture)

Here is another:
Daily moisturizer-water/liquid aloe vera/glycerin/evoo

*Moisturizing Hair Spritz
This is to avoid the constant 'rinsing' of hair in water every morning but with the benefit of moisture!
1/2 cup rosewater (this can be found in any supermarket or health store)
1tsp of glycerine (ditto for this too - look in the baking section) a little under a 1/4 cup of water (distilled or boiled PREFERRED)
leave in conditioner (optional) or favorite conditioner
1 tablespoon of good LIGHT veggie oil (grapeseed, s. almond, etc) and your favorite essential oils, I love the cirtus oils for hair, orange, lemon, grape.

This is a great one I got from Kemi21/Sonce
Leave-in Conditioner
Amla Oil
Jojoba Oil
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera Juice

1 Part Amla Oil : 1 Part Aloe Vera Gel, 2 Parts Conditioner , 2 Parts Jojoba Oil , 3 parts Aloe Vera Juice. Depending on its thickness I might add distilled water to it so that I can put it in a spray bottle.

(meaning 1oz amla, 1 oz aloe vera gel, 2 oz conditioner, 2oz jojoba, and 3 oz aloe vera juice for every 9 oz of leave-in made)

This leaves my hair very soft and manageable

I prefer a spray bottle because it saturates my hair better than me trying to get it out of a bottle on to my hands and then smoothing it into my hair. Particularly the roots and the ends.

Let me know if you need anything else.
You've got great detangling technique. :up: Loved the video!
I don't think there's any easier way... nobody said having long
gorgeous hair would be easy.

You could try different oils for your rinses, but other than that...
OH this is me all the time! My hair dreads up a lot recently either I didn't notice before or it was braided but it made me texlax straighter, I still have it but I've now decided to go back to ALL Aveda all the time - the DR line seems to stop it from happening at least nowhere near as badly
My hair is kind of similar to yours. THis was especially true when my hair was relaxed less straight, and now that I am a few months post relaxer. (But of course, you have more hair than me).

I get exactly the same kind of tangles, and especially at the same places - the back / nape, and behind the ears.

I also fingercomb - I know that my extremely dense, fine stranded hair retains length best if I don't comb it. (Fine strands = fragile strands, and dense hair -> need more force to get comb through, so more ripping. So best not to comb much). But then, because the hair is so dense and fine stranded, it tangles very easily, which means no combing --> knots which may lead to ripping / cutting my hair. It's like a Catch-22.

For me, the tangles have recently lessened with me doing the following:

1) Co-washing twice a week, in addition to my weekly wash (with Cream of Nature Shampoo - I think this helps detangle) and DC. All the time while doing this, I am smoothing my hair backwards, trying to disturb the hair as little as possible.

2) Use liquid, non-gloopy leave-in: After washing / co-washing, I apply a liquid (not creamy / greasy) moisturiser or detangler, and then detangle. (I think a *light* oil like jojoba would also work. But leaving in ordinary conditioner just makes my hair stick together. It's too heavy for my fine strands.

3)Using a medium tooth comb to detangle my hair in sections at least weekly - usually after the wash. After co-washing I usually only fingercomb gently. After detangle, I smooth my hair back and let it dry a bit.

4) Seal my ends and wear my hair up in a braid most of the time: When my hair is no longer wet, but still slightly damp, I add a product with the texture of a light / whipped butter to my ends, make a braid and then pin it up. The braid usually stays in until I co-wash / wash my hair a couple of days later.
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thanks for the spritz ingredients mscocoface.

I hear you sareca :lol:

Sylver, how long does it take you detangle on wash days?

Thanks ebonylocs for the tips

thanks for the spritz ingredients mscocoface.

I hear you sareca :lol:

Sylver, how long does it take you detangle on wash days?

Thanks ebonylocs for the tips


Depends... if I'm past 4 months post then I wash hair in shower put on a lot of conditioner and massage it thru. I wait about 1o mins. Then take 1 little section at a time under the water, combing and adding more conditioner while trying to glide thru. Probably takes about 25 minutes in shower. Then afterwards slap in the leave in, massage thru which help detangle even more..another 15 mins and all set. Altogether about 45 mins many months post relaxer spent on detangling.
Depends... if I'm past 4 months post then I wash hair in shower put on a lot of conditioner and massage it thru. I wait about 1o mins. Then take 1 little section at a time under the water, combing and adding more conditioner while trying to glide thru. Probably takes about 25 minutes in shower. Then afterwards slap in the leave in, massage thru which help detangle even more..another 15 mins and all set. Altogether about 45 mins many months post relaxer spent on detangling.

Hi Sylver2,
What conditioner are you using for your detangling? Also i can not remember if your texlaxed or bone straight.

Hi Sylver2,
What conditioner are you using for your detangling?


In the shower Im using NTM Daily Deep Conditioner mixed with jojoba oil and BB&W coconut moisturing conditiner for final rinse.
Out the shower for further detangling I use Rusk Smoother Leave in.
^^^ Ok thanks Sylver2
Even though your fotki is under construction. I still remember your methods. In fact you have me wanting to start a 30 day braid out session to see how my hair handles it. I tried your NTM and jojoba oil mixer before. I applied the mask to my roots with a applicator brush and the roots where like butter baby. LOL. I think i need a KISS regime and your methods are right up my alley. I also know that the products you use work for me.

Does the BB&W stand for Bath & Body works?

Something that's also working for me recently is pre-pooing / hot oil treatment with coconut oil

Since I dc on dry hair, I spritz my hair lightly with water.
Then I coat with a humectant / moisturising conditioner (I may also mix in a bit of protein conditioner if I feel my hair needs strengthening).
Then I warm up some cococut oil and apply it on top of the conditioner, also dipping my hair ends into the warm oil.

I then cover with a hot towel & cap for an hour, then rinse out, shampoo (focusing mainly on my scalp), then use a rinse out conditioner.

My hair feels moist and hydrated the whole week and tangles are easier to unravel. (But I still get them because I low mani).

The reason I spritz my hair with water first is simply because I condition on dry hair, but I figure that if I'm going to put a humectant conditioner on my hair, it's best that it has some moisture to drawn on. Then the coconut oil on top seals the moisture in. Of course, if you dc after washing, there's no need to spritz.
^^^ Ok thanks Sylver2
Even though your fotki is under construction. I still remember your methods. In fact you have me wanting to start a 30 day braid out session to see how my hair handles it. I tried your NTM and jojoba oil mixer before. I applied the mask to my roots with a applicator brush and the roots where like butter baby. LOL. I think i need a KISS regime and your methods are right up my alley. I also know that the products you use work for me.

Does the BB&W stand for Bath & Body works?


The tangles are no joke. It takes a lot of time to work them out, but in the end, it's worth it.

Oh Dsylla...I ran out and bought a new applicator bottle for my oil.:grin::grin:
ah, i see. and I frequently co-wash and throw into a ponytail with very little detangling. :/

thanks and I think your hair is beautiful too :)
girl, my hair would tangle, mat, and loc up something fierce. :nono:
i had setback after setback, leaving me so friggin' frustrated.

i realized that i was not detangling properly...obviously.
but the true light bulb moment was when i realized that bunning up wet hair, especially in a tight pony would cause my hair to stick together.
during the week, i would take the pony down, moisturize then seal, and rebun. major mistake.

i prepoo with oil or condish, detangle in sections, shampoo, dc, and then i detangle some more when i apply the leave-in.

biggest changes that helped:

1) rinsing my hair with either Roux Porosity Control or with a Dominican Rinse, running a shower comb thru it, and detangling it in the shower.

2) the way i actually dry my hair:
if it is in a rollerset: use a wide tooth first, then a small tooth on smaller sections.

if it is airdried: under a scarf and NOT in a tight pony.
I have to remember to fingercomb EVERY day or my hair will stick together.

I'm at work and can't upload properly. check out this tangle. and this is all THROUGHOUT my hair. :/
http://public.fotki.com/dsylla/2008/june/picture002.html (no password)

here's a vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d69b__dur9s

I've been doing mad oil rinse which help, but the tangles, knots and dreads ALWAYs come back.

You really going to loc it? I'm going to miss your mass of thick, free flowing hair.
Tried that AFRICA's BEST ULTIMATE OIL yet? I love that inexpensive stuff loaded with good oils.
My hair is kind of similar to yours. THis was especially true when my hair was relaxed less straight, and now that I am a few months post relaxer. (But of course, you have more hair than me).

I get exactly the same kind of tangles, and especially at the same places - the back / nape, and behind the ears.

I also fingercomb - I know that my extremely dense, fine stranded hair retains length best if I don't comb it. (Fine strands = fragile strands, and dense hair -> need more force to get comb through, so more ripping. So best not to comb much). But then, because the hair is so dense and fine stranded, it tangles very easily, which means no combing --> knots which may lead to ripping / cutting my hair. It's like a Catch-22.

For me, the tangles have recently lessened with me doing the following:

1) Co-washing twice a week, in addition to my weekly wash (with Cream of Nature Shampoo - I think this helps detangle) and DC. All the time while doing this, I am smoothing my hair backwards, trying to disturb the hair as little as possible.

2) Use liquid, non-gloopy leave-in: After washing / co-washing, I apply a liquid (not creamy / greasy) moisturiser or detangler, and then detangle. (I think a *light* oil like jojoba would also work. But leaving in ordinary conditioner just makes my hair stick together. It's too heavy for my fine strands.

3)Using a medium tooth comb to detangle my hair in sections at least weekly - usually after the wash. After co-washing I usually only fingercomb gently. After detangle, I smooth my hair back and let it dry a bit.

4) Seal my ends and wear my hair up in a braid most of the time: When my hair is no longer wet, but still slightly damp, I add a product with the texture of a light / whipped butter to my ends, make a braid and then pin it up. The braid usually stays in until I co-wash / wash my hair a couple of days later.

These are excellent tips that I can use when stretching my relaxer!
Good tips ya'll :)

I haven't tried the Africa's Best yet, but next time I hit Sally's or Dr. Reade's, I'll be sure to pick it up :yep:

I've tried different oils but it seems that olive oil works best on my hair. It makes it smoother and softer.

What kind of oil, Tee? :grin:
My hair dreads up at the NG, I just have to take my time and with a small tooth comb, come through it, I put alot of conditioner on it and get to combing. None of my hair break or come out. So for me, I just use alot of conditioner and patience.